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A Study on Gugo and Okra as Home made Shampoo A Research Done by: Francine Faye A. Jumaquio Majaline Faye A. Tolentino Romer T.

Nepumoceno Talavera Nationwide High School Talavera Nueva Ecija A Study about Gugo and Okra as being a Homemade Hair shampoo Claudine M. Lajara I-Rosal Introduction This study was conducted to look for the effectiveness of your homemade shampoo out of the local Gugo, technological name Entada phaseuoliodes and Okra, medical name Abelomoschus Esculentus T. in making different type of curly hair stronger.

4 phases had been done: Stage 1, the control treatment, Phase a couple of, homemade hair shampoo compared to control treatment, Stage 3, selfmade shampoo when compared to varied concentration of gugo and okra, and Phase 4, where acceptability from the homemade hair shampoo was identify in terms of smoothness, softness, and manageability. Affirmation of the Difficulty: Specifically, the researchers aimed to answer the subsequent questions: 1 ) Can gugo and okra be used because raw material in making hair shampoo? 2 . Just how effective are gugo and okra on the tensile strength from the hair? 3. Which treatment is more effective ” treatments with greater attention of okra han gugo or more gugo than okra? Procedure A. Preparation of Materials Regarding 10, 500 hair strands were gathered from several respondents having different types of hair, (normal, and dry, ethnic, curly). In each type of hair, 2020 strands had been used: 240 strands intended for water, okra, 10 percent gugo, and 100 % gugo, 240 strands pertaining to seven designs of shampoo, 120 strands intended for gugo and okra, and 600 hair strands for twelve treatments with varied concentration of okra and gugo. Five hundred grms of gugo bark were boiled in 70 milliliters of water for 30 minutes, and drained to remove the drink.

The decoction was put in a clean bottle. To organize okra decoction, 200 grms of okra fruits had been boiled in 200 milliliters tap water for10 minutes. The cooked okra was obscured for extraction and decoction was stretched for the preparation of solution. The homemade shampoo or conditioner was ready from 50 ml gugo decoction and 50 cubic centimeters okra decoction. A 58ml coconut oil was put into the combination and placed in an earthen pot. It absolutely was heated intended for 5 minutes and placed in a clean bottle. The handmade shampoo was then ready into two setups: create A and setup M. The treatment involves four type of hair (normal, dry, ethnic, curly). Setup A Treatment |Gugo (ml) |Okra (ml) | |1 |50 |50 | |2 |40 |60 | |3 |30 |70 | |4 |20 |80 | |5 |10 |90 | Set up B Treatment |Gugo (ml) |Okra (ml) | |1 |50 |50 | |2 |60 |40 | |3 |70 |30 | |4 |80 |20 | |5 |90 |10 | B. Soaking Process and Perseverance of the Frizzy hair Strength In phase one particular, four therapies were well prepared: ¢ Treatment 1: water, ¢ Treatment 2: Okra, ¢ Treatment 3: 10 percent gugo, ¢ Treatment four: 100 percent gugo. These are the control treatments.

Six dishes were prepared and labeled as 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35 minute, correspondingly. Sixty strands of usual hair had been used and divided into 12 strands. The hair strands were simultaneously drenched in the individual bowls with 100 milliliters tap water and were removed when the time allotted for every single bowl had elapsed. They were rinsed separately. We were holding placed in clean sheets of paper labeled according to the time period they were soaked, (such because T1- normal water: 5 minutes, T2 ” normal water: 10 minutes, so on). The bowl utilized from the first treatment was washed carefully and were used once again for the other treatments. The process was repeated to get treatments a couple of, 3, four.

To determine the power of the hair strands, a spring range was used and five tests were performed. From the 15 strands of normal locks, 5 hair strands from Therapy had been tested. The head of hair strands had been tied up for the spring range at 1 end. A 15 centimeter length of the locks strands were maintained between the spring scale and the excess weight. The fat was draw until the locks snaps. How much force in Newton (I Newton = 100 grams) registered on the spring range prior to the disregarding of the locks was recorded plus the average result from the five trial was computed. The method was repeated for treatments 2, three or more, 4. As well the same process was carried out for cultural, dry, and curly hair.

