ap world example essay

Category: Essay topics for students,
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Big Picture Concerns

1 . “The particular cultures and communities of Africa and of the Americas talked about in this phase developed mainly in solitude from one another. ” What evidence would support this statement and what may possibly challenge it?

2 . “How do you really understand aspects of the world, such as Bantu The african continent and North America, that did not generate “civilizations”? Do you find them while “backward”, because moving slowly toward civilization, or as simply diverse?

three or more. How did African closeness to Eurasia shape the history? And just how did American separation from the Eastern Hemisphere affect it is development?

4. “The histories of Africa and Americas during the second-wave time largely resemble those of Eurasia. ” Do you agree with this kind of statement? Explain why or why not.

Margin Review Inquiries

1 . What similarities and differences happen to be noticeable among the three key continents worldwide?

2 . How didthehistory of Meroë and Axumreflectinteraction with neighboring cultures?

3. How exactly does theexperienceoftheNiger Valleychallengeconventionalnotions of “civilization”?

4. With whatEurasian civilizations might the Maya always be compared?

6th. WhatkindofinfluencedidChavínexertin theAndes region?

7. WhatfeaturesofMochelifecharacterizeitas acivilization?

8. The fact that was the significance of Wari and Tiwanaku inside the history of Andean Civilization?

being unfaithful. What features common to all civilizations could you identify inside the civilizations of Africa and the Americas? What distinguishing features give them an exceptional identity?

12. In what techniques did the arrival of the Bantu-speaking lenders stimulate cross-cultural interaction?

11. In what ways were the histories with the Ancestral Naci�n and the Pile Builders comparable to each other, and just how did they differ?

Search terms

Ancestral Pueblo: Formerly referred to as Anasazi, this people proven a combined agricultural and gathering/hunting societyin thesouthwestern partofNorth America. (pron. PWAY-blow) Apedemek: The big cat god of classical Meroë; his recognition shows a turn away coming from Egyptian cultural influence. (pron. ah-PED-eh-mek) Axum: Classical-era kingdom of East Africa, in present-dayEritreaandnorthern Ethiopia; flourishedfrom 100to600c. e. (pron. AX-uhm) Bantu expansion: Progressive migration of Bantu-speaking lenders from their homeland in what has become southern Nigeria and the Cameroons into the majority of eastern and southern The african continent, a process thatbegan around 3 thousands b. c. e. and continued for a few millennia. The agricultural tactics and ironworking technology of Bantu-speaking farmers provided them an edge over the gathering and hunting peoples theyencountered. (pron. BAHN-too) Batwa: Forest-dwelling people of Central Africa who used some oftheways oftheirBantu neighbors whileretaining distinctivefeatures oftheirown traditions; alsoknown while “Pygmies. “(pron. BAHT-wah) Cahokia: The dominating center of your important Mississippi valley mound-building culture, located near present-daySt. Louis, Missouri; flourishedfromabout900to1250c. e. (pron. cah-HOKE-ee-ah)

Chaco Phenomenon: Name directed at a major technique of settlement and societal firm that occurred in the period 860–1130 c. elizabeth. among the lenders of Chaco canyon, in what is now northwestern New Mexico; the world formed is usually notable because of its settlement in large pueblos and for thebuilding ofhundreds ofmiles ofroads (thepurposeofwhich is notknown). (pron. CHAH-koh) Chavín: Andean town that was thecenterofalargePeruvian religious movementfromaround900to200 b. c. e. (pron. cha-BEAN) Coptic Christianity: The Egyptian selection of Christianity, distinctive in its idea that Christ has only a single, divinenature. Ezana: Ruler of Axum in the early fourth century c. at the. who established Christianity in his state. (pron. eh-TZAHN-ah) Hopewell culture: Named from its most critical site (in present-day Ohio), this is the many elaborate andwidespreadoftheNorth American mound-building cultures; flourishedfrom200b. c. at the. to400c. e. Jenne-jeno: Greatest and most completely studied with the cities in the Niger Valley civilization. (pron. JENNay JENN-oh) Maya: Themajorclassicalcivilization ofMesoamerica; flourishedfrom250to900c. e.

