Children and young peoples work force Essay

Category: Children essays,
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Understand what is required to get competence in own job role.

1 ) 1 describe the tasks and required own job. W hats inside the contract hours Lines of reporting specific roles and responsibilities (behavioural support, supporting children and young people with special educational needs, helping be; inhgual children and young people0 compliance with procedures and types of procedures of the setting (behaviour, kids and young adults protection, health insurance and safety, staying in touch to date with changing techniques, keeping up currently with changes to practice). 1 . 2 explain expectations about own job role since expressed in relevant specifications.  standards strongly related own operate role, for example national work-related standards pertaining to childrena proper care, learning and development ( NOS CCLD),  national work-related standars intended for learning, expansion aqnd support services ( NOS LDSS) -in relation to own duties and responsibilities eg role to expectations to fulfill standards eg CCLD 202 help to keep children safe, CCLD 303 encourage childrens development LDSS 320 support the needs of children and the younger generation with additional requirements, GCU 6 reflect on, develop and maintain your practice course apprenticehsip notes coursework starter hayley rough notes guidelines to use pertaining to when acquire stuck in starter pack LDSS 320 support the requires of children and young people with additional requirements, GCU 6 reflect on, develop and maintain the practice

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