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Literature, Community


The purpose of this report is always to present a residential area profile of Hackney in London. When profilign a region like this the focus is usually on by using a variety of associated with order to develop a more clear picture of a community or perhaps neighborhood (Barnados, 2004). The report here will firstly look at the history and general qualifications of the Hackney area before you go on to take on a review of regional residents and traders.

The aim of this is to find an understanding with the needs of the community as well as the resources which exist within the community with a view to understanding what plan of action could be integrated to improve the community and the standard of living of the people living in the community.

Background general backdrop of the location

Hackney is among London’s boroughs, having approximately 216, 000 residents, as a result being one of the smaller sized London boroughs. As Hackney Borough Council (2010) note, the population of Hackney started to grow in the 18th century with Hackney, prior to this kind of, being pastures and farmland. As the railways opened, industries started to move in to Hackney, with workers needing accommodation. Just lately, there has been a rise in Hackney’s populace, with migrants to Hackney and an increase in the labor and birth rate causing this inhabitants increase (Hackney Borough Authorities, 2010). We have a low percentage of over 20 year olds in Hackney, with the population of young children in Hackney being higher than the national average and higher than in numerous other Greater london boroughs (Hackney Borough Council, 2010). With regards to the cultural and social diversity of Hackney, 60 per cent of Hackney’s inhabitants are white, 4. 2% happen to be mixed contest, 9% will be Asian or perhaps Asian English, 25% are Black or perhaps Black English, and 3% are Chinese or ‘other’ (Hackney Area Council, 2010). Hackney has a far larger Black population than possibly other London inner boroughs or the UK as a whole (20. 9% versus 16. 4% and some. 4% respectively). By looking on the demographic plus the way in which the expansion has been set up in recent years it might be seen which the region is dynamic and young. The demographic of the region is very important as it may present explanatory information in relation to how come certain thoughts are shaped as to the options that are provided bv areas.

In terms of enclosure and neighbourhoods, Hackney included an estimated 94, 000 homeowners in 2008, with additional growth staying expected in 2016, with all the average number of inhabitants per household staying 2 . twenty-eight (Hackney Area Council, 2009). Half of the residences in the Hackney borough are social real estate stock, with demand for this housing outweighing supply and average salary across Hackney being well below the national average. Hackney Borough Council (2009) identified that residents’ satisfaction with all the Hackney place was excessive and that citizens were pleased to live in Hackney and that element of this was individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds could actually get along with one another in Hackney. This is reflected in the fact that 65% of Hackney citizens surveyed experienced lived at their current residence for over five years and that residents’ sense of belonging to Hackney was high (Hackney Borough Council, 2009). The fact that numerous of the persons living in areas are relying on social housing may be relevant in that targets of the top quality of casing may be of the lesser ranking.

In regards to community safety in Hackney, criminal offenses has decreased in Hackney year on year, with 40% significantly less crime in Hackney this year than in 2006 (Hackney Area Council, 2012). Local residents’ satisfaction while using police force plus the fire support are the maximum across Birmingham, although while the number of criminal offenses has been decreased significantly, the amount of crimes in Hackney continues to be higher than in other London boroughs, with 142/1000 crimes in Hackney, 111/1000 crimes working in london as a whole and 89/1000 criminal offenses in England overall (Hackney Borough Council, 2012). The most frequent crime in Hackney can be burglary, with criminal harm and drug offences following. Violence resistant to the person is likewise relatively loaded with Hackney, although this is one type of crime which was reduced drastically in Hackney (Hackney Area Council, 2012). Antisocial behavior was recognized as a problem area with anti-social behaviours including drug interacting and teenagers running around the streets staying the main cause for concern between residents (Hackney Borough Council, 2012). Regardless of this, fear of offense was low in Hackney residents, with the many residents selected saying that they will felt secure during the day and relatively safe at night, both in their own homes and in the road (Hackney Area Council, 2012).


It had been decided, according to the community profiling tools offered by Christakopoulou ou al. (2001), that the community profile will need to determine key aspects of the city and the lives of the people in the picked community: the actual area is similar to as a spot to live, what the area is similar to as a social community, the particular areas is a lot like as an economic community, what the area is a lot like as a politics community, the actual area is a lot like as a personal space, and what the location is like within the city of Greater london, in terms of the links between Hackney and the associated with London and what the certain local id is that sets Hackney in addition to the rest of Greater london. By concentrating on these essential areas it is also possible to even more readily recognize the main findings and thoughts of those in the region. About this basis, 20 or so survey inquiries were developed (see Appendix 1), expecting to to employing these survey questions to gain information via local Hackney residents concerning their opinions of their community. The review was offered to 20 local occupants, who were got into contact with as they went down the street. From the twenty citizens who were got into contact with, ten of which were happy to take time to answer the study questions. Another section of the community profile will show the studies from the analysis, i. elizabeth., the replies of the five local residents to the study questions. The next section will then present an analysis of these findings, the last section will show an overall Conclusion for the community profile.

