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Decision Making Style

Organization Decision Making, Decision Theory, Making decisions, Decision Making Process

Excerpt by Book Report:

In other words, through the entire transition period, Onetech might create efficiencies and will consolidate where it stands. In the future however , it is recommended that the company moved toward a strategy of diversification, while this would better satisfy customers’ needs, attract them and therefore create market power for the firm (Markides, 2007).

The decision making process at Onetech

The decision production process at Onetech is quite complicated, revealing both strengths, along with weaknesses. Decisions are as an example made in the level of the board and are based on the expertise accumulated by the numerous major players in the company. Still, the decisions are created by the executives, with very little emphasis on the input which could be offered by the employees.

To be able to better assess the decision making method at Onetech, it is appropriate to analyze it through the contacts of the realistic decision making version. This model includes a series of stages which have being undertaken to be able to achieve the proper decision. These steps refer to the subsequent:

The id of the problem or the opportunity

The collection of information relevant to the problem or option

The research of the scenario

The development of choices

The selection of the most preferred alternative, and last

The acting after the decision manufactured (The Happy Manager, 2011).

At each of the steps only mentioned, particular issues are addressed. For example, in terms of identifying the problem or opportunity, emphasis is placed around the identification of the problem. Does a problem in truth exist will not it will need solution? Is definitely the company presented with an opportunity it can seize? Only at that level, it is crucial to select these issues which usually raise real problems and opportunities and distinguish them from other concerns which do not need a solution and a decision.

In the current scenario of moving from a widely funded company to a self-funded one, Onetech has turned out well capable to identify the existent prospect and it is trying to seize it.

At the level of subsequently – the gathering of information – the emphasis falls on three certain sets info: those which are relevant intended for the decision being made; those which are required before making the choice and those that really help the company players in making the right decision.

The collection of data at Onetech is quite poor, especially when thinking about the magnitude with the change procedure proposed. Especially, the organization is usually using typically the exterior environment inside the collection of info and correlates it with all the internal highlights of the budget. As an example, the company has allocated price range based on the challenges increased by the external environment and the need to do well within the exterior environment. The information collected from the inside the company is however scarce and the most relevant example exists by the express of the personnel.

The management seldom combine the employees in the decision making procedure. They argue that this participation is necessary, but fail to actually implement it.

“Tom believes in involvement of parties in meetings therefore all of the job team are asked to attend the gatherings. Tom will take the lead and team members often feel they are not given the opportunity to speak. Staff therefore generally fail to engage in the meetings” (case).

This situation translates into the organizational inability to monetize on the insight and useful expertise in the employees. On the one hand, this reflects HRM issues that have to be dealt with in order for the firm to achieve its alter process, yet also the presence of weaknesses in the decision making process.

In terms of problem analysis, major falls within the identification of the alternative courses of action available for the firm and the potentially different model of the data available. Next, the development of choices refers to the generation of possible options, with the main demand for the choice maker at this time being that they are imaginative and positive.

Within Onetech, this specific level is implemented in a precarious manner. The corporation does make alternative to a defieicency of organizational change, but these happen to be limited by the factors regarded as in the data collection. For example, when the organization considers the external environment, it neglects valuable data from within the firm. Inside the absence of total information, the alternatives are insufficiently produced and unable to depict the actual picture.

“Have I said this to them? Nobody listens to me anymore. I really do not get asked to any meetings” said Onetech’s business advancement officer (case).

Fifth, the evaluation of the alternatives details aspects such as the criteria to become used in the assessment of the alternatives, including necessarily the feasibility, acceptability and desirability of the job. Through these lenses – as well as others considered – the best alternative is analyzed in light of its ability to attain the pre-established objectives. Onetech however conducts handful of analyses to actually test the applicability of its option solutions.

Sixths, before making the last decision, emphasis is also put on the future potential impacts with the preferred choice. Attention is usually placed on the problems which could end up being generated by the implementation of the selected option and the dangers adjacent to your decision made, although Onetech spots little focus on this decision making process too.

Finally, the last stage with the rational making decisions process can be represented by the actual execution of the chosen alternative. At this stage, emphasis will be placed on issues such as the allocation of the required resources, the acceptance and supportability with the decision among the list of organizational users and the commitment of the organizational parties in order to the decision work (The Cheerful Manager, 2011).

From this particular angle, the decision making process by Onetech is usually poor in the meaning that the employees are rarely integrated in the decision making method. They are basically informed with the decision and asked to implement it. Overall after that, the decision production process at Onetech is quite unstructured and grows as the difficulties develop themselves. The advantage is flexibility, although challenges can also be raised by this decision making style.


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Markides, C. C., 2007, Diversification, refocusing and economic overall performance, MIT Press


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