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Adanna Nwadike Sociology 101-052 Professor. Wyzykowski 2/21/12 Sociology in Our Occasions: Chapter four Outline: Social Structure and Interaction in Everyday Life We. Components of Social Structure A.

Status 1 ) Status is known as a socially described position within a group or society characterized by certain targets, rights, and duties. installment payments on your Status established compromises all of the statuses that the person uses up at specific time. a few. Ascribed position is a interpersonal position conferred at birth or received involuntarily later in life, based upon attributes over which the individual offers little or no control, such as race, ethnicity, age group, and sexuality.. Achieved status is a sociable position a person takes on voluntarily because of personal choice, merit, or direct effort. 5. Master status is the central status a person occupies. 6. Status symbols materials signs that inform others of a individual’s specific status. B. Role 1 . Position is a group of behavioral anticipations associated with a given status installment payments on your Role requirement is a group’s or society’s definition of how a specific function ought to be performed. 3. Position performance is usually how a person actually plays the part. 4.

Position conflict occurs when incompatible role demands are placed on people by two or more statuses kept at the same time. 5. Role discolor occurs the moment incompatible demands are built into a single status which a person occupies. 6. Position exit occurs when people disengage from interpersonal roles that have been central to their self-identity. C. Group 1 . Social Group consists of several people who interact frequently and promote a common id and a feeling of interdependence. 2 . Primary group is a small , less specialised group in which members participate in face-to-face, emotion-based interactions above an extended period of time.. Secondary group is a bigger, more particular group in which members take part in more corriente, goal-oriented associations for a limited period of time. 4. Formal corporation is a extremely structured group formed with regards to completing selected tasks or perhaps achieving specific goals. G. Social Organizations 1 . Interpersonal institution is a set of prepared beliefs and rules that establishes how a society attempt to meet their basic social needs. 2. Societies: Within Social Composition A. Durkheim: Mechanical and Organic Solidarity. Division of labor refers to how a various tasks of a society are divided up and performed. 2 . Mechanical solidarity refers to the social cohesion of preindustrial societies, in which there is little division of a labor and folks feel united by distributed values and common cultural bonds. three or more. Organic unification refers to the social combination found in professional (and maybe postindustrial) communities, in which persons perform very specialized responsibilities and truly feel united by way of a mutual dependence. B. Tonnies: Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft 1 )

Gemeinschaft is known as a traditional society in which sociable relationships are based on personal provides of a friendly relationship and kinship and on intergenerational stability. installment payments on your Gesellschaft is known as a large, city society through which social provides are based on corriente and specific relationships, with little long-term commitment to the group or consensus on values. C. Industrial and Postindustrial Societies 1 . Professional societies are based on technology that mechanizes creation. 2 . Postindustrial society is definitely one in which usually technology facilitates a service-and information-based economic climate.

III. Cultural Interaction: The Microlevel Point of view A. The Social Building of Reality 1 . Social Construction of Reality- the task by which our perception of reality is typically shaped by subjective which means that we give to an experience. installment payments on your Self-fulfilling prophecy- a false perception or prediction that produces behavior which makes the at first false belief come true. M. Ethnomethodology 1 ) Ethnomethodology is the study of the commonsense knowledge that people value to understand the scenarios in which they find themselves. C. Dramaturgical Evaluation 1 .

Dramaturgical analysis is definitely the study of social interaction that even comes close everyday life into a theatrical display. 2 . Impression management (presentation of self) refers to peoples’ efforts to present themselves to others in ways which can be most favorable with their own pursuits or image. 3. Face-saving behavior identifies the tactics we use for rescue our performance when we experience a potential or genuine loss of deal with. D. non-verbal Communication 1 ) Nonverbal Communication is the copy of information among persons without the use of words. 2 . Personal space is definitely the immediate space around a person that person claims is private.

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