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case study mount pinatubo THE MOUNT PINATUBO ERUPTION 1991 the mount pinatubo eruption was the second largest eruption of this 100 years and by much the largest eruption affecting a densely populated area. the eruption took place at install pinatubo inside the philippines on june 12-15 1991. in march and april 1991 magma increasing towards the surface from much more than 30 kilometres below pinatubo started making tiny earthquakes and caused little powerful vapor explosion that opened three craters within the north flank of the volcano.

thousands of tiny earthquakes happened and various tons of gas were also released by the volcano. rom summer 7 to june doze the caos reached the top of attach pinatunbo. as a result of gas pressure the accozzaglia erupted out with a fantastic strength nevertheless did not trigger an mind blowing eruption since it just created a lava dome. upon june 12 tons of gas charged accozzaglia reached the very best of the volcano and erupted with the primary proper eruption. when a lot more magma reached the top the volcano engulfed in a cataclysmic eruption on june 12-15. the eruption ejected a lot more than 5 cu kilometers of fabric. the ash cloud reached the height of 35 kilometres in the sky. blanket of ash covered all the land around pinatubo. fine ash travelled thousands of kilometers away reaching also the inidian marine. massive avalanches of popular ash rolled down the sides of pinatubo. the eruption removed a great deal material from the volcano which the volcano flattened and by a clad era of two. 5 kilometers. many problems occurred with all the volcano. the eruption developed high speed avalanches of popular gas and ash ( pyroclastic flows) giant mudflows (lahars) and a impair of volcanic ash masking hundred of miles throughout. early twenty millions a lot of sulfur dioxide were broken in the air and were distributed around the world causing an increase in temperature of around 0. 5 certifications. Mt ST HELENS ERUPTION mt street helens is known as a strata volcano located in your washinghton, ALL OF US the eruption caused a large number of hazards and many impacts in people envirmoent and economic climate. the earthquake on may 18 lead to a series of events: a 5. you earthquake was caused by the massive eruption the bulge of the volcano slid away, resulting in a huge influx of ordinary and mud that filled twenty four squares a long way of a pit. he eruption real reduced a massive impair of ash and pumice stone. the effect in the eruption included as well: the volcano was decreased of 1300 feet, lung burning ash fell kilometers away from the eruption, the eruption lasted more than 9 hours,. around 62 people lost their lives. over two hundred and fifty square mls of land were demolished by every one of the eruption dangers. countless family pets were murdered. as in each of the volcanoes the first indications of eruption were given by a rise in small earthquakes near the volcano area. this kind of showed which the pressure inside volcano step was increasing. oon lines of weak point were created by the earthquakes on the top of the mountain. earthquakes were various especially underneath the north flank of the volcano. in fact the first eruption was from the summit rather than from the flank. on the 26th of mar this little eruption stored going. the volcano was mainly gas and lung burning ash and a little cloud of fabric was delivered up above the cone. this stage was a Vulcanian sort of eruption. nevertheless because the size of the eruption was little the ash fell upon the ground near to the summit plus the main effect was simply to blacken the snow areas. he reason for these little eruptions was probably water from snow fields stopping in the sizzling rock beneath and changing suddenly in steam, throwing materials around. as the periods went by a large bulge started forming through the north flank, about 2km across, separate from the central vent. this showed which the material blocking the central vent was stuck fast and that the accozzaglia was looking for a way out throughout the north flank. the earthquakes had destabilized all the north flank much more than any other part of the cone. on may 18 at 8 a. m the entire north flank of the volcano dropped down in a massive landslide of 2 cubic kilometers of rock. ow with nothing to hold set up the accozzaglia and the gas, the gas rich accozzaglia exploded within a gigantic eruption. in fact the landslide was shattered in many parts by explosion in order that a mixture of rock and roll fragments and gas was formed. this type of eruption was right now a pelean type, and the pyroclastic goes were able to movement 250 kmh. part of this kind of pyroclastic flow went not far from spirit lake throwing your water totally from the pond. the great time demolished the huge dorset that lay for the north aspect of the volcano, leveling everything over a location of 550 square kms. lose towards the volcano the blast of the explosion was so solid that trees were simply blown away. in total some 15 millions forest were destroyed. ash was deposited mls away plus the town of yakima was covered in ash. inside the following days of the eruption very sticky laval began to flow in the new crater, building up a lava dome on the crater floor. all the snow and glaciers on the mountains were turned in to steam and so they were today coming back on the ground as torrential rainfall. the rain hidden most of the lung burning ash in the nearby rivers, causing flooding and at the same time silting them up.

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