Meroë: City in southern Nubia that was the center of Nubian civilization between 300 b. c. e. and 100 c. e. (pron. MER-oh-ee) Moche: An important regional civilization of Peru, ruled by warrior-priests; flourished from around 100to800c. e. (pron. MO-che) Mound Builders: Associates of any of a number of ethnicities that produced east of theMississippiRiverin what is now the United States and that will be distinguished by their large earthen mounds, builtduring theperiod2000b. c. e. –1250c. e. Nazca: A world of the southern part of coastalPeru, theNazcabecamefamous fortheirundergroundirrigation programs and their enormous and mystical lines in the desert by means of monkeys, parrots, spiders, andotherdesigns. (pron. NAHZ-kah) Niger Pit civilization:

Distinctive city-basedcivilization thatflourishedfromabout300b. c. e. toabout 900 c. e. inside the floodplain with the middle Niger andthatincludedmajorcities likeJenne-jeno; theNiger Area civilization is specially noteworthy due to the apparent insufficient centralized express structures, previously being organizedinsteadin groupings ofeconomicallyspecializedsettlements. pueblo: “Great house” of the Ancestral Pueblo persons; a large, condo building–like structure that couldhousehundreds ofpeople. “semi-sedentary”: Term commonly used to describe the peoples from the eastern woodlands oftheUnited Says, Central America, the Amazon online basin, plus the Caribbean islands who mixed partial reliability on agriculturewith gathering andhunting. Teotihuacán: The biggest city of pre-Columbian America, with apopulation between 100, 000and200, 000; relatively built to a plan in the Valley of South america, Teotihuacán flourished between three hundred and six hundred c. at the., during which time that governed or influenced much of the surrounding place. The nameTeotihuacán is an Aztectermmeaning “cityofthegods. “(pron. teh-o-tee-WAH-kahn) Tikal: MajorMayacity, with apopulation ofperhaps 40, 000people. (pron. TEE-kal)

Period 2: Organization & Reorganization of Human being Societies, c. 600 BCE to c. 600 CE

Key Idea 2 . 1The Development & Codification ofReligious& Cultural Customs

I. Codifications of existing religioustraditionscreate abond among thepeople& anethical code A. Judaismdeveloped 1 . Motivated byMesopotamian tradition & legal traditions 2 . Conquered bypolitical states led to diasporacommunities B. Sanskrit scriptures formed Hinduism(s) II. Newbeliefsystemsemerged & propagate, oftenasserting general truths. A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Daoism D. Christianity

Electronic. Greco-Roman beliefs & technology III. Belief systems damaged genderroles 4. Other religious/traditions continued seite an seite to crafted beliefsystems. A. Shamanism& heathenism B. Ancestorveneration

V. Artsy expressions, including literature& theatre, architecture, & sculpture.

A. Books & crisis B. Indian, Greek, Mesoamerican, & Roman architectural models. C. Greco-Roman sculpture, syncretismw/ Buddhism

Crucial Concept installment payments on your 2The Advancement ofStates& Autorit� I. Soberano societiesgrewdramatically. A. Persian Empires B. Qin & Han dynasties

C. Maurya& GuptaEmpires

Deb. Phoenician & Greek colonies/colonization, Hellenistic & Roman Kingdoms E. Teotihuacan, Mayacitystates F. Moche

II. Empires& statesdeveloped new tactics of real administration

A. Rulers created centralized government authorities, elaboratelegal devices, & bureaucracies. B. Soberano governments expected military power C. Muchof thesuccess of empires relaxed ontheir promotionof trade & economic integration III. Uniquesocial & economical dimensionsdeveloped inimperial Societies. A. Functionof Metropolitan areas 1 . centers of control 2 . faith based rituals

several. political operations

B. Sociable hierarchies1)cultivators; 2)laborers; 3)slaves; 4)artisans; 5)merchants; 6)elites; 7) castegroups. C. Methodsused to produce foodstuff, rewardsforelites. Deb. Patriarchy extended to shapegender & familyrelations. IV. Roman, Han, Mauryan, & Guptadeclined, collapsed, transformed into successorempiresorstates. A. Empires induced environmental harm & generated social tensions& economic troubles. B. Exterior problemsresulted fromthethreatof invasions

Important Concept installment payments on your 3Emergence ofTransRegional NetworksofCommunication & Exchange

I. Hemispheric trade, communication & exchange networksimpacted climate& locationof theroutes, the normal tradegoods, & theethnicityof persons

A. Cross Silk Highways

B. Trans-Saharan caravan ways

C. Indian Sea sealanes G. Mediterranean sealanes

II. Newtechnologiesled to long-distance interaction & exchange.

A. Newtechnologiesled to trained pack animals, promoted longerroutes.

B. Maritime solutions, monsoon gusts of wind III. Intangible Trade Sites

A. cropsled to changesin farming & irrigation

W. Diseasesdecreased downtown populations, as well decreased empires(Rome& Han) C. Religious& ethnic


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