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Literary works

Q. You deny you possessed prior familiarity with Carrie White’s whereabouts?

A. Of course I really do.

It’s a great absurd thought.

Q. Also? And why is it absurd?

A. Well, for anyone who is suggesting some kind of conspiracy, it’s absurd because Carrie was dying when I found her. It could not have been an easy way to perish.

Q. In case you had no prior familiarity with her whereabouts, how could you proceed directly to her location?

A. Oh, you stupid guy! Have you listened to anything that’s been said here? Everybody realized it was Barbara! Anyone could have found her if they had put their minds to it.

Queen. But not merely anyone identified her. You did. Could you tell us how come people would not show up via all over, like iron filings drawn to a magnet?

A. She was weakening speedily. I think that perhaps the , the zone of her influence was shrinking.

Q. I think you will agree that that is a comparatively uninformed supposition.

A. Obviously it is. About Carrie Light, we’re all comparatively uninformed.

Queen. Have it on your path, Miss Snell. Now if we could consider

Initially, when the girl climbed the enbankment among Henry Drain’s meadow plus the parking lot from the Cavalier, the girl thought Barbara was lifeless. Her physique was halfway across the parking lot, and your woman looked strangely shrunken and crumpled. Drag into court was reminded of lifeless animals the lady had viewed on 495 , woodchucks, groundhogs, skunks , that were crushed by simply speeding pickup trucks and train station wagons.

But the presence was still being in her mind, moving stubbornly, duplicating the call characters of Carrie White’s character over and over. An essence of Carrie, a gestalt. Moderate now, certainly not strident, certainly not announcing itself with a clarion, but waxing and waning in steady oscillations.


Sue climbed over the shield rail that bordered the parking lot, sense the heat from the fire against her encounter.

The Cavalier was a solid wood frame building, and it was burning quickly. The charred remains of the car had been limned in flame for the right from the back door. Carrie acquired done that. She would not go to appear and see if anyone had been in it. It didn’t subject, not now.

The girl walked to where Barbara lay on her behalf side, struggling to hear her own footsteps under the famished crackle from the fire. The lady looked down at the curled-up figure which has a bemused and bitter shame. The knife hilt protruded cruelly from her shoulder, and she was lying in a small pool of blood , some of it had been trickling by her oral cavity. She seemed as if she had been planning to turn very little over the moment unconsciousness got taken her. Able to start off fires, move down electric powered cables, in a position to kill practically by believed alone, resting here unable to turn their self over.

Prosecute knelt, took her simply by one provide and the unhurt shoulder, and gently turned her on her back again.

Carrie moaned thickly, and her sight fluttered. The perception of her in Sue’s brain sharpened, like a mental picture was coming into target.

(who’s there)

And Sue, without thought, spoke in the same vogue:

(me drag into court snell)

Only there was no requirement to think of her name. The idea of herself since herself was neither phrases nor photos. The realization suddenly helped bring everything up close, made it actual, and compassion for Barbara broke throughout the dullness of her shock.

And Barbara with faraway, dumb reproach:

(you deceived me you all deceived me)

(carrie i may even know very well what happened is definitely tommy)

(you actually tricked myself that happened trick technique trick um dirty trick)

The blend of image and emotion was staggering, indescribable. Blood. Despair. Fear. The most recent dirty trick within a long series of dirty methods: they flashed by in a dizzying shuffle that produced Sue’s head reel helplessly, hopelessly. They will shared the awful totality of best knowledge.

(carrie don’t may don’t is painful me)

Now girls throwing sanitary napkins, chanting, having a laugh, Sue’s encounter mirrored in her own mind: unpleasant, caricatured almost all mouth, cruelly beautiful.

(see the dirty tricks see my expereince of living one lengthy dirty trick)

(look barbara look inside me)

And Carrie looked.

The sensation was terrifying. Her mind and nervous system had become a library. An individual in desperate need ran through her, fingers walking lightly above shelves of books, raising some away, scanning these people, putting all of them back, allowing some land, leaving the pages to flutter extremely

(glimpses gowns me being a kid hate him daddy o mommy wide lips o teeth bobby pressed me um my leg car want to ride in the car we’ll see great aunt cecily mommy come speedy i made pee)

in the wind of memory, and still on and upon, finally reaching a shelf noticeable TOMMY, subheaded PROM. Catalogs thrown open up, flashes of experience, marginal notations in all the hiergglyphs of emotion, more complex than the Rosetta Stone.

Looking. Finding much more than Sue herself had suspected-love for Tommy, jealousy, selfishness, a need to subjugate him to her will on the couple of taking Carrie, disgust intended for Carrie their self

(she can take better care of herself the girl does appear just like a GODDAM TOAD)

hate for Miss Desjardin, hate for himself.

But not any ill will for Barbara personally, simply no plan to acquire her facing everyone and undo her.

The feverish feeling of getting raped in her most secret corridors began to fade. She experienced Carrie smoking back, poor and fatigued.

(why don’t you just leave me alone)

(carrie i)

(momma can be alive i killed my momma i need her u it hurts my personal chest my shoulder to o to i want my own momma)

(carrie i)

And there was not a way to finish that thought, absolutely nothing there to complete this with. Prosecute was suddenly overwhelmed with terror, the worse because she can put not any name to it: The bleeding nut on this oil-stained asphalt all of a sudden seemed worthless and awful in its pain and declining.

(o momma i’m frightened momma MOMMA)

Sue tried to pull away, to disengage her mind, to let Carrie by least the privacy of her perishing, and was unable to. The lady felt that she was dying himself and did not want to see this kind of preview of her own eventual end.

(carrie let me GO)

(Momma Momma Momma oooooooooooo 0000000)

The mental scream reached a flaring, unbelievable se desenvolvendo and then instantly faded. To get a moment Drag into court felt like she were watching a candle flame disappear straight down a long, dark tunnel for a tremendous velocity.

(she’s perishing o my god i’m feeling her die)

And after that the deal with was eliminated, and the previous conscious thought had been

(momma i’m sorry where)

and this broke up and Sue was tuned in just on the blank, idiot regularity of the physical nerve being that would take hours to die.

The girl stumbled from it, holding her hands out in front side of her like a sightless woman, toward the edge of the parking lot. Your woman tripped in the knee-high protect rail and tumbled over the embankment. The lady got to her feet and stumbled into the field, that was filling with mystic light pockets of ground misting. Crickets chirruped mindlessly and a whippoorwill

(whippoorwill a persons dying)

known as in the wonderful stillness of morning.

The girl began to operate, breathing deep in her chest, operating from Tommy, from the fires and explosions, from Carrie, but mainly from the last horror-that last lighted thought carried rapidly down into the black tube of perpetuity, followed by the blank, fool hum of prosaic electrical power.

The after-image began to fade reluctantly, going out of a blessed, cooling night in her mind that knew nothing. She stunted, halted, to become aware that something had commenced to happen. The girl stood in the center of the great and misty field. waiting for conclusion.

Her quick breathing slowed down, slowed, found suddenly as though on a thorn

And all of a sudden vented itself in one peaceful, cheated scream.

As the lady felt the slow span of dark monthly blood straight down her thighs.

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