cuneiform and hieroglyphics essay

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English as a second language

The invention of producing was an important part of the advancement Sumer and Egypt. There are numerous similarities and differences to the writings of each and every of these civilizations.

The Sumerians developed a writing called cuneiform. Cuneiform is the oldest written dialect in existence. Every single picture symbolizes a living or perhaps nonliving issue.

Cuneiform was written in clay tablets with a wedge-shaped instrument known as stylus. Holly Creswicke Rawlinson was the first-person to decipher the symbolism of cuneiform. He did so in 1846.

Cuneiform at some point spread over the region and was adopted by many various other early civilizations.

The Egyptians developed a writing that they named hieroglyphics. The word hieroglyphic means? holy inscriptions? because they were generally written for the walls of temples. Hieroglyphics were developed about 5000 years ago. There are not any vowels, only rimant. There is also simply no punctuation.

In 1799, the Rosetta Rock was discovered. The Rosetta Stone was your secret to discovering the meanings of hieroglyphics. Within the Rosetta Stone there were three sections of print out, each stating the same thing in different ‘languages’.

At the pinnacle, the passage was drafted in hieroglyphics. Second, it had been written in Demotic. Lastly the passage was created in Ancient greek language. By examining the ancient Greek word and names, the other sentences could be deciphered. Twenty-three years after this? s finding, Jean-FranVois Champollion figured out the actual hieroglyphics intended. Hieroglyphics are pictures that represent a letter.

In both cultures, mostly just scribes realized how to browse and write. Being a scribe was a extremely honorable job. People who were to become scribes went to school for many years beginning at a young age. The profession penalized a scribe was passed on through households; if a youngster? s father was a scribe, he would become one as well.

Because kids needed to be educated to read and write when they were tobecome scribes, schools were made. Eventually, these kinds of schools became more than centers of only learning the ability of reading and writing, but they also became centers of learning of botany, astronomy, remedies, and mathematics.

People becoming more well written and more experienced helped greatly in the development of the cultures. Both articles, cuneiform and hieroglyphics, were invented to enhance the record keeping with the civilization. With a created language, Egypt and Sumer could held records, set up contracts and official documents, record laws and regulations and legal judgments, and record revenue. As period went on, being able to write also enabled visitors to write down remedies, procedures, stories, prayers, and hymns.

Even though there were many differences between cuneiform and hieroglyphics, there were many commonalities. These commonalities caused publishing to be significant in the regarding Sumer and Egypt.


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