a study with the theme of self identification in

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The Journey

Homers Odyssey is a display of how Homer believes people should perform themselves in society. His characters happen to be rewarded if they conduct themselves ideally and perhaps they are punished whenever they fail to stick to certain behavioral codes. One of the social actions that Homer addresses is that of self-identification, the act of naming your self. When Odysseus names himself to Polyphemus, he does so arrogantly, contemptuously, cruelly and without view for the Gods. Poseidon, infuriated simply by Odysseus poor judgment, destroys his send and eliminates his crew. However , when Odysseus titles himself to King Alcinous, he really does so with modesty, patience, amazing advantages and keen respect. King Alcinous sympathizes with Odysseus and provides him with a new dispatch to travel home in. When Athena names their self to Odysseus, she really does so boastfully and yet with impunity. Homers message is easy: there is a right way and a wrong pertaining to self-identification between mortals. Once Odysseus labels himself regarding virtueas may be the case with King Alcinoushe is compensated. When he ignores virtueas with Polyphemushe is definitely punished. Athena, on the other hand, whom violates this social code, can accomplish that because she is a Empress. Her circumstance reveals that Gods are certainly not subject to similar standards because mortals and so do not have to be modest.

Chronologically, the first sort of self-identification in Odysseus quest takes place with Odysseus naming himself to Polyphemus, the large Cyclops. By having already stabbed Polyphemus in the one attention and flourished on his send, Odysseus has achieved his purpose of arriving at safety. Still, he yells back to shoreline: If any kind of man in its appearance of the globe should ask you as well as who blinded you, shamed you sosay Odysseus, as well as raider of cities, this individual gouged out your eye (9. 559-561). Through this incident, Odysseus names him self in order to taunt the Cyclops and reveal his individual triumph. This is actually the wrong method to name one self according to Homer. Odysseus behavior is not logical because by simply revealing his name, he is in fact taking the first step in helping his enemy look for revenge. Given that Polyphemus understands the term of his assailant, he is able to tell his father, whom just and so happens to be Poseidon, the The almighty of the marine, to discipline Odysseus, Poseidon complies. The moment Odysseus flushes up on the Phaeacian shore, he is only, his men are deceased, and he has no send. Later, when he is recounting his story to King Alcinous, this individual laments more than his oversight: So headstrongwhy? Why rile the beast again? (9. 550)2E In this article, Homer is showing that self-identification should not be done to get boastful self-glorification. In this screen of hubris, Odysseus will pay no attention to modesty and suffers tragic effects.

Like humbled by his tragic voyage, Odysseus displays the right form of self-identification when he washes up on the Phaeacian shoreline. The Full, Alcinous, embraces the depressed Odysseus in to his house and implores him to share his account. Although Odysseus greatest desire is to go back to Ithaca great family, where he has been from for over ten years, he wants to explain his situation. He begins

Merely can escape the perilous day, will be your host as well as your sworn friend, though my house is definately not here. as well as I am Odysseus, child of Laertes, known to the earth / for every kind of craftmy fame offers reached the skies (9. 19-22).

Although Odysseus connects his name to his world-renowned accomplishments, this is not an instance of boastful self-glorification. What he is really saying is that despite all of the fame and humbled glory he has supposedly obtained, he is however miserable. This is the right form of identification since first of all, Odysseus is displaying the virtue of tolerance by delaying his immeasurable desire to go back home. Subsequently, he is displaying modesty by simply stating his reputation like a meaningless reality rather than a reason to be envied. Lastly, he’s displaying attention by imprecationexecration his dedication and providing to return Alcinous hospitality, despite the fact that he is not sure if he may ever produce it house. Homer shows that by discovering himself with respect to these benefits, he is paid. Once Odysseus completes his story, Alcinous is enormously sympathetic and supplies him having a Phaeacian ship so that he can travel home.

A third example of self-identification works with the goddess Athena. Odysseus has come to Ithaca and comes across a shepherd that is really Athena in disguise. She discloses her identity as, Pallas Athena, little girl of Zeus (13. 341). By providing the unnecessary fact that her father is Zeus, she is boasting. Then she tells Odysseus, Thanks to me personally the Phaecians all accepted you warmly (13. 343), as if to pat himself on the back again for her benevolence. Furthermore, she informs Odysseus that her meeting with him is to notify him of the trials you must suffer in your palace, (13. 348) then formulate a plan to deal with all of them. Now the girl with even acquiring credit to get his future success. If Athena had been mortal, her self-identification will be seen as pompous and she’d likely suffer for it in the end. However , being a Goddess, she’s immune. Homers message this is two-fold: The gods will be our protectors and trigger everything to happen, and also the gods are totally superior to human beings. This becomes a modification to what he considers the right sort of self-identification: Provide respect to virtue most importantly else2E.. until you are a god because then you are not be subject to mortal sociable codes. As Athenas self-identification clearly violates the virtue of modesty, it implies that Gods need not be simple. This case in point elevates the virtue of divine respect as it shows that Gods determine mortal activity. Perhaps this example shows how Homeric society occupied fear of the gods.

As the Odyssey should really be instructive as it consists of insight into just how society should perform, Athenas boastful assertion is problematic to Homers message for the act of naming oneself. By using her name to give credit to herself intended for everything that happens to Odysseus, your woman invites the question then, why does Odysseus discover himself the right way in one episode but the incorrect way within? Homers messagethat self-identification must be done with respect to advantage above all elseis strengthened simply by examples. This individual shows the rewards which come from getting virtuous while using example of Odysseus being furnished with a Phaeacian ship. He shows the punishment that comes from not being desired with the sort of Poseidon producing Odysseus trip miserable after boastfully glorifying his name to Polyphemus. It appears apparent that Homer was trying to pressure above all else the energy and brilliance of the gods. However , by portraying Athena as allgewaltig and in charge of everything this individual has offered her perhaps too much power. If the lady and the other gods can be accredited with everything that occurs, the Odyssey seems to suppress the will pertaining to mortal accomplishment.

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