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University Application

College Admission, Medication Errors, Field Observation, Nursing Informatics

Excerpt from Case Study:


As technology becomes hotter the effects of fresh technologies impact all aspects of our lives. Technical advances have an effect on many different careers as well, especially the field of health care. Consequently the developments in technology have impacted the discipline of nursing jobs as well. For example, advances in technology affecting the nursing jobs affects nearly all aspect of the field including daily routine tasks such as planning. The use of electronic charting provides resulted in an increase in the safety of patients and a subsequent decrease in the time nurses use for paperwork. For many healthcare professionals advances in technology make their careers easier, in most cases. However , much like any progression there is a trade-off in performance with other areas. In is definitely impossible to list all the effects of technology of nursing within the confines of this kind of paper. And so the primary discussion for this newspaper will be restricted to the effects of digital reporting systems and their results on medical.

Literature Review

There can be little doubt that advancements in computerized technology have lead to more efficient individual care. As an example, before the implementation of 4 pump infusions and electronic IV monitors a patient who needed a great IV of any type experienced it administered under the attention and mindful eye with their nurse as the old manual IVs had been prone to stopping or going too quickly. As a result, a health professional often was needed to continue to be near the person’s side whenever they were needing an 4. Given when patients want IVs the brand new innovation made a nurse’s job much simpler and allowed them time to attend to various other duties although patients possess IVs (Kaplan Harris-Salamone, 2009). The breastfeeding specialty that investigates the involvement of computers and just how it influences the practice of nursing is called Breastfeeding Informatics (Hardwick, Pulido and Adelson, 2007). Nursing Informatics can be defined as the interaction of nursing and information administration with information processing and communication technology to support the fitness of patients. Thus, Nursing Informatics makes specialized medical documentation readily available for evaluation by causing information technology available at the person’s bedside (Hardwick, Pulido and Adelson, 2007).

Computerized paperwork has been considered as a major innovation in healthcare and features assisted rns with organization of information, preserved time, and led to a general improved workflow (Lee, 2007). However , technology changes and once there is a great implementation of the new digital documentation program this can bring about a disruption inside the established routine. At first it is typically extremely time consuming to learn and data in a new system. The stress of learning a new format, sometimes having to acquire fresh typing expertise, the bound to happen mistakes and also other issues can lead to job discontentment, lapses in patient attention, stress-related concerns for everyone. It is therefore very help to involve the nurses in the beginning when putting into action a new program so they can be involved in the process of providing input regarding the style and potential snags into a smooth transition (Lee, 2007). Courtney, Demiris and Alexander (2005) guide that fresh information technology (IT) innovations needs to be flexible regarding allow a form of dual alter. In other words, fresh technologies should lead to within nursing techniques; however , breastfeeding practices also needs to result in healthy diet IT changes and innovative developments. The changes executed by new IT should as a result be bi-directional. These digital systems have various other potentials additionally to aiding the health professional with paperwork. For example , electronic prompts or perhaps computerized reminders for individual care interventions can be quite useful. Moreover, the usage of computer well guided interventions can be linked to the prognosis entered by nurse in to the system to generate them easily available to nursing staff and physicians on the spot (Lee, 2007).

As stated above the utilization of computers features resulted in better speed and even more efficient documentation by nurses. The use of portable handheld equipment is also generally incorporated in the electronic medical record system (EMR). Admisible handheld products or wi-fi computerized devices allow the nurse to enter the patient’s essential signs and other documentation while at the the bedside. Moreover, they allow the nurse to read a patient’s lab values, any kind of new purchases from physicians, and watch other information without ever going out of the patient while at the bedside (Hardwick, Pulido, Adelson, 2007). These kinds of portable IT devices have been completely truly amazing. There has recently been empirical proof that these kinds of real time documentation results in any minimization of omission mistakes and connection errors (Strople Ottani, 2006). One study discovered that utilising an EMR and potable paperwork devices just like handheld products or a wireless computer system reduced vital signal documentation errors by more than 50% when compared to the use of classic pen and paper charting methods (Gearing et ing., 2006).

Even when not utilized in integration with an EMR, the new handheld devices may help for patient documentation if you take the place of the traditional clipboard. The use of a portable device in place of a clip-board can allow a nurse to enter information immediately and effectively at the patient’s bedside and later either transfer the information into a paper graph and or chart or upload it in a computer (Hardwick, Pulido, Adelson, 2007). Strople and Ottani (2006) discovered that the utilization of personal digital assistants (PDAs) use lowered the time rns spend creating their activities by almost two several hours, led to greatly improved effectiveness in total patient treatment, and have a good impact on individual safety and overall sufferer outcomes.

The application of electronic hand held devices presents other helpful nurses. For example , many of the portable devices have access to reference supplies. This allows a nurse to look up info such as medicine lists, medicine interactions or perhaps side effects, and other important medical references not having having to come back to their business office or go to the nursing train station. Many of the fresh handheld gadgets, such as PDA’s, offer different tools that may be of assistance. Many include applications including clocks, timers, calendars, plans, etc . which you can use as medicine or treatment reminders. Hardwick, Pulido, and Adelson (2007) point out many different ways that this sort of tools and applications is a good idea not only in the hospital but likewise in the home health-related setting.

In 2006 The Joint Commission upon Accreditation of Health Care Companies (JCAHO) recognized communication failures as the key cause of sentinel events in healthcare configurations and found a major adding factor to these failures was the shift report (Strople Ottani, 2006). The conventional practice for the reports is the use of recollection and the graph and or chart when providing report. This could lead to the omission of important information while memory can be unreliable (Hardwick, Pulido, Adelson, 2007; Strople Ottani, 2006). The use of newspaper worksheets could possibly be replaced with a PDA unit. This way the knowledge would be forever documented and readily available rendering it much less probably that important information would be overlooked. Moreover while discussed previous using these kinds of handheld products or another type of electronic credit reporting would improve the amount of time of direct sufferer care that can be demonstrated to reduce issues such as the rate of UTI, medicine errors (Bradley, Stelenkamp, Hite, 2006), and pulmonary give up (Strople Ottani, 2006). EMR use can increase the top quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of a patient-centered shift report.

Observations and Possible Futures

The application of an EMR has made it easier to get nurses around the units Plus involved with to visit about their exercises. However , to start with changes or the implementation of your EMR is extremely awkward and takes a while to get accustomed to. Once the changes are made as well as the transition complete it is very powerful. The implementation of an EMR system has the potential to increase patient protection in other areas besides the kinds covered in the research. Applying computerized physician orders really can lead to a decrease in transcribing errors we all commonly observe when someone takes the order in the phone. A dual mobile phone and computerized physician buy system could lead to the provision of additional information that would decrease ordering problems related misreporting, a lack of medicine knowledge, repetitive medication orders, a lack of sufferer information, or perhaps rules infractions. Most of the medication errors that occur tend to be due to an inability to correctly examine written instructions, medications staying written pertaining to the wrong affected person, or redundant orders. As an example Bradley, Stelenkamp, and Hite, (2006) have stated due to their assessment that the majority of medication errors are actually preventable. In studies following a implementing of a computerized buying system the identification of medication problems increased plus the level of affected person harm droped dramatically. Nevertheless there were still errors noted in computer entry just like orders being placed pertaining to the wrong patient, but these faults were identified more quickly. It appears that the use of a digital order entrance system contributes to an increase in nice of errors and a subsequent decline in patient risk. Moreover

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