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string(59) ‘ to despise prophecy and feel almost superior to the gods\. ‘

Oedipus the King is one of the group of three plays by simply Sophocles known as the Theban performs since they almost all relate to the destinies of the Theban group of the Oedipus and his kids. The other two plays with this group will be Antigone and Oedipus by Colonus. Oedipus the King relates the story of Oedipus who come to Thebes, having killed on how an old gentleman with to whom he chosen a fight.

The city of Thebes was then enduring terribly as a result of monster, the Sphinx. This individual solved her riddle and citizens of Thebes provided him the dominion as town is afflicted with the loss of all their king, who was simply murdered while on a pilgrimage.

So this individual assumed the power and wedded the widowed queen. Below the disaster of Oedipus takes its last course. Because city was afflicted with famine, so Delphic oracles had been consulted who have disclosed that troubles of the city arose from the fact that it is harboring an dirty person, the murderer recently king Laius. Oedipus settled to get to underneath of this mystery and punish the wrongdoer. However , this individual ultimately found that the culprit having been seeking was non-e apart from he himself. He blinded himself and went on relégation. There are various standpoints for taking a look at the concept of the the perform.

It may be considered as a enjoy enacting the theme of low self-esteem and illusoriness of man happiness. Or the theme can be that of the inadequacy of human cleverness in resolving the riddles of success. The id of topics in Oedipus differs from reader to reader and from vit to vit. I think that Sophocles wished to convey that a man is usually plunged coming from prosperity and power to wreck ands ignominy due to his own man failings. It was anything[1] in his personality that helped bring his misfortune. Anything foreign to his own character only augmented the tragic proceedings but it was simply his very own disposition that made him a prey to shame. Dodds features the view, “If Oedipus is the innocent patient of a trouble which he cannot prevent, does this certainly not reduce him to a simple flaw puppet?  Whereas Knox (1984) is of the view that Oedipus’ tragedy takes place due to tragic flaw[s] and fate while no part to play in Oedious Rex.

Distinguished Teacher Butcher features identified several possible amounts of man failings in Oedipus. The foremost of those connotations can be an error due to unavoidable lack of knowledge of situations whereas an error caused by unawareness of circumstances that might had been identified and therefore to some extent morally blameworthy The next range is usually “A problem or error where the action is mindful and intentional, but not strategic. Such acts are dedicated in anger or passion.  (313) Where as last one is “A fault of persona distinct, on the one hand, from a great isolated error, and, one the other side of the coin, from the vice which has its seat in the depraved will¦a flaw of character that is not tainted with a vicious purpose.  (315)

The crucial point is that if Sophocles wants us to consider that Oedipus has essentially unsound personality. One way of selecting this query is to analyze what other characters in the perform say regarding Oedipus. The sole result we can arrive by in this way is the fact Sophocles expects us to consider Oedipus an essentially noble person. In the opening scene with the play, the priest of Zeus identifies him since the greatest and noblest of men and the divinely motivated savior who have saved Thebes from getting destroyed by the Sphinx. The Chorus as well considers him to be rspectable and desired. They will not believe in Tireseas accusations of him. When ever catastrophe befalls Oedipus, not only a single persona in the play justifies it as a trouble which has deservedly overtaken Oedipus. (Dodds, p. 39) Therefore there were selected other tragic flaws that had been acting at the rear of the drape to bring regarding Oedipus misfortune. Let us analyze those.

Oedipus seems to be obsessed with his personal intelligence which leads him to very unfortunate and uncomfortable conditions. This human weakness[2] of Oedipus laps over with his pride as he is extremely happy with the fact that he was able to solve the riddle of the Sphinx which usually had proven too much for just about any other person. He believes that Gods has capacitated him with intelligence and wisdom to resolve riddle which the Thebes can be afflicted with. Oedipus even taunts Tireseas on his inability in solving the Sphinx’s question. He says

And where were you, if the Dog-faced Witch was in this article?

Have you any word of deliverance in that case for the people?

