anne bradstreet called upon the article

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Bea Bradstreet

New England Colonies, Puritans, Beautifully constructed wording Analysis, Poem Analysis

Research from Composition:

Howe-Pinsker, Rebecca (1998). Confession, Search and Convenience

In Bea Bradstreet’s “Upon the Burning of Our House July tenth, 1666” Recovered June 2006, from The Science of Fine art. Ampersand. The Art of Science. Website:

3. (2003-2006). The first Seventeenth Century Topics. Emigrants and Settlers: Text and Contexts. Anne Bradstreet, coming from “A Dialogue Between Old England and New, Concerning their Present Troubles, Anno 1642″(2003-2006). Recovered June, 2006, from The Norton Antology of English Literary works. Norton Topics online. Site:

some. Woodlief, A. Anne Bradstreet, Biography. Gathered June, 2006. Web site:

5. Heinsohn, Robert Jennings (2000). Pilgrims and Puritans in 17th Century New England. Gathered June, 2006, from Cruise 1620 Web site:

6. Bradstttreet, A (1994-2002). Anne Bradstreet (ca. 1616-1672). The Flesh and the Spirit. Gathered June 06\, from Representative Poetry on the web

Web site:

7. Cowell, P. (1983) The Early Division of Anne Bradstreet’s Poems. Critical Documents on Bea Bradstreet. Eds. Pattie Cowell and Ann Stanford. Crit. Essays in Amer. Lit.. Boston: Lounge

8. Cowell, P, and Stanford, A. (1983)Critical Essays on Bea Bradstreet. Boston: Hall

being unfaithful. (1997-2006). Puritanism in Fresh England. Retrieved June, 2006 Web site:

10. The singer, N. (1998). The Origins of the Nest, Retrieved 06, 2006, in the Massachusetts Bay Colony


Bradstttreet, A (1994-2002). Anne Bradstreet (ca. 1616-1672). Verses upon the burning of our House, July the 18th, 1666. Retrieved 06 2006, from Representative Poems online

Web site: idem

Bradstttreet, A (1994-2002). Bea Bradstreet (ca. 1616-1672). The Flesh and the Spirit. Gathered June 06\, from Consultant Poetry online

Web site:

Bradstttreet, A (1994-2002). Bea Bradstreet (ca. 1616-1672). Poems upon the burning of our House, July the 18th, 1666. Recovered June 06\, from Rep Poetry on-line

Web site:

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