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AP World History Unit Two Test Research Guide 1 ) Explain the Indian caste system and evaluate their importance in societal operating. 2 .

Compare and contrast Confucian and Hindu beliefs. 3. Examine the connection within the India’s trade network. 4. Compare China and India’s social and economical structures. your five. Compare and Contrast Ancient greek language and Indian politics. six. Evaluate the Both roman Empire by a Confucian viewpoint. 7. Explain the social pecking order of Cina. 8. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of China’s economic climate. 9. Go over the tasks of women in Han China and after the fall of Han China. 0. Examine cultural diffusion in early China history. eleven. Compare and contrast the invasions of India plus the invasions of China. 12. Compare and contrast the Mauryan empire and the Gupta dynasty. 13. Compare and contrast classical China as well as the Huanghe river valley cultures. 14. Clarify the “Son of Nirvana “concept. 12-15. Examine the Chinese landscapes of mother nature. 16. Compare and contrast Daoism and Confucianism. 18. Discuss the concept of “ceremony in upper-class Chinese life. 18. Examine the way the Roman emperors controlled well-known disorder. 19. Explain the Socratic Technique. 0. Compare the Ancient greek language and Hellenistic approach to scientific research. 21. Compare Chinese buildings with Ancient greek language and Roman architecture. twenty-two. Compare and contrast Traditional and Roman agriculture. twenty three. Explain the role of slaves in the Roman Empire. 24. Take a look at the impact on on the first kingdoms in East Africa below the Sahara. 25. Go over Wang Mang’s Reform Program. 26. Describe China’s uniqueness in the old world. twenty seven. Explain the program of the jatis in India and its effects. 28. Compare and contrast the city claims of Classical Greece and Han Cina. 9. Look at the effects of Germanic tribes in the western a part of Roman Empire. 30. Compare the dominance of autorité in India and Chinese suppliers. 31. Compare classical China and Both roman empires. 32. Compare and contrast the classical made use of and philosophies (e. g.: Confucianism). thirty-three. Determine crucial influences of Zoroastrianism. thirty four. Compare and contrast Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity. thirty five. Compare and contrast Christianity and Zoroastrianism. 36. Go over the fall of Buddhism in India and the within China. thirty seven.

Compare and contrast Christianity before and after the death of Jesus. 35. Compare and contrast Persian and Ancient greek language ways of governing. 39. Compare and contrast the Local and the Mauryan empires. forty five. Discuss motives for the expansion with the Roman Disposition. 41. Compare classical Athens and Tempas. 42. Discuss the tasks of women in ancient communities. 43. Look at the causes of the collapse of the Maya world. 44. Go over the physical regions of pastoral societies (classical era). 45. Examine the regions that had minimal productive farming and clarify the causes. six. Discuss the geographical regions of the introduction of civilizations and describe why generally there? 47. Compare African cultures and their specific features. forty-eight. Trace the spread of Bantu visitors to south and east The african continent. 49. Compare and contrast of Mesoamerican and Andean cultures. 40. Determine which usually classical civilization did develop significant urban centers, but did not have an covering state framework and describe why. Dissertation: Comparative evaluation: Compare and contrast nationalism with the Chinese philosophies that emerged in the Warring Says Period.

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