There were a riddle too deep for common wits

A seer must have answered that, but answer there arrived none

Coming from you¦.. (12-16)

After calling the soothsayer fake prophet, Oedipus boasts of his own skill in having solved the puzzled which proved a lot of for the blind seer

Until I came”I, unaware Oedipus, came”

And halted the riddler’s mouth, estimating he real truth

By mother-wit, not bird-lore. (17-19)

So this individual describes Tireseas predictive warnings as the whims of any fanatic and opposes the seer’s prophecy with fights of his own. Self assurance and pride in his individual wisdom is an outstanding feature of his character that also delivers his misfortune. Here Oedipus also meets the qualities of Aristotelian tragic hero as he possesses a rspectable tragic downside. The man who sets out in the new process by mailing first to get the respetable seer can be not with a lack of pious reverence, but we also notice that Oedipus manifests unrestrained selfishness in his very own intellectual success. No seer found the solution, this is Oedipus boast, zero bird, no god revealed it to him, this individual “the entirely ignorant were required to come on his own and hit the mark by his very own wit. This is a justified pride but it really amounts a lot of. This take great pride in and self-confidence induce Oedipus to despise prophecy and feel practically superior to the gods.

You read ‘Oedipus the Ruler: A Theme Analysis’ in category ‘Essay examples’ He inform the people who pray pertaining to deliverance from pathos and miseries they are really afflicted with in the event they listen to and adhere to his guidance in order to get a fix.

Lastly his unrelenting quest for the truth is proven when he believes he is the murderer and that Polybus was not his father, yet he continues with his search with the affirmation, “I need to pursue this kind of trail for the end, (p. 55). These qualities were just fuel towards the fire and added to the pride created a blaze that consumed him. Bernard Knox eulogizes Oedipus’ “dedication to truth, no matter the cost (p. 117)

One more characteristics of his character that has contributed toward his tragedy can be Oedipus’ desiring thoroughness. His inquisitive characteristics is certainly not content with anything at all which is both half-hearted or incomplete. Nor can he brook any kind of delay. This individual damns which the direction in the oracle ought to be given impact at once. Because before, Oedipus speaks on such basis as the workings of his own mental faculties that is tested repeatedly and have proved their intellect.

It can be declared the misfortune of Oedipus is the end result more of his good qualities than his awful ones. It truly is his like for Thebes which makes him send Creon to Delphi to consult the Oracles. It’s the same maintain his themes who produce him proclaim a ban and a curse on the murderer of Laius. It is his absolute honesty which makes him include actually himself within the curse and the punishment. He replies simply by saying “Sick as you are, not just one is sick and tired as I, you both suffers in himself¦but my spirit Groans for the city, for myself, for you. (62-62)

He can angry with Tireseas as they is unable to put up with the fact thatalthough the prophet says that he know who the murderer of Laius can be, he neglects top supply the information towards the king. His rage and rashness is caused by the fact the masses are suffering and Tireseas does not provide the murderer’s name. Oedipus cannot but regard this as a obvious manifestation in the seer’s treacherousness to his city.

To Oedipus the discovery of truth is crucial than his own very good and security. Even when it appears that the research that he is carrying on will not create any end result which will be him, he determines to carry on with it. He’s so genuine with him self that this individual inflicts the punishment of self-blinding and banishment through the city of Thebes.

So his moral benefits also seems as a human being failing that brings his ruin.

There exists another important human being failing that contribute toward his disaster i. e. his perceptive myopia. He has a limited vision and it is unable to measure the situations within a right point of view. Robert L. Kane (1975) puts this kind of preposition in this manner, “He[Oedipus] was your victim of your optical illusion. (p. 196) The accommodement between “outward magnificence and inward loss of sight of Oedipus and the outward blindness and inward look of the prophet (Kirkwood, s. 130) depicts two types of blindness we. e. physical and mental. One is linked to physical sight whereas the other, the most pernicious form of blindness, relates to insight. Tiresias is literally blind nevertheless whereas Oedipus is sightless intellectually. This kind of intellectual loss of sight of Oedipus also leads to greatly to lead him to his tragic destination.

