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Guwahati, the largest metropolis of Northeastern component to India with an region of 216 sq . km, It is the sixth fastest turning metropolis of India in footings of urbanisation.

Guwahati being the lone city of North eastern portion, the metropolis witnessed various alterations like rapid addition of populace, depletion of forest display screen, spread of diseases which will resulted various environmental careers akin to collection down, atmosphere, H2O and society.

Most of the alterations took topographic point due to the effect of changing natural environment, substantial growing of population peculiarly after moving over of the capital from Shillong to Dispur, hill tend destabilization because of building of roads, brooding houses, general public establishments and besides intended for invasion in wetlands and low resting countries. Because the metropolis of Guwahati is bounded on 3 sides simply by hills and the other side by the awesome river Brahmaputra, the side to side enlargement is fixed for which many multistoried edifices have come in recent old ages basically to suit ever increasing inhabitants ( 1991- 2001 decadal growing price is 37. 6 % ). One the other side of the coin manus, needed substructure and metropolis comfortss necessary for city inhabitants and metropolis users have no developed subsequently. As a consequence many roles arisen in the metropolis, just like traffic congestion, INGESTING WATER logging, dusty atmosphere, WATER borne and airborne illnesses etc .

In this survey an effort has been given to foreground the environmental jobs occured in Guwahati, their causes and effects.


The metropolis of Guwahati is said to be the renowned Pragjyotispur, the metropolis of eastern noticeable radiation. Guwahati is said to be the gateway of Northeast India. The locale is situated among 260 10’25 ” north latitude and 910 45’0 ” east longitude. The southern, far eastern and a part of traditional western sides of Guwahati are surrounded by slopes and knolls. The enormous river Brahmaputra in the North is fluxing in north-east to southern way. Different of transfer rivers around Guwahati will be Bharalu, Mora-bharalu, Basistha-bahini etc . The locale is dotted with swamps, fens and H2O organic structures like Dipor beel, Dighali pukhuri, Silsaku assess etc . The metropolis comes under moist, semitropical component characterized by warm humid clime with heavy rainfall ( mean rain fall 1600mm ) and a comparatively cool winter season with instead bare rainfall. The maximum and little temperature registered in the town is 35 grade and 16 level severally with comparative humidness of more than 76. 6 %. As the metropolis is a commercial nervus Centre of the Northeast has created route ( National Motorway No31, No37 and No 45 ), rail and air connectivity with remainder of the state.

Main jobs discovered in the metropolis are different types of air pollution caused as a result of adult guy induced actions, addition of population, INGESTING WATER logging, dirt eroding etc .


This kind of survey is aimed at making this environment in Guwahati that the metropolis could be made liveable and loveable 1 . With this goal the aim this survey has been designed


To review the geo-ecological apparatus of Guwahati.

To foreground environmentally friendly jobs connected with be aftering procedure of the metropolis.

To assess the cause and consequence of various jobs, and

To toss visible rays on the remedial steps to be taken to minimise the wretchednesss from the metropolis occupants and city users.


Here, inside the survey equally primary and secondary origins of explications have been employed. Primary informations were gathered by topographic point go to and immediate observation from the phenomena. One the other side of the coin manus supplementary informations have been collected from assorted published plants just like books, diaries research content articles, studies etc . Topographical roadmaps ( Simply no 78N/12 , A, of sixteen ) and satellite creativeness ( PLACE MLA P-238, R-298 Dated 18/10/1990 and Landsat TM P-137, Ur -042 Went out with 10/06/1988 ) have been utilized to analyze the nature of the town growing, be familiar with environmental concerns and to happen out alternatives for minimising the wretchednesss of the locale inhabitants.

Collected informations have been summarized, analyzed and offered in various signifiers like graphs, tabular arraies, maps etc . for easy apprehension from the content of the paper.

Data Analysis and Findingss

1 ) Locational distinctive feature of the metropolis invites various environmental jobs. Back in show the city was referred to as Pragjyotishpur, which finds reference in Mahabharata, Ramayana, Raghuvansha of Kalidas. Chinese passenger Hiuen Tsang visited the metropolis in 640 ADVERTISEMENT and explained in inside informations regarding the imposts and good manners of the persons of Guwahati. Located on proper point the metropolis offers ever been a bone of contention between rival political powers. A figure of bloody wars were fought between Ahom and Mughal swayers intended for Guwahati , s possession.


Addition in surface area run off


Hill tend destabilization

Garden soil eroding

Terrain slide/ terrain faux pas

Ordinary autumn

Hillside land

Siltation in low prevarication

countries and tornado H2O




Decrease in WATER


keeping capacity

Ton of new countries


Leaf spring shackles free movement of


Degeneration of H2O

Esturine habitat

organic structures

Dwindling Bacteria , A, Fauna

Fig. 1: Typical Diagram demoing impact of human actions on the environmental jobs of Guwahati

While using weakening of Ahom electrical power in Assam, the town passed in the custodies of British in 1826. Throughout the British yearss political pre-eminence of Guwahati shifted to Shillong, that they can chose because State Capital. In 1971 with the reorganisation of Assam State and switching of capital to Guwahati ( Dispur ) it once more reclaimed its personal pre-eminence in north east part [ one particular ]#@@#@!. Since therefore Guwahati has made a rapid progression every bit far as market, commercial and industrial activities are concerned. Each one of these activities are in charge of for many environmental jobs in the metropolis ( Fig. 1 )..

