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Current Trends in Classroom Managing Classroom DisciplineWong’s Pragmatic ClassroomKagan, Kyle, and Scott’s Win-Win DisciplineMorrish’s Genuine Discipline Strengths•Wong’s approach “pragmatic” where it is “built by practical ideas” pieced together from multiple sources (Charles, 2008, pg. 130). This theory will not fit with cookie cutter classrooms and is modified to fit the instructor, content, or student group.

•Encourages the idea that “discipline problems” will “largely disappear” when the classroom managing is in check (Charles, 2008, pg. 0).

•”Rules of tendencies set limits” where they “create a work-oriented atmosphere” (Charles, 08, pg. 133). Behavior concerns are simply infractions of process and have specific and rational consequences which were clearly outlined on the initial day of school. •”Student needs” are firmly represented were the “primary goal” is always to “help students develop long-term, self-managed responsibility. •Encourages a spirit of teamwork between the teacher and student where end result can be where “students manage themselves responsibly” (Charles, 2008, pg. 151). A precursor to Kagan’s win-win strategy because it “teaches students right from incorrect, ” substantial expectations of adult authority, “and encourages them to produce choices about behavior which might be sufficiently fully developed and skilled to do” (Charles, 2008, pg.

227). •”To acquire important [behavioral norms] skills, they want supportive direction from educated, caring teachers” where it will not put the professors and pupils on the same plane, however , it does not completely independent them. Weaknesses•Requires intense planning and execution by the teacher to ensure that persistence of types of procedures is followed in order for this kind of to succeed. If there needs to be a change in classroom managing style in the middle of the school 12 months, Wong offers little depth on how that ought to be handled. They will focus seriously on the first day and first few several weeks of school.

•Sees troublesome behavior since “merely students’ ineffective tries to meet specific unfulfilled needs” all the time (Charles, 2008, pg. 151). Where behavior issues could are derived from students not really trying in any way. •Since the relationship needs to be besides the fact that the student and teacher must work together to get the student to gain that responsibility, what happens whenever they do not gain that sort of utlook? •This strategy may feel like an anarchy federal government where the pupils have minimal say in their classroom and their learning, where the teacher is the single authority in their classroom. Advantages•States that “a well-managed classroom can be task focused and predictable” and it can be a “smoothly performing learning environment” (Charles, 08, pg. 132). •When pupils learn the win-win strategy, they will learn your life skills which will help with “developing self-management, responsibility, and other autonomous life skills” (Charles, 08, pg.

151). Would not separate the teacher/student active too much with authority and give the student too much electric power without crystal clear expectation. Disadvantages•If a teacher does not the set the procedures and expectations in the classroom before the end of week two, research has shown that they will not have good classroom managing •Procedures can be daunting and intense and incredibly little wiggle room for young students. •This self-control type does not take preemptive strikes against disruptive tendencies but rather “considers disruptive tendencies to be a beginning point” (Charles, 2008, pg. 152). This tactic may be very easily confused with doubtfulness for their students and lowering one’s regular of requirement for the students just because with their age. Agree/Disagree•Solid expectations in an environment with crisp system is a thought that resonates with my personal strategy of teaching.

•I do not go along with this particular technique where it states that individuals should wait for students to misbehave so we can treat the idea of responsibility or re-directing. I do not believe in preparing the students intended for failure and set my finest effort ahead for them to be successful on the initial try, not wait for them to mess up to repair it. Yet , I do agree with the idea of motivating autonomy from your students and stating they are their gambling bets advocates for his or her own education. •This strategy does expect high expectations from the college students to follow the rules but they are not really in a the case in a democracy like the previous strategy. You will find no unrealistic expectations of maturity level and one particular will expect a student to do something their age. The students are not set up to fail, but they have a firm teacher foundation. Source Center: Charles, C.

M. (2008). Builidng Class Discipline (9thth ed. ). Boston, MA: Pearson Education. Retrieved November 13, 2012

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