What does an argumentative essay mean?
An argumentative essay is a type of academic essay that requires students to conduct in-depth education research on a selected topic, as well as collecting and analyzing evidence and facts after which the writers need to express their opinion consistently. When writing an argumentative essay, you will definitely have to conduct an in-depth study of various sources of literature and online materials to collect high-quality evidence base.
Besides, argumentative writing may also involve conducting so-called empirical studies. In other words, writers need to collect various statistical and factual writing data through interviews, online surveys with real people, personal observations, and social experiments.
Analyze the issue from different angles
Thanks to a detailed study on the chosen topic, the writer has a unique opportunity to consider the aspect of interest from different angles and thereby get a real chance to make the most rational point of view. Also, the author of the essay will need to prove that the chosen point that is supported by the proper amount of evidence and arguments. Regardless of how much research was done when writing a reasoned essay, the first thing you need to start writing with is to formulate an abstract statement for the narrative and to continue to follow transparent and logical reasoning.
Features of the plan of the argumentative essay
One of the central elements that belong to the writing plan of the first section of an argumentative essay is a strong and powerful abstract statement. Besides, the first paragraph of your essay should contain content that will consider the topic in a general way.
Moreover, in the first section of the argumentative writing, it is necessary to indicate as exciting as possible what exactly the text of this assignment will be and thereby interest readers to read it from the beginning to the end. When writing a thesis statement, be careful so that it matches the topic of the essay and contains privacy arguments about which your essay is narrated.
! The introductory part of argumentative writing is one of the most critical sections of your essay and should motivate the reader to read the entire text and draw the necessary conclusions.
Remember that if you can’t competently and most importantly make up the introductory part of the essay, the overall grade for your essay will be quite low.
The use of logical transitions between the central parts of the essay
The transition from one research section to another, as well as transitions between sections, is one of the central points which you should focus your attention on. The fact is that it is the smoothness of the transition between paragraphs that will help much more comfortable to perceive the written text and also track the thoughts of the author.

If a student forgets to take care of a smooth transition from one paragraph to another, this is often perceived as an incomplete concept. Thus, this confuses the reader and violates the general plan of your essay. In other words, if there is no special transition policy between paragraphs using different words and phrases, then each paragraph of your essay will look like an absolutely independent piece of text that does not have a standard connection with the rest of the essay.
Features of writing the body of the essay
When you start describing your school essay, remember that each privacy section should contain one specific concept. Thus, you can make not only a top plan of your essay but also more competently explain or direct your entire article. It goes without saying that with this approach to designing the layout of your text, the logical connection between the thesis and the text in the central part increases significantly and the central idea of the story becomes much easier to track.
! Do not forget that some of the sections will be directly related to the statements in the abstract statement and must prove them using facts collected in the framework of the essay study.
Providing evidence for the paper
Also, do not forget that great argumentative essays are intended to consider and explain one or another moment or people from different angles. This, in turn, means that you must not only provide evidence in favor of the arguments indicated in the thesis but also make sure that a certain number of counterarguments is present in the essay.
In this case, students do not need to state that the counterarguments they brought are merely incorrect. It will be most comfortable to refer to the fact that counterarguments do not fully correspond to the thesis of the essay or are not sufficiently informative due to the fact that they are already outdated.
Finding and using great evidence: Facts, Logical data, and Statistics
As we said earlier, the essay requires a reasonably in-depth analysis and research on a selected topic. This is done in order to find as much information that can confirm the thesis that you wrote in the opening section as possible. At the same time, it can help you to explore the problem from different perspectives. For this, students need to use parameters such as facts and statistics. Thanks to this, you can support your thesis as efficiently and as clear as possible.

After you start collecting argumentative evidence in favor of your strong thesis, you also need to make sure that you find data that can challenge your thesis. This, in turn, is called counterargument. If you decide not to use the arguments that cast doubt on your thesis, this will mean that you are not confident in your position and most likely you will not be able to prove to the reader that the side you have chosen is a true one.
Features of writing a final part of the papers
Remember that the argumentative conclusion should not merely copy the thesis statement but rethink it in the light of the evidence you cited. Thanks to this unique aspect, students can challenge their essays with the most incredible and bold statements that can impress the reader. That is why, along with the exciting title of your topic, you need to make sure that your essay is effective and has a logical plan.
! The conclusion should not contain utterly new information about which was not previously said in the essay writing.
In this part of your argument essay, you need to consider the key points that were indicated in the body of the essay and also look in more detail at the thesis that preceded it. You can also briefly discuss additional argument research on your topic that has become possible to conduct due to the new data that has opened.
Tips to improve your writing skills
It’s hard, but try to start writing a good essay in advance. The sooner you begin to think about the topic of an essay, the more time you will have to collect material. At the same time, when your brain is set to think about a question, the information seems to catch its eye.
