criminal justice system problems essay

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….. abuse and/or disregard of children as well as the elderly is known as a major issue in the American lawbreaker justice system because of improved prevalence of such circumstances. However , having accurate details regarding the magnitude of child and elder mistreatment is increasingly challenging in america. Some of the key issues causing this problem are the fact that most child and elder abuse cases aren’t reported, misreporting of these situations, seeming inability of subjects to survey the circumstances, and the fact that most perpetrators are caregivers. Children and senior adults are more likely to be victims of abuse, forget or maltreatment because of lesser physical and mental capabilities, dependence on caregivers, and tendency to trust easily. The possibilities of vulnerable kids and the older to fall victims to abuse can be decreased through establishing suitable prevention and intervention steps that successfully identify and deal with risk factors and improve confirming procedures (Wolfe, 2003). The criminal proper rights system provides relatively recently been effective in responding to child and parent abuse instances through arresting, prosecuting, and punishing perpetrators. A holistic arrange for restitution for the victims could be achieved through establishing policies that create harsh punishments intended for child and elder maltreatment cases and ensuring perpetrators pay for all their crimes.

Week 4 – Discussion 2

Some of the features of these victims that play a role in their victimization include immaturity, dependence on caregivers, innocence, and inability to undertake daily obligations by themselves (Finkelhor, 2011). The criminal proper rights system responds to the victimization through police, arresting and prosecuting perpetrators, and encouraging reporting of this sort of crimes. However , a holistic cover offering reparation; indemnity; settlement; compensation; indemnification to child and elder abuse subjects would support enhance efficiency of the criminal justice program in dealing with the problem. A recommended restitution strategy is for legal justice specialists to ensure that perpetrators do not provide compensation for crimes nevertheless instead pay money for the kind of damage they trigger on the child or older adult.

Week 5 – Discussion you

School and workplace victimizations are chaotic and non-violent forms of victimization within the school and working environment respectively. Violent forms of college and place of work victimization happen to be activities performed to cause physical damage on the sufferer while nonviolent forms of victimization do not trigger physical harm but are connected with psychological and emotional causes harm to on the patients (Lichtenfels, n. d. ). These forms of victimization are often targeted towards individuals who look weak, unsuspicious or vulnerable and sometimes perpetrated by individuals in positions of authority. Victims of school and job victimization contribute to their own victimization through placement themselves in places that provide opportunities intended for perpetrators to undertake their actions and screwing up to survey. School and workplace victimization has been tackled through creating organizational/institutional guidelines for elimination and punishment. While the felony justice system has appropriately responded to college and workplace violence, they have failed to dissuade and prevent the rise of more offenders.

Week 5 – Dialogue 2

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