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Plan, British

Lesson Strategy Form: a couple of Level: Low intermediate – high more advanced Date: 4th Mac 2013 Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Subject matter: EnglishTopic: Organic Disaster (Geography) Focused skill: Speaking (interaction and fluency) Integrated skill(s): Writing, browsing and pondering skills Grammar structures/lexical items/phonology: Lexis linked to natural disaster, earthquake, overflow, victim and the like Curriculum Requirements: Form two – 1 .: Level 2, vi) Participating in teacher-guided course discussions on topics interesting by, uniting to another and saying therefore , disagreeing politely with one other and supplying one’s viewpoints, defending a person’s point of view. Learning outcomes: Right at the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to: 2. Content: Grow their knowledge about the kinds of natural catastrophe: Know the confident and unwanted effects of the organic disaster 2. Language: Utilize register and lexis relevant to natural devastation e.

catastrophe, volcanic lesions, seismic waves, cyclone and many others: Increase their oral with good friends in L2: Practice genuine communication * Cognition: Make predictions depending on logical pondering: Reflect on the way the catastrophe impacts people’s lifestyle * Internationalisation: Develop all their knowledge and awareness regarding the countries that are vulnerable to natural disaster Moral values and educational emphases (as appropriate): Develop awareness of the all-natural disaster, operating collaboratively Past knowledge: College students already know types of organic disasters and a few basic results and also mind mapping strategy Anticipated problems and proposed solutions: Problem: Ss end up having vocabulary in the reading Answer: Group conversation, provide dictionary or give personal assistance to the Dure Resources: FLATSCREEN projector, notebook, speaker, a that involves many normal disaster, dictionaries, power stage of the effects of natural disaster, reading for earthquake, flood, tornado, volcano eruption and tsunami (5 copies each), blank desk for vocab lists and blank table for the comparison between types of natural tragedy

Stages/ timing| Teaching-learning activities | Interac-tion| Rationale| A) Lead in 5 , 10 minutesB) Task 125MinutesC) Task 230Minutes D) Process 330 minutesClosure5 Minutes| 1 . Make sure every Ss have got a piece of paper and a pad 2 . Inform Ss that they are going to bring a field that you will describe 3. Influence the following textual content: ‘Draw 3 houses in the center of the newspaper. Each of the properties has 4 windows and a door. On the roof of just one of the homes, there is a gentleman with a young lady. On top of the paper, draw some clouds and serving rain. There is water throughout the houses that touches the most notable windows with the houses…’. four. Ask Ss to look at their particular picture and think what has took place in the field. Eg: a. Hurricane w. Tsunami c. Flood your five. Get some concepts from the Ss of what they think is happening 6.

Make an effort to elicit other vocab related to natural disaster from the Ss. E. g: a. Tornado b. Drought c. Tragedy and etc 7. Write the Dure answer for the board 1 ) Tell Ss that they are gonna watch a video of various types of all-natural disaster (the video is approximately 7 minutes) 2 . Inquire Ss to draw a mind map of the actual predict some may see inside the video. Notify Ss they can use the vocab written within the board) three or more. Ask Ss to add the types of natural devastation (if they just do not have it yet) and make a list of the effects they may have seen from your video to their mind map 4. Perform the video through laptop (make sure that requirements in good) 5. Ask Ss to see if their prediction is right six.

Ask Dure to talk to their very own pair about the video (3 minutes) a. What do you experience? b. What have you found out? six. Bring the college students attention with each other and consult with the whole school (7 minutes) 8. Question Ss if they could think of the other associated with natural catastrophe. (8 minutes) E. g: c. Any kind of positive effects? deb. If yes, exactly what they? at the. What about the negative effects? being unfaithful. Show Ss the list of aftermath making use of the power point presentation 1 ) Divide Ss into little groups of 5 or 6 each and assign number to each of these from you to 5 (some Ss might have to be ‘Siamese twin’). 2 . Assign each group with a type of all-natural disaster At the. g: Group A – Earthquake, Group B – Tornado, and many others 3.

Inform Ss that they can have to browse materials based on the matters and while studying, they need to fill in the stand given with lexis (either subject particular terminologies, academics vocabularies or perhaps other lexis) from the text given. some. Provide the bare table plus the materials for the groups in respect to their theme (everyone in Group A will get the reading on earthquake while others get their very own topic). 5. Ask Dure to review their solution with their good friends. They may add even more lexis as they are discussing. 1 . Tell Dure that all of options the reps for their topic. They will present the information regarding the all-natural disaster to folks from the other groups installment payments on your Ask Dure to read again the components. This time to look for information about the all-natural disaster. Elizabeth. g: a. The causes w. The effects c. The countries involved d. The process and the like 3.

Ask Ss to discuss and review their finding with the group members (10 minutes) to check on and support understanding 4. Regroup the Ss based on their designated numbers (Group 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) 5. Ask the Dure to share and compare all their findings with the others (10 minutes) six. Provide Ss with empty table (one each) 7. Ask Dure to finish the stand with similarities and differences of the other types of natural disaster almost eight. Gather the Ss attention 9. Go over the answer with each other 10. Inquire Ss what they have obtained or locate most interesting from the debate. (10 minutes) E. g: a. Will you find virtually any similarities? b. Do you think there is certainly any way to stop it via happening? 1 ) Ask Dure what they possess learnt and what they think 2 .

Sum it up the lesson| PlenaryIndividualPlenaryPlenaryPairsPlenaryPairsPlenarySmall groupsIndividualSmall groupsPlenaryIndividualsSmall groupsPlenary| * To introduce the topic * To interact the Dure * To make the Ss interested * To initiate interaction * In promoting interactive lessons * To train prediction 5. To listen for particular information 2. To motivate reflective thinking * To enable them to practice all their orals with peers * To expose associated with the subject certain terminologies * To promote knowledge of the lexis * To offer specific goal for reading * Encourage discussion and information exchange * To encourage reasoning skills|

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