Assignment on E- commerce Essay

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It is an enormous delight to submit my assignment named “E-commerce Program “in Bangladesh.

A closer examine assigned as being a required of your course related. In preparing this task I have acquired much information about “E-commerce system”. I have tried out my far better to furnish the assignment with relevant info.

Which I were required to collect via online and related journal. I really hope this project will help the banking sector to gather a lot of insights within the widows to complete further research in this aspect. I would like to convey my contribution to you and thank you for providing me a chance to work on this topic. The queries through this aspect is going to highly be anticipated.

Thank you Really your Dedication Acknowledgement First of all pay an exclusive thanks to my own almighty God. Who made me able to full this record? Then I would like to give thanks to renowned charity donor Mr.

Ragib Ali as he established Leading University and that we got this opportunity to go through here, following wards. I would like express my heartfelt appreciation to Prof Dr . Mister. Bashir Ahmed Bhuiyan, Mind of the Section of organization Administration, Leading University Sylhet.

I would like to thanks our course trainer Mr. Md. Rahimulah Miah, respected Lecturer of Leading University pertaining to giving me this chance to make a great assignment. My thanks also goes to my children members and friends who have are cooperated with me at any of the methods of the job and constantly support me personally without any reluctance and cause them to become safes a significant part of this job.

Publisher Letter of Acceptance This really is to certify that Amit kumar regent, ID: 1101010174 Section: M Semester: 7thand 27- Group, Department of Business Government, Leading School, Sylhet, Bangladesh has finished his assignment work entitled on ” E-commerce program. “A nearer study below my guidance. He has completed his work with truthfulness, commitment and dedication. This individual discussed different issues and problems with me to meet the requirement of this examine and preparing the assignment. I wish all the best in his efforts.

Abstract Internet commerce (Sometimes known as web- based) commerce is definitely the term used to spell out the activity to do business for the internet. That including organization to business, business to consumer and in many cases consumer to consumer orders that require the investing of goods and service, the transactions of funds, as well as the exchange of tips. Ecommerce including functions such as marketing production, finance, advertising and discussions.

Ecommerce is not as new concept in Bangladesh any longer, ecommerce that started their journey in Bangladesh within the last 90s as then it ongoing to develop. This study concentrates on determining the portions of the environment regards to ecommerce to get the best picture with the prevailing condition and then recommending some parts of improvement on the basis of the evaluation for implementing ecommerce in Bangladesh. Online business allows customers to electronically exchange goods and services with no limitations of time or distance.

Digital commerce has expanded rapidly over the past five years and is also predicted to continue at this charge, or even accelerate. In the near future the boundaries among “conventional” and “electronic “commerce will become progressively blurred as more and more businesses move sections of their operations onto the internet. 1 . 5 Limitations in the study Due to time limitations the study continues to be conducted only 1 commerce services on secondary information.

A microscopic research (aggregate analysis) has been built here for the unavailability of appropriate data in some cases. To arrange this assignment I have encountered a lot of problems just like unavailability of lab, electricity problem, unavailability of related book and journals fasten of time, unavailability of information in net etc . Chapter Two Bangladesh is pursuing an economic policy export led expansion with the growing forces of globalization, it can be becoming increasingly critical that the exclusive sector particularly the export areas are well able to meet the requirements and in your competitors against exporters in other countries.

In this scenario two issues have grown to be particularly important for Bangladeshi export sectors one whether business are automating their interior processes with the aid of ICTS to get increasingly effective and competitive in a global content and two if business have got efficient and competitive within a global circumstance and two whether businesses have powerful presence and participation inside the cyber world. Purchase Legal system. Currency convertibility: Access to global finance.

1 . Since the market has no competition any day new entrants may come up with new offers. 2 . Discount plans of mobile phone companies (GP Thank you) can be a menace. 2 . 6th Advantages of Internet commerce 2 . six Disadvantages of Ecommerce several. 1 Internet site Selection: The topic chosen pertaining to the task is “e commerce system. ” several. 4 Web page Design: I work with non-government sector and also include federal government sector. a few.

5 Country Map: 3. 6 Info Collection: All the data and inflation which in turn s optimistic to my own task was collected by secondary sure. 3. six Data Analysis: I use Microsoft word and Microsoft electricity point to make this assignment. Bangladesh has recently entered into the field of e-commerce. Bangladesh Bank (BB) opened up the e-commerce transactions in the net in 2009.

Consequently Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DDBL) has launched Internet Payment Gateway (IPG) in the name of Nexus-Gateway in Summer, 2010 and BRAC Lender in 12 , 2010. Interim, a few e-merchants have developed their web-sites and linked with the IPG from the banks. The whole journey of e-commerce has four methods.

These include the go-ahead signal of the central bank, launching internet repayment gateway (IPG) by industrial banks after obtaining go ahead signal with the central financial institution, development of appropriate website by e-merchants to show off and deal their products and services, and purchasing of goods and services by customers from the e-merchants. The merchant commission — a fee to be paid by the merchant for the bank in percentage of the sale worth — can be higher to get e-commerce purchase than regarding the DETRAS transaction. The e-merchant must also pay a fee to the owner of the net portal in case the website can be not owned by him.

On the other hand, an e-merchant would not require developing shops on the prominent and costly places of a city; they just have to maintain warehouses in various low priced locations via where they can deliver goods to the different parts of the city as well as country conveniently with lowest transportation cost. The ultimate consequence is: the e-commerce players are at a competitive advantage to retailers. They have decrease operating expenses and better inventory managing due to with a digital commerce environment.

For example , amazon online. com has revenue per employee of nearly $850k while its selling counterpart, Greatest coupe, generates revenue per worker of just $270k. Part five a few. Recommendations The assessment with the e-commerce environmental forces of Bangladesh leave us some space to recommend some actions and measures, that should be performed by the policy makers and business risk holders for the full-fledged implementation and development of ecommerce in Bangladesh. There commendations are: There should be an ELEKTRONIK FON TRANSFERI (Electronic Finance Transfer) Entrance, which will connect all financing and banking institutions, ATMs, POS and related websites. Such Gateway can speed up the transactions among banks, commercial institutions.

This kind of infrastructure should be implemented about priority basis. A CCG (Credit Card Gateway) ought to be established. A credit card gateway can be described as server which makes online visa or mastercard transactions safe(Skinner, 2005). The program protocols inside the CCG make use of the information offered to check to get availability of funds and to make sure the visa or mastercard is not really expired, misplaced or thieved. This takes only seconds.

When the purchase is approved a receipt is usually generated to get the customer, and the funds are transferred to the vendor’s bank account through EFT. Unlicensed radio frequencies should be provided on require andesite functioning licenses should never limit the bandwidth. Business associations and organizations needs to be made aware of the benefits of e-commerce. Business organizations like FBCCI, DCCI, MCCI, and BGMEA may play an important role to promote e-commerce in Bangladesh. Politics commitment to boost governance and institutional advantages essential for powerful application of e-commerce.

Last but not least, Nationwide ICT policy, 2002 and enactment in the ICTAct, 2006 is required to boost the implementation of e-commerce. Bout Questionnaire:

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