Oedipus possesses faultless physical vision throughout perform except ultimately but this individual remains window blind to the fact regarding him self. At one particular point in the play, this individual has the ability to observe but he can not happy to do so. This individual intellectual eyesight comes with his physical decrease of sight although he is unable to cast aside the internal “slings and arrows and mental sufferings that mental blindness features afflicted about him. Thus his loss of sight, both perceptive at the start in the play and physical at the end of the day, is the worst.

Blindness interweaves with the main plot through the very start of play when ever Oedipus says, “I can be blind to misery to never pity my people kneeling at my toes. (14) That manifest that he refers to blindness that if l will not recognize the relax of his people. This kind of shows his physical look but perceptive blindness when he himself caused the those conditions. Later on he appreciates that even though Tiresias is usually physically window blind but provides prophetic power when he says, “Blind as you are, you can truly feel all the more what sickness haunts our metropolis. (344). Tiresias response identifies the gravity of Oedipus’ inability to determine his upcoming. He says, “How terrible , to see the fact when the reality is only soreness to him who recognizes! (359)

Down the road Oedipus denounces his own acknowledgement of Tiresias like a seer and abuses him by saying, “You’ve lost your electric power, stone-blind, stone-deaf , feelings, eyes impaired as natural stone! (423) and “Blind, dropped in the night time, endless nighttime that nursed you! You can’t hurt myself or anybody else who views the light , you can never contact me. (425). It is illustrated that it is Oedipus who is sightless intellectually as he is certainly not willing to understand the situation and also to understand the fact. In retort to his slur, Tiresias refers to worst form of blindness that Oedipus is suffering. He says, “You with your important eyes, most likely blind for the corruption in your life, to the residence you live in, those who experience , who have are your mother and father? (470) and foretell, “Blind who has eyes, guttersnipe who now could be rich, he will grope his way toward a foreign garden soil, a stay tapping just before him step-by-step. (517).

These supportive text messaging clearly manifest that Oedipus was suffering from severe intellectual myopia as he was incapable t start to see the truth that was pervasive all around him. Actually he was unwilling to find out truth about him, prior to his physical blindness and afterwards as he blinds him self not to take notice of the things around him. His is the most subtle form of blindness.

Oedipus may be held guilty due to one other human flaw”his inability for taking appropriate preventive steps. It is said that he fails to take rational steps and precaution s i9000 which would have saved him from committing the criminal offenses.

“Could not really Oedipus¦have steered clear of his disaster if he had been more careful? Realizing that he was in danger of committing parricide and incest, would not good prudent person have prevented quarrelling, even in self-defense and also love-relations with females older than him self? , real world I suppose he may. But we not allowed to blame Oedipus either for carelessness failing to compile a hand list or deficiency of self-control in failing to obey the injunctions. (Dodds, p. 40)

Oedipus has necessary human failings of anger and rashness. He rashly jumps in to conclusions. Choragos points this kind of out in scene II after having a long speech by Creon who will try o take away the ill-fed and hastily formed suspicions of Oedipus regarding Creon. It is said, “Judgments too rapidly formed happen to be dangerous (II, 101)

Nevertheless Oedipus justifies this, fighting that leader have to take speedy decision. He admits that later on, “But is this individual not speedy in his duplicity? / And shall I actually not stop wasting time to parry him?  (II, 102-103) Later at the conclusion of picture II, Creon indicates precisely the same fault in the character by simply saying, “Ugly in containing, as you had been ugly in rage! as well as Nature just like yours chiefly torments themselves.  (II, 151-152) It is this rashness that makes never to merely think Creon yet accuse him and even declares that this individual deserves the sentence of death. The rashness could be observed in his treatment of Tireseas. Oedipus would not lack deductive thinking although his rashness does allow him to weigh up the case rightly and he makes hasty decision. In retrospect we see that rashness of Oedipus provides something to do with the murder Laius at the hands of Oedipus. The self-blinding also is an act of rashness even though Oedipus attempts to give a number of arguments in support of it.

