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Chapter 12-15 The West and the Changing Balance of Power Qmc (question multiple choice ) Questions 1) Which with the following has not been a symptom of decline in the Arabic caliphate by 1400? A) The narrowing of intellectual lifestyle symbolized by triumph of religion over books, philosophy, and science B) Landlords seized power more than peasants C) The fall of the Sufis D) Drop of taxes revenues pertaining to the state E) Landlords stopped to experiment with new agricultural methods. 2) In what date experienced the Middle easterns been almost excluded via European trade? A) 900 B) multitude of C) 1100 D) 1350 E) 1453 ) Which will of the pursuing statements regarding Arabic control after 1100 is most appropriate? A) Persia control of the seas was strengthened following 1100. B) Although Arabic trade was reduced, Muslims remained lively in world markets.

C) The overall collapse of the Islamic universe in the twelfth century can best become compared to the land of the Roman Empire. D) The Arabic trading sophisticated was reduced after 1100 to the Middle East. E) Their economical decline could possibly be compared to those of Rome. 4) Which of the following transactions concerning the politics fragmentation from the Arabic globe in the 1400s is most correct?

A) After the fall from the Abbasid caliphate, the appearing Ottoman Disposition soon perfected most of the royaume of the old caliphate in addition to the Byzantine part. B) The political fragmentation caused by the fall of Baghdad lasted for several decades under the decentralized administration of the Seljuk Turks. C) The Mongol conquests eliminated virtually any form of centralized government at the center East before the 17th hundred years. D) Pursuing the fall from the Abbasid caliphate, the Middle East became part of the colonial empire of the rising feudal claims of traditional western Europe.

E) The politics system was chaotic pertaining to 300 years until the climb of a new political buy under the Ottoman Turks. 5) Which from the following statements concerning the Ottoman Empire is most accurate? A) The go up of the Ottoman Empire renewed the full foreign vigor the Islamic caliphate had held. B) Turkish rulers marketed trade more actively than did their very own Arab precursors. C) The expansionist benefits of the Ottoman Empire was very actual, but the concentrate on conquest and administration overshadowed wider business ambitions. D) The Ottoman Empire experienced no expansionist interests or capabilities.

E) The Ottomans competed with western European countries for Ocean trade. 6) What region represented a fresh conquest to get the Ottoman Empire back in the 1400s? A) Asia Minimal B) North Africa C) Southeastern European countries D) Mesopotamia E) Spain 7) Which of the following statements about the Ottoman Disposition is most exact? A) European rulers did not promote maritime trade as vigorously because had the Arabs. B) Scientific and philosophical investigations reached the degree of innovation that they can had loved under the Abbasids. C) The Turks declined to patronize the traditional Local artists and craftsmen who had dominated the later Abbasid court.

D) The Ottomans were more interested in cultural pilier than in army organization. E) The Ottomans never learned the full local extent with the old caliphate. 8) Which usually of the next civilizations initial attempted to complete the industrial vacuum produced by the drop in Arabic trade? A) Russia B) Japan C) China D) India E) Sub-Saharan The african continent 9) What Chinese dynasty succeeded the Mongol Yuan dynasty in China? A) Chou B) Ming C) Han D) Tang E) Qing 10) What was the innovation launched by the Ming dynasty? A) Receiving tribute payments by Korea and Japan B) Extending their particular political control over Vietnam and Korea

C) Use of a centralized paperwork but beneath the direct control over the emperor D) Increasing huge, state-sponsored trading expeditions throughout Asia and further than E) The utilization of gunpowder guns on both land and naval vessels 11) In what year do the Ming dynasty cease state-sponsored commercial voyages? A) 1358 B) 1405 C) 1433 D) 1487 E) 1453 12) What admiral commanded China? s superb overseas expeditions between 1405 and 1433? A) Zhenghe B) Jung Tzi Lung C) Xun Xi D) Yan Xuanshang E) Chenla Khmer 13) Which from the following was NOTa reason used by the Ming empire to halt the trading trips?

A) The opposition with the scholar-gentry and bureaucracy B) The scientific inferiority of Chinese boats and navigation C) The growing army expenses in the campaigns against the Mongols D) The traditional inclination of the Chinese language for Asian products E) The expense to build the new capital in Beijing 14) Which usually of the following statements concerning the cessation of state-sponsored trade by the Ming dynasty is quite accurate? A) The cessation of control severely destroyed the internal overall economy of China and created the inescapable peasant cycles that overthrew the Ming dynasty.

B) The end of international transact signaled a general decentralization of presidency in Ming China. C) Because of the Chinese language dependence on imports from in another country, the decision to get rid of the state-sponsored expeditions was particularly crucial in starting cultural decrease. D) In Chinese terms, it was the brief focus on trading and commerce that was strange, not it is cessation. E) China experienced long emphasized internal development at the price of operate. 15) Which of the pursuing was NOT a drawback to the West? s emergence like a global electric power? A) American nations weren’t getting the personal coherence and organizing capacity of soberano China.

