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Compare Education can be something so sacred for some people nevertheless there are many people who take it for granted as well. “The Joy of Writing and reading: Superman and Me” simply by Sherman Alexie and “Learning to Read and Write” simply by Fredrick Douglass, is similar in lots of ways. Both of these men were therefore eager to learn when at the same time so many people which in turn have the opportunity are incredibly clueless.

Individuals are so clueless that there was others, but still are, that wish they were in a position to conveniently learn. Both of these men were minorities and grew up years ago in which learning was unusual.

In their situation it had been also unacceptable in some ways. Even though it was tough for both of them, they both felt compelled to take learning into their individual hands. Alexie refused to become like others and Douglass did too. Both of these males went through a stunning experience to find out what they did. Not simply did that they both find out that education is a thing pleasurable, nevertheless they learned that it was difficult. Alexie, at three years old, started to instruct himself the right way to read utilizing a Superman amusing book. He was quite a natural born player. Native-Americans had been stereotypically supposed to fail in their classroom.

Although they are different in numerous ways, fortunately they are alike in a many ways, Douglass taught himself and Alexie did precisely the same. Although they trained themselves in several ways, they still do. That’s why is them equally. Slaves were not allowed to read or publish and Indians were deemed outsiders if perhaps they did. Alexie being a Indigenous American and Douglass being a slave, these were both outsiders. Growing up an American indian on a Reservation, not much was expected of Alexie in the knowledge section. “We were Indian children who were supposed to be stupid (p. 17). Alexie was different.

He previously a great mind and wished to put it to use in contrast to the additional Indians. He loved to understand. Alexie was considered a great outsider in the Native Americans because he loved to understand. Alexie says, “I was smart. I was arrogant. I had been lucky.  (p. 17). Even if this made Alexie an outsider or to not get along with his colleagues, he was continue to inspired. Regardless if it performed mean he’d fight with his classmates this individual did not surrender his interest for browsing. In his joy, however , there were also discomfort. Alexie writes, “I read with the same parts delight and paralyzing desparation. I liked those books, but I also understood that like had only 1 purpose.

It absolutely was trying to conserve my life (p. 18). Sherman Alexie didn’t just want to be considered “a dumb Indian, ” just like all the other Native Americans. He planned to be clever and have an improved life for himself. This individual wasn’t going to let the color of his skin or in which he was born quit him by excelling is obviously. Fredrick Douglass was first brought to reading on paper by his masters mistress. Douglass was an African-American slave. Although his master didn’t allow his mistress teach Douglass, he failed to give up. Having been dedicated and took things into his own hands this mistress gave up upon him.

He started learning to write and read. Douglass identified how to browse and publish in the the majority of unconventional methods. He bought and sold bread to get lessons from schooled poor white males, and determined how to publish by looking in letters in timber within a ship-yard. Once he had attained those skills, Douglass was met with superb desperation. He explains: “As I examine and contemplated the subject (of slavery), behold! that very disquiet which Expert Hugh acquired predicted would follow my learning to read had already come, to torment and sting my own soul to unutterable concern.

As I writhed under this, I would sometimes feel that learning how to read have been a bane rather than a blessing. It had provided me a view of my wretched condition, without the remedy. It opened up my eyes towards the horrible gap, but to zero ladder where to get out. In moments of agony, I envied my personal fellow-slaves for their stupidity , I frequently found myself regretting my existence, and wishing myself dead, and but for the hope of being free, I possess no doubt that we should have slain myself, or done anything for which I should have been killed (p. 132).

Through his learning, Douglass soon noticed that he was not really destined to achieve the lives from the men this individual read about in books when he would be a servant for life. This individual wondered in the event that his education had been a curse rather than gift, and envied the ignorance of his guy slaves whom did not have to feel the same pain that he did. Both of these men realize that the life they thought the acquired ahead of them wasn’t the results. That wasn’t what they needed. These men equally hoped for a similar thing. Sherman Alexie and Frederick Douglass’s works both boost the question: In certain situations, can be ignorance seriously bliss?

Or is it far better to be well-informed and know the dimensions of the truth, rather than live a life within a vacuum devoid of information or any type of means of obtaining access to the world beyond your instant community? This can be a question a single must master themselves. Education can be both equally pleasurable and painful. Intended for Alexie and Douglass both equally, education opened their eyes to the tough reality on the planet. And yet that they contributed greatly to it through their particular writings. Whether or not one wishes to keep our planet closed, is up to each individual.

Only you can determine whether or not to consider risk of some pain in acquiring knowledge in order to have the opportunity to help the world. While their situations, and even all their methods of getting knowledge were different, these two men were shining types of what can happen when you follow your passion to learn, and let absolutely nothing stand in your path. Both Sherman Alexie and Frederick Douglass’s essays are inspiring and open-minded to learn. It’s a recognition that many people take education for granted and aren’t typically reminded the truly great lengths various people have gone through to learn the items.

Some people declare “ignorance is definitely bliss. inches Trying to find the answer to “ignorance really bliss” is fascinating. However there are a few people who would rather know the real truth than to be left in the dark. Works Placed Sherman Alexie’s “The Pleasure of Writing: Superman and Me 55 Essays: A Portable Anthology. 3rd edition. Samuel Cohen. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011 15-19. Print. Fredrick Douglass’s “Learning To Read and Write 40 Essays: A Portable Anthology. third edition. Samuel Cohen. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011 129-135. Print.

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