behavior modification essay

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Tendencies Intervention 1

RUNNING MIND: Behavior Treatment

Behavioral input of a

schoolboy presenting low on-task behavior

in the classroom

Monique Douglas

Edith Cowan University

Behavior Input 2


The on-task behavior of your schoolboy older 11 named Alan was monitored over an

intervention period of 39 days and nights. This period consisted of observation, involvement and

follow-up segments. Target manners were described. These manners were then simply

separated during the intervention to extricate the useful association of antecedents

and effects. Previous research from the Log of Utilized Behavior Examination

had been referred to pertaining to the composition of the intervention model. The theories of

reinforcement and punishment were applied to gain desired habit and obvious target tendencies. Verbal great reinforcement and positive consequence was used, preserving a firm persistence throughout the intervening period. To realise the best consequence a tightly controlled environment was created to limit any possible distractions. Effects obtained through the follow-up period indicated a considerable success intended for the treatment program.

Tendencies Intervention three or more

Behavioral treatment of a schoolboy displaying low on-task

behavior in the classroom

Tendencies assessments are essential applications to get gaining regarding the motivation of individuals. Simply by conducting these types of assessments, concentrate on behaviors can be defined. After defining these kinds of behaviors, useful relationships may be identified. This links the target behavior with antecedents and consequences. When recognized these antecedents and consequences may be manipulated to influence the point behavior (Ebanks & Fisher, 2003). These kinds of behavior assessments work as the inspiration for patterns modification therapy.

Antecedents contain any situations that arise immediately ahead of the target tendencies manifests. By simply manipulating the antecedent it will be easy to cause the target patterns to become extinct. Similarly the results that occur immediately after the prospective behavior can also be controlled to remove the behavior. The combined manipulation of both equally functional human relationships provides the ideal chance for success (Mueller, Sterling-Turner and Scattone, 2001).

Declaration is an essential part of tendencies modification therapy. This is because in the need to be able to recognize the necessity to change a behavior and distinguish the antecedents and consequences. All factors are observable and should be monitored closely to spot the relationship and effect they have on each other. Once these kinds of relationships have been identified, tendencies therapy can be employed to wash away undesired patterns replacing that with more suitable behavior.

To appropriately observe and assess a person for an intervention system a calculating process should be designed for the purpose of evaluating their very own behavior.

Behavior Input 4

This kind of measurement process should stipulate observable activities that the person indulges in to display all their mood. The quantity of times the action or actions happen to be performed acts as a clear sign of the existence of the goal behavior. To limit any kind of variation within collected info, specific occasions and configurations should be securely controlled the moment conducting the observations.

This observational period acts as the first stage in the general process of any kind of behavior customization therapy. Once observed, the behaviour is then determined, targeted then stopped. Ideally while the inappropriate behavior is getting stopped, one more desired behavior is being identified, developed, heightened and maintained.

Various tactics can be employed to obtain this kind of outcome. To boost positive patterns both great and adverse reinforcement can be useful. Great reinforcement relies on rewards that encourage positive patterns. Negative strengthening strengthens confident behavior through the avoidance of a potential adverse condition as a result of behavior. Annihilation and treatment are other types of reinforcers that suppress negative patterns. Extinction weakens specific behavior by the consequence of that tendencies not resulting in a positive end result or failing to stop a negative condition. Abuse simply attempts inappropriate tendencies by creating negative conditions in response to that particular behavior.

Particular techniques should be selected suitable for the intervention. When implemented, the technique must be consistently managed until the tendencies has been efficiently reinforced.

Recently behavior changes strategies have been employed by persons working within just educational systems to treat college students displaying unmanageable

Behavior Intervention a few

behavior (Romaniuk, Miltenberger, Conyers, Jenner, Jurgens and Ringenberg, 2002). The reasoning in back of this desire to treat the behavior stems from the motivation to achieve the student the best possible skills to deal with their academic and cultural futures.

This report concentrates on a specific college student intervention of any boy called Allan old 11 going to a open public school in Perth, European Australia. His schoolwork

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