Confucianism’s similarities to virtue ethics Essay

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Words: 391 | Published: 11.21.19 | Views: 900 | Download now

Confucianism, the ancient cultural philosophy of China, would have had simply no ethical parallel in the West less than 30 years in the past. There are some little similarities it holds with utilitarian ethics and deontology. There is almost no in moral egoism or perhaps relativism that lines up with Confucianism. In my opinion that advantage ethics, yet , as specified by Alasdair MacIntyre’s book After Virtue holds a striking resemblance to Confucianism.

One important feature of Confucianism, according to John Koller, is that costly essentially humanist philosophy; put simply, human beings are definitely the ultimate supply of values. This is in attention to Supernaturalism—which claims that values in the end come from The almighty, and naturalism—which believes that values are derived from nature. Hence, Confucianism, answers the question of “How may goodness and harmony be achieved? ” by looking for exemplars and rules in mankind itself. This can be strikingly exactly like the picture that Alasdair MacIntyre paints worldwide.

According to MacIntyre, most of the ethical terminology and disputes that are placed around among ethicists as well as everyday people can be fundamentally incomprehensive or incoherent. Ethical prescription medications used to end up being based on one common belief in God and the ways in which This individual has ordered the galaxy. In today’s world, however , we not anymore share that common belief, but we certainly have kept the structures and language of the old moral systems with no foundation pebbles on which these were originally developed.

To remedy this ailment, MacIntyre proposes heading back to a sort of virtue ethics, an essentially humanist beliefs that defines virtuous habit as exactly what a university good man would do. Like Confucianism, virtue ethics looks to nor God neither nature, but instead humanity to obtain the principles by which to live. Furthermore, both Confucianism and virtue ethics concentrate less for the rightness of actions themselves, but rather for the development of virtuous people. Koller, notes “The Confucian idea that virtue, instead of law, should be the basis of government… “. In the same way, virtue ethics sees ethical behavior while ultimately influenced by persona, not simply by rules (deontology) or effects (utilitarianism).

The two Confucianism and virtue values are interested in augmenting people “skillful” in doing good as the foundation of a secure society.

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