B) The West did not continue to establish crucial maritime and commercial backlinks until after 1600. C) The Catholic church, extended one of the organising institutions of Western world, was under attack. D) The lives and financial activities of ordinary Europeans, the artists and peasants, were in serious disturbance ? turbulence. E) Human population loss triggered further financial disarray and lack of solid leadership. 16) Which with the following has not been a contributing aspect to the monetary crises from the 14th 100 years? A) Revulsion from the global trading network B) Bubonic plague C) Lack of scientific advance in agriculture D) Recurrent starvation

E) Labor shortages 17) What proportion of the Euro population passed away as a result of the 14th century plague? A) One tenth B) One fourth C) 1 / 3 D) One half E) One particular eighth 18) Which from the following was NOT a source of Western dynamism in the 14th and fifteenth centuries? A) The fortifying of feudal monarchy B) The growth of cities and urban economies C) Improvements in metallurgy D) Two centuries of peace among the major European nations E) A cultural reawakening 19) Strong local monarchies took hold in the years around 1400 in A) Russia and Poland. B) the Ottoman Empire. C) Spain and Portugal.

D) Germany and Austria. E) Italy and Greece. 20) In what area of European countries did the Renaissance begin? A) Australia B) Italia C) Portugal D) Britain E) Spain 21) Compared to medieval lifestyle, Renaissance culture was A) more concerned with Aristotelian beliefs. B) more concerned with issues of the earthly world. C) disinterested in classical models. D) based less in urban vigor and expanding commerce. E) more other-worldly and faith based. 22) Which in turn of the following was NOT one of the reasons that Italy emerged as the center in the early Renaissance? A) Italy was spared the Dark-colored Plague due to its geographic position.

B) Italia retained more contact with Both roman traditions than did the remainder of Europe. C) Italy led the West by 14th century in banking and control. D) Italy had nearer contacts with foreign college students, particularly those in late Byzantium. E) Italy was even more urbanized than most of The european union. 23) What Florentine artist led the way in the movement toward nature and folks as the main subject matter of Renaissance skill? A) Giotto B) Petrarch C) Masaccio D) Af m?rket Angelico E) Boccaccio 24) What German city-state was best located to engage inside the new, Western-oriented commercial undertakings of the fifteenth century? A) Rome B) Florence C) Genoa

D) Pisa E) Padua 25) Along with Italy, an important center intended for change in the 14th and 15th decades was A) France. B) Germany. C) England. D) the Iberian peninsula. E) Austria. 26) What was exceptional about the introduction of states in the Iberian peninsula? A) These kinds of governments were deduced on city-states rather than nation-states. B) Depending on Castile and Aragon, the Iberian says were one of a kind in their adoption of Islam. C) The country and Portugal developed successful new government authorities with a special sense of spiritual mission and religious support. D) The states of Spain and Portugal were able to develop with out emphasis on the military.

E) They had under no circumstances participated inside the feudal techniques of the Dark ages which made them even more open to modify. 27) The fact that was the Western response to the issues of international trade that they experienced in 1400? A) Western international locations halted transact with Asia and the East and became more dependent on European-produced commodities. B) Many nations around the world sought to establish alliances while using Ottoman Disposition in order to bring back the transact routes. C) Overland trade routes through northern The ussr were founded to the East. D) European nations started explorations of different routes to Asia that might bypass the center East and Muslim area.

E) They began to take back coming from all but local trade sites found in the eastern Mediterranean. 28) The real key theme of Polynesian culture in the 7th century to 1400 was A) the ownership of Japan civilization in the island communities. B) the development of a standard written software. C) compression as a result of the world-wide epidemic of the 14th century. D) spurts of migration and conquest that spread further than the initial foundation in the Culture Islands. E) large-scale expeditions of discovery which were geared towards establishing colonies in South America. 29) Which usually of the subsequent was NOT attribute of Hawaii culture? A) Urbanization

B) Animal husbandry featuring swine C) Warlike regional kingdoms D) Very stratified social structure E) Use of brought in animals including pigs 30) Which from the following symbolizes a significant difference between New Zealand and Hawaii? A) Art depending on carved wood B) A chilly and tough climate C) A highly stratified society D) A society based on combat E) Tribal military frontrunners 31) The practice of judging various other peoples by standards and practices of 1? s very own culture of ethnic group is A) ethnocentrism. B) genocide. C) anthropomorphism. D) aversionism. E) localism. 32) Which of the following transactions is most correct?

A) With out European involvement, there is no cause to believe that the Inca and Aztec empires could not have survived for a few more hundreds of years. B) With out European disturbance, the likelihood is which the Inca Disposition would have stressed the Aztecs and established a specific government in the Americas. C) Because of inner weaknesses, the two Inca and the Aztec kingdoms were receding and might not have survived, set up Europeans had not arrived. D) Prior to the arrival of the Europeans, both the Inca and the Aztec empires have been replaced simply by other, indigenous governments.

E) Both the Inca and the Aztecs stopped exploiting subject lenders after truck due to the intervention of the Black Plague. 33) Which in the following had not been a result of the European contact with sub-Saharan Africa after truck? A) Transact patterns in west The african continent shifted from your Mediterranean towards the Atlantic B) Trade shifted in western world Africa via Muslim to European hands C) Seizure of slaves for Euro use damaged many locations deeply D) Regional kingdoms lost every influence in west Africa and had been replaced by simply European governments E) Euro weapons performed an increasing function in the tribal conflicts between north and south.

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