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Man made around the world does not exist. Evidence suggests that carbon amounts are not unusually high and the ice hats are not melting off. There are many reliable scientists who also question this kind of theory we call climatic change.

Others will say this can be a way for the federal government to control a lot more of our daily lives and also to move along an agenda that benefits specific groups and individuals. Manufactured global warming is a theory becoming preached to us because gospel and being taught as fact previously proven.

On the other hand there are a numerous people in the scientific community who would differ. One of the most dominant opponents of man made around the world was Doctor Frederick Seitz. “Dr. Seitz is a physicist who served as the president of the National School of Technology during the 1960’s and of Rockefeller University via 1968 to 1978. In 1973 he received the National Honor of Scientific research. (Oriana Zill de Granados, PBS. org, April twenty four, 2007, p1. ) Dr . Seitz known as the “Grandaddy of global warming skeptics (Buisness week, June twenty-four. was an apponent of climate modify saying that “the science behind global warming was likewise pending and certainly didn’t bring about imposing obligatory limits on the greenhouse-gas emissions (Mark Hertsgaard, Vanity Fair. com, Although Washington Slept, May 2006, p3. ). Dr . Seitz believed scientific research was being misconstrued and had written an “op-ed page for the Wall Street Journal thrashing the integrity of a 1995 I. G. C. C. and that global warming and ozone depletion had been exaggerated hazards devised by environmentalists and unscrupulous experts pushing a political agenda. Mark Hertsgaard, Vanity Reasonable. com, When Washington Slept, May 06\, p3) This individual also published that inch This IPCC report, like all others, can be held in this kind of high regard largely because it has been peer-reviewed. That is, it has been read, talked about, modified and approved by a major international body of experts. These kinds of scientists include laid all their reputations on the line. But this kind of report is definitely not what it appears to be, it is not the version that was given the green light by the adding to scientists listed on the title site.

In my much more than 60 years as a member of the American scientific community, including support as president of both National Schools of Savoir and the American Physical Contemporary society, I have under no circumstances witnessed an even more disturbing problem of the peer-review process than the events that led to this IPCC survey.  (Dr. Frederick Seitz, Wall Street Journal, 06 12, 1996) Dr . Seitz was also a main aspect of and composed the ahead for the Oregon Petition. The Or Petition claims “We desire the United States govt to deny the global increased temperatures agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals.

The recommended limits upon greenhouse fumes would damage the environment, slow down the enhance of technology and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind. There is absolutely no convincing medical evidence that human launch of co2, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause devastating heating with the Earth’s atmosphere and interruption of the Globe’s climate. Furthermore, there is substantive scientific data that boosts in atmospheric carbon dioxide develop many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and creature environments of the Earth. (Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. org) This petition has garnered over 31, 000 validations of researchers who think that man made climate change is usually not conclusive. Almost 12, 000 of those who agreed upon the request have PhD’s. This petition shows that a few large number of researchers who problem man made around the world exists, unlike the Washington Post article writer who composed about scientists who will be skeptical about global warming “but these few- about 2% of local climate researchers- may hold all their annual getting together with in a cellphone booth, if perhaps there are any kind of left. (Larry Bell, Forbes, That Global Warming Consensus, Come july 1st 17, 2012 p. 1) These scientists are not merely forming an impression on the subject there is certainly mounting facts to back up their claims against climate modify. We learn about the ice shelves melting and watch on television polar bears trapped on suspended pieces of snow that have cracked off and drifting away. National Public Radio posted a story on its site claiming “Ten years ago, a piece of ice the dimensions of Rhode Tropical isle disintegrated and melted in the waters away Antarctica.

Two other substantial ice racks along the Antarctic Peninsula experienced suffered similar fates a couple of years before.  (Richard Harris, NPR. org, Humans Role In Antarctic Ice Melt is Uncertain, August twenty-two, 2012) This leads to a realization that Antarctica is melting away when only the opposite is occurring. According to (James Taylor swift, Antarctic Snow Sets One other Record, Forbes, September 19, 2012)  Antarctic sea ice have been growing since satellites initial began measuring the ice thirty-three years ago and the ice have been above the thirty-three year average throughout 2012.

Snow and ice happen to be steadily increasing and growing faster than it is shedding. Meteorologist Anthony Watts shows us new information via ICESAT(Ice, Impair, and Land SATellite) which can be NASA’s best satellite pertaining to observing and measuring the earths glaciers and masses. “During 2003 to 2008, the mass gain of the Antarctic ice bed sheet from snow accumulation exceeded the mass loss by ice launch by 49 Gt/yr (2. 5% of input), because derived from ICESat laser measurements of elevation change.

The internet gain (86 Gt/yr) in the West Antarctic (WA) and East Antarctic ice linens (WA and EA) is essentially unchanged via revised results for 1992 to 2001 from RES radar hypsometry.  (Wattsupwiththat. com, Anthony Watts, ICESAT Data Reveals Mass Gains of the Antarctic Ice Piece Exceed Loss, September 12, 2012) So ice and snow will be growing in Antarctica and a brand new study simply by NASA shows that the country once was green and full of vegitation. The frozen region of Antarctica which some believe is definitely melting away because of global warming once was green and suitable for vegitation. The peak of Antarcticas green perioid was between of sixteen. 4 and 15. 7 million in years past during the Micene Epoch. (NASA. gov, 06 17, 2012, p. 2) During this time carbon dioxide levels, which can be the main factor to green house gasses and global warming were “400 to 600 parts per million(ppm) (NASA. gov, June seventeen, 2012, p. 2) Co2 levels today are at “393ppm, the highest they’ve been in the past a number of million years.  (NASA. gov, June 17, 2012, p. ) This reveals our carbon levels today are nearly the level these people were millions of years ago when Antarctica was green and yet today snow and ice are building in the area. If co2 levels will be almost the same as these people were millions of in years past than who had been creating them? We are advised over and over again we cause global warming from our cars to refriderators to best hairspray. The question has to be answered who had been driving in Antarctica sixteen million yrs ago? The answer is nobody. Global warming is being used as a tool create fortunes to get the government and take our liberty away.

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