bottled water the dirty infatuation essay

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Water Methods

Water, Habitat Destruction, Big cat, Molecular

Excerpt from Essay:

However , there is the belief that plain tap water ‘tastes funny’ and this drives the market in its advertising of a product that Barnett views a form of modern kind of patent remedies – it really is at best unnecessarily expensive and harmless towards the drinker, at worst destructive to the ecosystem (Barnett 139). Actually there is a sort of circular paradox – a lot more bottlers should exploit the planet, the a whole lot worse the press about normal water quality as well as the more individuals are inclined to buy bottled water, thus raising the sales in the industry that may be complicit in such damage. Companies are not really charged for “the groundwater from which they will profit” (Barnett 142)

The lack of concern amongst the water-drinking community may have to do with water’s ubiquity – every day we ignore the touch near our kitchen sink, acquire bottled water, and carelessly eliminate that water because we believe the wine bottles are reused. And, while Peter Gleick argues in the essay “Selling bottled water: The present day medicine show” from Bottled and Marketed: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water, people are swamped with advertising for the claims of bottled water therefore consistently, the effect is very similar to how people react to prescription drug adverts – instantly, subliminally, they sense they own a ‘condition’ (i. e., the tap water tastes funny) that under no circumstances occurred in primaly (Gleick 109).

Gleik notes how the community has actually been persuaded by brands such as Evian that the water is a “natural source of youth” (Gleick 110). Skinny drinking water, ionized drinking water, alkalized normal water: people figure out very little about these claims yet assume since they appear scientific they need to be true (Gleick 114). And once again, the FDA is far more interested in relatively obviously false claims by drug and supplement companies than the claims of drinking water bottlers. Customers seem wanting to believe that simply by drinking water they will magically enhance their health: suppliers have possibly claimed they can “rearrange” the molecular framework to improve customer health and profited from it (Gleick 123).

Both writers make a persuasive case for the need for an educated consumer. Even though Barnett and Gleick necessitate greater regulation, they also inform you that buyer buying patterns need to switch for significant change to happen regarding the dangerous what has turned into a massive organization. Quite simply, bottled water is not good for consumer overall health (at most severe, it can be damaging and is bad for the environment in terms of resource depletion and the growing heap of reused materials created by the sector (since not every bottles happen to be recycled as well as the recycling where possible industry creates some waste). This at some point affects the public’s well being in a adverse fashion. “Ignorance and fear” has allowed the industry to profit off from consumers and also allowed this to actually injury human wellness (Gleick 130).

Works Offered

Barnett, Cynthia. Mirage: Sarasota and the Disappearing Water with the Eastern U. S. Ann Arbor, MI:

University of Michigan Press, 2009.

Gleick, Peter. Bottled and Distributed: The Story In back of

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