Research results

Regarding the first query, ‘What do you consider about Hackney? ‘ the ten occupants all got different viewpoints. Several stated that they adored to live in Hackney and that they had been proud to live in Hackney. One particular older guy mentioned that he felt unsafe in Hackney and was planning to move and this may be reflecting of the diverse demands old groups. He said he does not go outside his home through the night as he worries the gangs of teenagers he perceives on the roads. Another female, a young mother, said that the girl loves Hackney but feels more could be performed for young people in the area, and especially even more for children. The young woman pointed out that your woman felt there was too few actions for children and that the outdoor theme parks were very badly taken care of and often packed with threatening teens, so that the lady did not utilize the parks with her kids. Another person explained that they got lived in Hackney all their your life and that they like Hackney, that they can don’t ze themselves at any time leaving.

About the second problem, Do you think Hackney is a great place to live?, eight with the people selected said yes, they experienced that Hackney is a nice place to live and that they are happy living in Hackney. Two of these people, including the old man, stated that they were not happy living in Hackney and that they choose to live somewhere else. Regarding the third question, Would you enjoy living in Hackney?, again, 8-10 of the people said yes and two said no . The two people that said simply no said that they felt Hackney had become even more unsafe and was not a safe place to live, that they generally see medicine dealers providing in the local parks and that the place could take advantage of more policing.

In terms of the responses for the fourth question, Do you think Hackney is a rewarding place to live?, the 8-10 people said that, yes, they felt Hackney is a satisfying place to live, with two people saying that it was once but that now they did not feel it absolutely was the right place for them to be now. They will noted the fact that rising residence prices throughout London managed to get difficult, however , for them to move, with this that they experienced they were marooned in Hackney. This is also evident in the fact that the location generally contains a high level of satisfaction yet this may be more reflective of the lack of alternative options rather than true pleasure.

When asked, Do you, in Hackney, have access to all the services you need?, the ten people all experienced very different answers. Two, who also appeared to be students, said that the rent was cheap and there were superb cheap eating places, that they had been very happy with all the area. An additional said that, certainly, the borough has sports activities facilities and parks and access to various other London attractions. Others declared that, yes, the community was solid and they could take part in community activities. When ever asked, Are you involved in the social life of your local area?, a pair of the local citizens indicated we were holding, via a community gardening job and a residential area regeneration task. These two declared that they felt this experienced made them feel similar to a part of the neighborhood community.

When ever asked, Will you find any local community, in Hackney, encouraging?, five stated yes, 4 said they didn’t really no and one said no . Normally the one who said no mentioned that they experienced the police push could have a greater and more effective presence. The ones who said yes stated that they felt safe and meet in the community. When ever asked, Will you feel Hackney has a variety of socioeconomic conditions?, the majority said something like ‘we’re most poor here’, with 1 stating that Hackney has its ‘nice ends’ as well as its poor parts.

When asked, Do you think Hackney has a attractive offering of local shops?, the people stated, yes, that they can hardly ever have to leave Hackney to find a thing and that they cherished the fact that there were a lot of international shops and eating places. They all explained that they sensed their local store owners had been part of their very own community and that they made an effort to make all of them feel meet whenever they seen the shop, noting this made them feel more welcome to the community in general.

When asked, Do you think well symbolized, politically, in Hackney?, the majority stated that they can were unsure, with one particular stating that they can felt the neighborhood politicians may do even more to help Hackney. When asked, Do you go through the local politicians do a good job of managing Hackney?, the neighborhood residents mentioned that they were unsure but that, given the lack of issues they had about the borough, the political figures must be carrying out their task well.

The moment asked, Do you feel, being a local resident, that you have a say about what happens in Hackney? ‘, the residents responded that they do not think they have a say in Hackney, as they are although mere citizens. One of the persons, one of the kinds who you are not selected in the local community said that that they felt their commitment to Hackney upset e all of them feel even more a part of Hackney.

In response to, Are there community organisations in Hackney?, two said certainly, they were part of these community organisation plus the remainder explained they were uncertain. For the next query, Are you affiliated with community organisations in Hackney?, again, just two stated that, yes, they were involved, the remainder stated that zero, they were certainly not involved.

In response to the query, Are you extremely attached to Hackney?, eight stated yes, these people were, one stated no and one explained they were not sure. When ever asked, How long have you occupied Hackney?, the standard answer was 18 years, the greatest was 68 years and the shortest eight months.

When ever asked, Do you have special recollections of Hackney or of local people?, a number of answers were given, all of which had been very unique and particular to that person as someone. This suggested that the people did have very personal connection to Hackney.

When asked, Do you feel as if Hackney is usually part of London, uk?, the people explained that, yes, Hackney is usually part of London. When asked, Do you feel there are very good linkages between Hackney plus the rest of London?, all of them responded in the great. The fact that Hackney is very close to mayfair was an attractive point for a lot of of the respondents.

When asked, What do you feel distinguishes Hackney from the rest of London?, a number of answered that they can felt the remainder of London is less personal and pleasant than Hackney, with a lot of others declaring they experience Hackney is much like a little community in London.

