celebrities dissertation

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There are many people who believe that celebrities only think about themselves and that they arent concerned with any individual elses challenges. To me a Hero is some one that you may look to and who inspirers you to certainly be a better person. A celebrity is definitely someone who gets paid a lot of cash to pretend to be a main character. There are many issues that face America today just like hunger, poverty and most notably War. Contrary to popular belief there are several superstars who are worried and that donate millions of dollars to charities and there are some running their own charitable organizations. They consist of multimillionaire Expenses Gates, talk-show host Rosie ODonnell and Louis Armstrong.

Costs Gates- developed charity donates million to fight hepatitis, is the headline of Hepatitis Weekly magazine. Multimillionaire Bill Gates donated 37. a few million dollars to help deal with Hepatitis W in China, where two-thirds of the population is infected with this kind of lethal disease. The money will be used in buying vaccines to immunize newborn children in poor areas. Approximately 400, 000 people in China die from liver Cancer and also other ailments due to the disease (Bill 1).

Talk show host Rosie ODonnell gets 1, 000 dollars donated to her charity for every time an extra on her display gives her a kiss. The money is definitely donated coming from Listerine Mouthwash, they finished up contributing 500, 000 us dollars to her Almost all For Kids foundation. 200 personal computers and 55, 000 dollars were make donation to the Toys to get Tots foundation from the ceo of Start Frog, the company that produces digital toys that teach kids math, research and transliteration. After Sept. 2010 11, the lady donated 1 million dollars to the American Red Cross, another , 000, 000 to a fund that benefits the families of firefighters who were killed inside the tragedy (Domenica 3).

His late wife founded the Louis Armstrong Foundation in 1969. The program is designed to help with fostering programs, workshops and lectures on music record. It also can be useful for funding and supports the Louis Armstrong schools in Queens pertaining to musical education, jazz training courses and the college libraries (Louis 3).

To summarize, although there couple of celebrities whom are self-centered and never care about other folks, there are some who have do. Those that do, provide as much as the can to help others produce their lives better. That they start fundraisers, donate funds and in some cases market of their personal goods and the money they will get go therefore several different charitable organizations.

Works Cited

Expenses Gates-created charitable organization donates large numbers to deal with hepatitis. Hepatitis Weekly, (17 June 2002) Online. Accessed 4 Feb 2003: EBSCOhost: Master DATA FILE Premier.

The Louis Armstrong Educational Groundwork, INC. On the web. Accessed 7 February the year 2003: http://www.nypl.org/research/sc/scl/MULTIMED/JAZZHIST/funder.htm

Marchetti, Domenica. A Rosie outlook on Offering. Chronicle of Philanthropy, 13 (29 The fall of 2001). On-line. Accessed some February the year 2003: EBSCOhost: Expert FILE Premier.

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