The same thing happens when you memorize a new word: it begins to seem that it appears more often in the text. The thing is that you become more susceptible to a particular type of information, paying more attention to it.
For all the beginners, it’s best to outline what you know about the essay: perhaps you know even more than you thought. This will give you ideas in which direction you need to move on. To act purposefully, make a plan, and formulate a preliminary set of questions. When you start to study the argument material, you will have new, more specified issues, and you can search for answers to them already.
How to overcome the fear of writing an essay
Even the most experienced writers at the beginning of the new work sometimes face feelings of indecision and doubt. No matter where you start because the central thing is, do not stop writing. Don’t worry about style and spelling. Make preliminary sketches of the fundamental thoughts of the story and after that, proceed to the design of the plan of your future creation.
If you print papers on a computer, it will not be difficult for you to swap fragments of the written text, grouping them differently. If you prefer paper and pen, leave a space of one or two lines between the abstracts so that you can add something later.
Try to compose a future college essay in the order of development of the central concept. If as a result, you get the beginning (introduction), the middle (the main part of the essay) and the ending (conclusion), then you did everything right.
Essay outline guide
Such a section as an introduction must necessarily contain information that is directly related to the topic of an essay. In turn, it can be either the main points or unique concepts that are designed to show that you really understand the topic that you studied. In addition, in the introduction, you need to explain to the reader why you use certain aspects of your work.
Do not forget that the volume of your assignment will most often be limited, and therefore it will be enough to give a few basic arguments as an example to reveal the whole main topic of the student task. Besides, thanks to such a section as the introduction, the audience of readers will be able to understand further what will be discussed in the body of your work and see that you are answering those questions that are considered within the framework of the chosen topic. Accordingly, a good introduction must necessarily include:
- Demonstration to the audience that you really understand what the task is written about. It’s better to do it starting with an introduction.
- Description of the structure of your work and the main aspects that you will consider in the future.
- The indication that you conducted an in-depth study on a selected topic and referred to one of your sources.
- The introduction should be entirely consistent with the topics you have chosen.
To better understand how long such a section as an introduction should be, imagine that it often takes about 10% of the total article volume that you write. Usually, this type of thesis contains about 500 – 650 words.
To increase the efficiency of the introduction, you can also use very standard expressions that include:
- This research essay deals with;
- This argument paper will examine;
- This argument paper will analyze.
Design tips and guide for the argumentative paper
There is no need to say that grammar and spelling errors in the essay should be absent. So make every effort to avoid this using the checking software resources like Grammarly (all rights reserved, see their privacy policy for more information).
Besides, you need to remember that you are writing not for yourself, but for another person, therefore, punctuation, the division into sentences and paragraphs, general plan – all this should help the reader. Also, avoid the elements of spoken language that include:
- Do not write abbreviations, always use the full form style;
- For no reasons, do not use slang and colloquial expressions;
- Write necessarily and do not deviate from the topic;
- Try to avoid phrasal verbs resources in the paper and use one-word synonyms;
- Avoid too general words in the paper, express yourself concretely and accurately;
- Do not abuse brackets, exclamation marks.
Use the common paper style guide
Always stick to a particular academic paper style. This means:
- Avoid first-person pronouns side (even in examples);
- Avoid too categorical judgments and generalizations (concerns examples as well);
- Support what has been said with citations and data indicating the sources;
- Gender equality of people is important in the paper: if we are talking about an abstract person, use ‘person’ instead of ‘man’. If possible, it is better to put the subject in the plural and use the pronoun they instead of he or she;
- Choose if possible, an active voice, opposing to complicated sentences effect.
Keep striving to give the academic paper objectivity. So here you should:
- Use impersonal writing constructions in topics and argument;
- Write in a passive voice if you do not want to indicate the person performing the action;
- Write non-categorical verbs;
- To show your attitude to the topics, but to avoid personal judgments, you can use adverbs for that;
- Use modal verbs in the paper topics to soften categorization position.
Keep in mind that in order to avoid generalizations in the research paper, use qualifying adverbs like some, several, a minority of, a few, many, etc. So as far as you can see this type of essay is not so complicated as it seems.
Frankly, it has the same general structure as any other five sections essay that you can witness in your school. Nevertheless, remember that if you manage to make your persuasive writing in some kind of original manner, then your chances to succeed here are really high!
It is imperative to understand that the more time you devote to writing this type of argumentative task, the higher the likelihood that in the future it will help you to master all the writing skills of other types of essays that you will need if you plan to graduate. Even though in the framework of academic education you will need to write a considerable number of different types of essays, if you can master the writing skills with one of them, then the other varieties will seem to you a straightforward matter.
Anyway, if you face any present reasons (like short terms) why you cannot fulfill the argument kind of thesis you are free to making contact with a writing service business for support. A writing service business in its turn can cope with any important college thesis editing in the shortest terms and under complete privacy policy process.