In the second phase, 480 hair strands from several hair types were used. Away 480 hair strands, 120 hair strands of the hair were ready for trial 1 and trial a couple of, using the homemade shampoo (gugo and okra). The same procedure ion period 1 was done for people treatments. Inside the third stage, 2, 400 strands of hair were prepared in the four types of locks. Out of two, 400 hair strands, 1, 200 strands were chosen for setup A and one other 1, 2 hundred in build B. Each set up features 5 remedies and 62 hair hair strands were broken into ten, and each 10 had been soaked independently in half a dozen bowls labeled 5, 15, 15, 22, 25, and 3 minutes, respectively. The same procedure from the previous phases was done to decide the hair strength.

In the 4th phase, 20 female participants, who had typical and dry out hair were asked to make use of Treatment 1 in setup A: 10 percent gugo + 90 percent okra. Most of their hairs were equal in length. The respondents cared for their hair 1 by 1. They rainy their hair initial and 20ml of this treatment was placed on the entire crown and was massaged on the scalp. Following 1 min., the hair was rinsed carefully with regular faucet water. A clean towel utilized to dry and comb their hair slowly. After 1 hour, the effect on the frizzy hair was seen using one particular to some scales. The following scales were used: |A. Softness |B. Smoothness |C.

Manageability | |1 ” slightly very soft |1 ” slightly soft |1 ” slightly manageable | |2 ” pretty soft |2 ” reasonably smooth |2 ” quite manageable | |3 ” soft |3 ” soft |3 ” manageable | |4 ” very very soft |4 ” very soft |4 ” very feasible | After having utilized and discovered the effects of treatment 1, treatment options with 90% gugo & 10 % okra were utilized by the same respondents with the same procedure by Set up A. Results, Discussion and Conclusion Phase 1: Significant comparison on the frizzy hair strength among the list of control treatment options:

There was no significant difference for the hair strength, considering the several types of hair. However , the much longer the longer the time each kind of locks was drenched, the greater the head of hair strength. Among the list of four remedies in this period, the hair power when drenched in 12 %gugo, were the most effective while drinking water was the the most fragile. Phase a couple of: Significant comparability between handmade shampoo and control treatment: Normal curly hair was substantially strongest compared to curly, dry out and ethnic. Among the control treatment, frizzy hair strength was the strongest when ever soaked in treatment three: 10% gugo. Treatment 1: water was registered the weakest. It was also discovered that because the putting time elevated, the hair strength also improved.

Phase 3: Significant assessment among homemade shampoo, control treatment, Create A and Setup M: Normal curly hair was significantly stronger, curly hair was the weakest, while dry out and cultural hair had been almost just like each other. 10% gugo authorized the most powerful hair strength, followed by okra, then okra and gugo. Together, these types of three therapies were significantly different from all other treatment. The longer the soaking period, the more powerful the hair power. Phase some: Acceptability of treatments. For normal frizzy hair, the two remedies showed simply no significant variations in terms of smoothness, gentleness and management. The 90% gugo+ 10%okra treatment was fairly controllable and the 10% gugo & 90% okra treatment was manageable.

For dry locks, the two treatment options showed not any significant difference when it comes to smoothness, soft qualities. But there is a significant big difference of management at 0. 5 possibility level. Tips Based on the findings, the researcher recommends the following: 1 . Use okra as natural material for making shampoo, installment payments on your Further study of the homes of the homemade shampoo to ascertain the effect in hair, three or more. Follow-up exploration must be carried out on the acceptability for other sorts of hair, four. This analysis would provide info to those who have are interested in the production of this product. Bibliography Jumaquio, Francine Faye A., ainsi que. al., “A Feasibility Analyze of Gugo and Okra as Selfmade Shampoo.

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