colony failure term paper

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Culinary, Academic, Tobacco

Excerpt from Term Paper:

Bee Nest Collapse

Steve Smith, Environmental Defense Pay for

Dear Mister. Smith, thanks to your thoughtful letter with regards to the issues around the “colony collapse” of honeybees. We are critically conscious of this problem and we are searching for answers along with scientists, environmental experts, and others who recognize the vital role that honeybees play in the production of food in the United States and in the earth.

However , at this time, we are certainly not prepared to have a stand and announce that we will only purchase fruit by companies / farms that eschew the usage of neonicotinoids. If it turns out that empirically confirmed research concludes that this pesticide indeed is definitely the cause of the dramatic reduction in honeybee groupe, we will certainly of course take the path that may be most dependable in terms of the need to offer our jello and quickly pull consumers with all the highest quality product at a fair and reasonable price.

I want to explain what we should have been capable of learn from peer-reviewed research which can be found in academic databases.

A peer-reviewed article in PLoS Pathogens points out that “large-scale losses of honeybees have been recorded across the world, ” and there is now a “general consensus” that there are a large number of potential elements involved (Nazzi, et al., 2012). One particular possible reason, the writers assert, can be that the discussion between “pathogens and other tension factors, such as the parasitic mite (Varroa destructor)” (Nazzi, 1). That parasitic mite may be able to transmit “pathogenic malware, ” which mite continues to be linked to bee colony collapses, Nazzi points out on page a couple of of the log.

Another part of this problem may be the parasitic mite’s link to “Deformed wing virus (DWV)”; the DWV can be “vertically transmitted through the germ-line, ” which can be then capable to cause attacks in the populations of honeybees (Nazzi, 1). The analysts set up two experimental bee colony places, and for 1 they added “treatments (acaricide) to control paziente infestation” with the other they did not handle for mite control. During the summer the researchers seen “a drop of bee population” in all the colonies, nevertheless there was a “marked acceleration” of drop in the nest they did not treat for mite control.

Another scholarly research daily news in PLoS looked into pesticides and viruses as it can be causes of honeybee colony fall. No definitive solution to this kind of mystery was presented, but the authors declared that “A

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