Analysis of findings

In terms of the analysis of the findings in the survey as well as the background quantitative analysis of Hackney borough, it can be viewed that Hackney is a very vibrant and multicultural, multi-ethnic, area. Hackney is appreciated simply by its citizens for its particular qualities and sense of community, and therefore residents think welcome in Hackney. The survey identified, for example , that almost all people were happy in Hackney and that they were so content they had stayed in Hackney for a long time. One particular cause for concern, however , was the lack of kid’s facilities plus the safety and security from the area in general. Overall, nevertheless , the conclusions suggest that occupants are generally very happy with Hackney and intend to stay in Hackney. Despite this there is some suggestion that the replies are reflective of the recognized inability to maneuver to any other area and the fact that creating a broad range of cultures makes those that would otherwise feel as if they are in the minority experience relatively comfy in the environment.

Community profile of Hackney

The community account that has surfaced for Hackney is of a smaller London borough that has a inhabitants of young children in Hackney being more than the national average and higher than in many other London, uk boroughs. Hackney is modern, with Hackney having a considerably larger Dark population than either different London inner boroughs or maybe the UK overall. Hackney includes a high number of social casing stock, with demand for this kind of housing outweighing supply and average profits across Hackney being well below the nationwide average. Crime is a matter in Hackney, as is égo?ste behaviour, this is apparent via both the quantitative analysis and the survey.


This statement has presented a community profile of Hackney in London, my spouse and i. e., an outline of the particular community or neighbourhood selected using a selection of techniques to develop a picture from the community (Barnados, 2004). The techniques that have been used in the development of the community profile was obviously a look at the numbers associated with the area to provide information on the history and general background of the Hackney area and a review of community residents and traders to gain a more subjective understanding of the location. These two methods were utilized to gain an understanding of the needs of the community and the resources that exist in the community with a view to understanding what action plan could be implemented to enhance the community as well as the quality of life in the people living in the community.

In terms of the understanding of the demands of the community, the community account has shown that Hackney has a high number of youngsters and young adults with first tee survey displaying that their demands are currently unmet. This means that a huge section of Hackney residents include unmet needs, this means that the quality of life with this section of the city could be better. Additionally , offense and anxiety about crime is rich in Hackney, together with the surveys showing that fear of crime ceased at least one citizen from giving their home through the night, this significantly impacting all their quality of life. In terms of what could performed to improve the quality of life of residents, in that case, as quantitative analysis and survey have shown, providing more activities or spaces for the children and teenagers would help them and possible reduce égo?ste behaviours. Offering more law enforcement would possibly assistance to reduce criminal offenses and the anxiety about crime.

In conclusion, the community account shows that Hackney is a very wonderful place to live, in general, but that it has its own aspects that might be improved and, by improving them, this may improve the standard of living of residents. As continues to be discussed, the findings suggest that residents are generally very happy with Hackney and intend to remain in Hackney. Total, then, the city profile finds certain issues with Hackney borough but finds that these trouble is not considered as particularly serious by residents, residents seem to love Hackney and love the fact that Hackney welcomes them with wide open arms, regardless of socioeconomic position, ethnicity, faith or creed.


Barnados, 2004. Community profiling. Offered from http://www.barnardos.org.uk/communityprofiling.pdf [Accessed 6th Might 2013].

Christakopoulou, S., Dawson, J. and Gari, A. (2001) ‘The community health and wellness questionnaire: assumptive context and initial examination of the reliability and validity’, Interpersonal Indicators Analysis, 56: 321″51.

Hackney Borough Council, 2009. Hackneys enclosure. Available from http://www.hackney.gov.uk/Assets/Documents/hackney-Housing.pdf [Accessed ninth May 2013].

Hackney Borough Council, 2010. Hackney’s populace. Available coming from http://www.hackney.gov.uk/Assets/Documents/hackney-Population.pdf [Accessed 9th May 2013].

Hackney Borough Council, 2012. Hackney’s community safety. Offered from http://www.hackney.gov.uk/Assets/Documents/community-safety.pdf [Accessed 9th Might 2013].

Appendix you: Survey questions

So what do you think about Hackney

Do you think Hackney is a nice place to live

Do you like moving into Hackney

Do you consider Hackney is a satisfying place to live

Will you, in Hackney, have access to all of the facilities you require

Are you mixed up in social your life of your neighborhood

Do you locate your local community, in Hackney, supportive

Will you feel Hackney has a selection of socioeconomic circumstances

Do you think Hackney has a lively offering of local shops

Do you feel well showed, politically, in Hackney

Do you feel the local politicians execute a good job of managing Hackney

Do you feel, as a community resident, that you have got a say in what occurs in Hackney

Are there community organisations in Hackney

Will you be involved with community organisations in Hackney

Are you very placed on Hackney

How long have you occupied Hackney

Do you possess special remembrances of Hackney or of local people

Do you really feel like Hackney is element of London

Do you really feel you will discover good linkages between Hackney and the rest of London

So what do you feel differentiates Hackney from your rest of Birmingham

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