comparing qualitative and quantitative peer

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Comparative, Comparison, Quantitative Analysis, Treatment Plan

Research from Article Review:

PubMed search engine terms used to in the beginning identify a qualitative study were the following: nursing qualitative. A large number of citations were gathered, but the selection was further more limited by just those readily available as cost-free full-text content articles through PubMed Central. This provided a lot of idea of precisely what is available after skimming over the citations the topic of tuberculosis treatment compliance was chosen. The search terms utilized next were the following: tuberculosis treatment conformity. A large number of research were located and after skimming down the 1st page of the retrieval outcomes a qualitative and epidemiological (quantitative) examine were identified, both of which focused on individual compliance in third world parts of the world, Burundi and India.

The study conducted by Zaman and colleagues (2014) was an epidemiological study analyzing the percentage of residents in Assam, India testing positive for tuberculosis who wanted treatment early or overdue following medical diagnosis, in addition to the percentage of these two groups who have complied with all the treatment plan. The results mentioned that residents seeking treatment within six weeks of diagnosis had a 92% remedy rate, although only forty percent of those seeking treatment 6th weeks following diagnosis had been cured. The reason this is a quantitative research is because it tests whether early seeking of treatment is a predictor of treatment compliance, among several other parameters being examined. The use of stats to assess variables is actually a defining characteristic of quantitative studies and statistics were used in this research (e. g., Chi rectangular test). The authors with this study as well concluded that encouraging patients to get early treatment will decrease the prevalence rate of Assam residents testing positive for tuberculosis, which is a deductions. The deductive process is yet another defining characteristic of quantitative studies, ones own using aim measures like smear-positive TB tests to quantify the percentage of cared for patients who had been cured or perhaps failed to abide by treatment tips.

The title from the article published by Carlsson and acquaintances (2014) contains the term qualitative study, which usually made it simple to select this study through the many likely choices. This kind of study as well addressed individual compliance during tuberculosis treatment, but in the perspective of nurses treating TB individuals in Burundi. The method used to better appreciate nurses’ functions and encounters was semi-structured interviews; consequently , the interview questions prompted open-ended answers that could not really be quantified or reviewed using stats. This examine therefore very subjective, rather than aim. The most

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