action 1 romeo and juliet questions and answers

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Interpersonal institution

How come do Sampson and Gregory fight with Montague’s men?

They stir up old problems again that occurred in yesteryear and combat.

Benvolio and Tybalt come upon the serants fighting. Distinction their reactions to the deal with.

Benvolio does not want to fight, but Tybalt arguements and is upset.

When ever Montague and Capulet get into and see the disturbance, they would like to fight, too. What do their very own wives declare?

The wives tell them not to fight whatsoever, and that they are receiving old.

What ended the opening fight?

The royal prince threatens Capulets and Montague’s death in the event argument starts off again.

Why is Romeo so miserable?

He is crazy about a woman who not want to get touched.

In Take action 1 Picture 2, Rome asks Capulet for Juliet’s hand in marital life. What is Capulet’s reply?

Capulet tells Paris that Juliet is too small to be hitched but he will probably arrange her with other guys. If non-e of those males meet the criteria that Paris does, in that case he will let Paris marry Juliet within a couple of years.

Why is Capulet giving a banquet?

Capulet is giving a feast in order to find who is right for Juliet, along with Paris in consideration.

How does Romeo find out about the feast, and why does this individual decide to go even though(being a Montague) he is not invited?

The servant, who have the names with the guests, would not know how to browse, so he asks Romeo if this individual knows how to examine. Romeo soon finds out regarding the feast that the Capulet, the servants master, has. Romeo decides to go, because he knows that Rosaline, the woman he loved at that time, would be right now there. Also, Benvolio wanted to present Romeo the various other females there would be with the party in order to forget about Rosaline.

Identify Juliet’s romance with her family in Act 1 .

Juliet seems to have a very good relationship with her family, particularly with her daddy. They are both close, so once she was told that Paris wanted to marry her, she was willing to, only because of how very much respect your woman had for her father.

At the end of Act you, Scene 4, what does Romeo tell Benvolio, foreshadowing future action in the play?

Romeo tells Benvolio that he may go to the feast, but that he feels that problems will happen at the feast because of him being a Montague, not a Capulet.

Exactly what does Romeo suggest when he says, ‘Oh Dear Account! Living is my own woes debt?

When Romeo says, “Oh dear accounts! My life is definitely my foe’s debt,  he is saying him getting married to Juliet could be the wrong thing to do, and if this individual married her, then basically of his would impact him immediately after the marriage approximately his whole life. Also, him knowing that this individual has gone down for a Capulet is very surprising, because Capulets are Montague’s enemies.

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