His bad character is demonstrated in the squabble between Teiresias and himself, where Teiresias utter the prophetic fact and Oedipus retorts, “Do you think you can say may be with impunity?  and afterward qualities him as a “Shameless and brainless, impaired, senseless sot! (p. 36). His character is further marked with suspicion regarding Creon to whom he views as a conspirator. Kirkwood features the view that “The Creon he [Oedipus] is dealing with is a figment of his imagination (Kirkwood, 1958. g. 132) and so. He says with reference his tête-à-tête with Tiresaeas, “Creon! Was this kind of trick his, then, in the event not yours?  So here his thoughts works together with anger and rashness.

All the above-mentioned manifestations of tragic flaw, their reinforced arguments and views of the critics clearly proves the thesis that Oedipus unavoidable ignorance was the major component of his tragedy because he was unable to locate that the man which he attacked on the crossroads to Thebes was his father. Secondly, if he’d not have recently been occupied by simply his aspirations, he would include possibly looked into the scary of his deed and can have prevented the additional complicated situations by not marrying his mom. Thirdly, his “conscious and intentional action includes his decision to “bring precisely what is dark to light (133).

Furthermore, as result to revelation of Tireseas, he costs Creon with conspiracy and murder and denounces Tireases as an accessory. Though these activities were deliberate and take Oedipus to tragic end but have an obvious background that illustrate why these actions were not “deliberate. Fourthly, all these errors originate from a hasty and obstinate personality, unjustified anger and extreme pride that compel him to an vitalized inquisitiveness. Together with the development of the plot, all of these ascriptions of his persona jumps backside with amplified force on his head that finally culminates at his tragedy. Knox (1957) sums up in that way

“the activities of Oedipus that create the disaster stem coming from all sides of his character, no-one particular actions is more necessary than some other, they are all necessary and they entail not any one particular trait of character which can be designated a hamartia however the character of Oedipus like a whole (31).

Here I want to point out that most these individual failings are not innate or inborn but he produced these while his regular formations. It had been inculcated in the spirit so that it became an integral part of his organic disposition. Whether it were inborn then he could not always be blamed pertaining to his drop. It was human failings rather than the destiny that brought his tragedy. Therefore Sophocles has successfully set across that a man is plunged by prosperity and power to wreck ands ignominy due to his own individual failings.


Bloom, Harold. Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex.: Nyc: Chelsea Home Publishers. 1988.

Butcher, S. H. Aritotle’s theory of Poetry and Fine Artistry. Hell and Wang: New York. 1961.

Dodds, E. 3rd there’s r. On Misconception the Oedipus. Greece & Rome. Vo. 13. Number 1 . (Apr.

1966). Pp. 37-49.

Cook, Albert Spaulding. Oedipus Rex, a mirror for Greek theatre. Prospect Altitudes, Ill.:

Waveland Press. 1982.

Gould, Jones. Greek disaster. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge College or university Press.


Gould, Thomas. Oedipus the King: A Translation with Commentary. Englewood Cliffs.


Kane, Robert L. Prophecy and Notion in the Oedipus Rex. Deal of the

American Philological Association. Vol. one zero five (1975). pp. 189-208.

Kirkwood, G. M. A study of Sophoclean crisis. Ithaca, And. Y., Cornell University Press.


Knox, Bernard. Oedipus at Thebes. New Haven: Yale College or university Press, 1957.

Knox, Bernard. Introduction to Three Theban Takes on. New York & London: Penguin

Books, 1984.

O’ Brien, John Meters. Twentieth hundred years interpretations of Oedipus Rex, a collection of

crucial essays. Englewood Cliffs, D. J., Prentice-Hall. 1968

[1] Moral catch, habitual formations, behavioral problem etc .

[2] in different other circumstance, pride in one’s cleverness cannot not a human some weakness but span of the play depicts evidently that in Oedipus the King it had been a human some weakness.

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