installment payments on your Geographic and geological apparatuss are responsible to a great extent for the jobs like water-logging, landslide etc . in the locale. The general kind of the metropolis is merely just like a bowl surrounded by hills and knolls in three edges and riv side streets on the being side. The peak in the field countries of the town varies from forty-nine. 5m to 55. 5m.. There are a number of little knolls in the metropolis which Sarania ( 193m ), Nabagraha ( 217m ), Nilachal ( 193m ), and Chunsali ( 293m ) are of import. The slopes are composed of Granite, Quartzite, Hornblende-Biotic-Schist, Pegmatite and Quartz. On the other manus the discipline countries in the metropolis have

old and new alluvial sediment. Many portion of the metropolis consisting of light yellow to ruddy dirt. If the dirts wholly H2O condensed during the monsoon months speed up the rate of landslide jeopardies. The flinty stones on the hills gradually exposed due to hill dirt eroding. Often rock show up occur during the end portion of the monsoon months and take valued human lives and injury belongings. Seeing that August 1987 to September 2005 every bit many while 22 instances of landslide and stone slide instances documented in different locations of Guwahati.

3. Climatic status peculiarly rainfall attentiveness in monsoon months from June to September do many incommodiousness like water-logging, dusty atmosphere, spread of H2O paid for and air-borne double daggers. Normally June rainfall is definitely ever bitter but the cloudburst absorbed by simply dirt. With this phase landslide, stone fall months and WATER logging and so forth make low originate. Although from Come july 1st onwards in each hefty shower cause H2O logging in the countries like Narengi, Satgaon, Saimail, Khanapara, Noonmati, Bamunimaidam, Chandmari, Silpukhuri, Guwahati Club, Uzanbazar, Panbazar, Fancy Bazar, Paltan Bazar, Athgaon, Bharalumukh, Maligaon, Adabari, Jalukbari, G. T. Road, Tiergarten Road Tinali, Rajgarj Street, Bhangagarh, Dispur. When slope soils become concentrated landslide and rock autumn take place. Again, immediately after INGESTING WATER logging, course surface become boggy and roadside drains clogged with silt based on the hillsides. Soon after, dry out clay within the roads make dust-covered mood and maximize air pollution. Furthermore, storm WATER cause commixture of drain H2O and infected armored combat car wastewaters with imbibing INGESTING WATER beginnings worsen the wellbeing jeopardies in the metropolis.

4. Almost all the roles of the city related to the citizenry growing. The decadal developing of human population in Guwahati Metropolitan Expansion Authority ( GMDA ) clearly indicates how human population may make opportunities in the city ( Table- 1 ) The city conurbation map since 1911 besides bespeak how city has been expanded ( Fig-4 ). It has drastically altered the land usage kind in the town ( Table-2 ). More peculiarly slums and homesteaders have improved manifold in last few older ages. As a consequence many incommodiousness and jobs have arisen in the town.

5. Substandard planning and blank in put to deathing the development strategies aggravate the jobs in the locale. In this respect, bumpy route infinite, deficiency of auto parking installation, undersized wayside pumps out, randomly established public-service organization wires and pipes are deserving adverting. Almost all the of import roads, viz. GNB Road, GS Street, MG Road and most of the traffic stage face cachectic fever traffic congestion. About 1975 the figure of motorised cars in the locale was merely 27, 1000 which has elevated to 1, up to 29, 856 in the twelvemonth 1990. After that the rate of addition accelerated through 2003 that records three or more, 13, 387. As such around one hundred thousands of motor vehicle included with the highways of Guwahati every twelvemonth [ 2 ]#@@#@!. On the other manus the metropolis nation has increased by merely 46 sq distance in last 20 aged ages. Most of the streets inside the metropolis are merely 4. 8m broad. There are numerous lanes, which have merely several. 6m or maybe 3. 0m breadth. Thesiss should be for least eight. 0m to get visible the radiation and channel vehicles and at least on the lookout for. 0m for heavy vehicles [ 3 ]#@@#@!. The results of the vehicular emanation demonstrate misdemeanor in emanation certain by 53 per centum and 81 per centum in instance of gasoline and Diesel powered vehicles severally [ 4 , A, your five ]#@@#@!. It evidently indicates the magnitude of pollution level in the metropolis.

6. Insufficient consciousness and inclination of go againsting the best practice rules and restrictions in building houses, disposing family waste materials and staying targeted traffic regulations trigger many jobs inside the metropolis.

several. Inanition in implementing Torahs besides responsible for the jobs of traffic congestion, garbage disposal, hill incline destabilization, wetland invasion and assorted types of pollution in the town.

Table- 1: Population Development in Guwahati ( from 1971 to 2001 )

Year Inhabitants


two, 93, 219


4, 51, 200


6th, 93, 660


12, 67, four hundred


a million











Fig. a few:

Population Progress in Guwahati ( coming from 1971 to 2001 )

Land Work with Category





( 71. ’04 % )




( 1 . 62 % )




( 4. 18 % )


General public , A, Semi Public


( 12. 08 % )


Travel , A


( 8. forty seven % )



Parks , A, Curve


( 0. eleven % )


Particular Use/Others


( 2 . 06 % )

Table- two: Area beneath Various Land Uses 1990 to 2001

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