development of telecommunication system in

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Asia, Communication

Digital Communication, Information Technology

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is actually a term of the whole scope of technological processes and usage of gear that leads towards the modern details delivery. Among the scopes of ICT can be telecommunication. The evolution of telecommunication can be influenced by invention of other solutions beforehand but it evolves swiftly after the invention of mobile phone in 1876. This cell phone invention drove to the progression of conversation network. As the time continues on, the demand of long range communication services is elevating fast, such as demand of long ranged communication. Because of this demand and requirement increase, the telecommunication started to emigrate from ” cable ” technology to wireless technology.

The strategy of cellular technology have been started in 1864 by James Clerk whom postulated wi-fi propagation that has been recpectively tested and demonstrated by Heinrich Hertz in 1880 and 1887. From then on, Marconi started out experiments together with the radio-telegraph. Having been able to send the first telegraph sign and copyrighted a complete cellular system in 1897. Later, in 1901, Marconi received the mors message directed across the Atlantic. The invention of diode by Fleming in 1904, and the invention of triode by simply Lee de Forest in 1906 built rapid progress long-distance (radio) telephony. Following the evolution of Integrated Outlet (IC), the ICT progressed rapidly also.

In Indonesia, cell phone communication technology started to be presented in 1984 by PT. Telkom Indonesia and REHABILITATION. Rajasa Hazanah Perkasa. The machine used NMT 450 technology which is used 435.00 MHz consistency band. In 1985, the first technology (1G) firstly introduced. Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) applied 800 Mhz frequency group. This AMPLIFIERS technology handled by several operator: PT. Elektrindo Nusantara, PT. Centralindo Panca Sakti, PT. Telekomindo Prima Bakti, and REHABILITATION. Telkom Dalam negri. At that time, the cellular phone was so large, around 50 % of kilogram, and intensely expensive, around ten thousands Rupiah.

In 1993, PT Telkom Indonesia began their pilot-project for the 2nd generation (2G). At that time, there are two options, continue the application of AMPS or perhaps change to GSM which employed 900 MHz frequency music group. B. J. Habibie, as the ressortchef (umgangssprachlich) of exploration and technology at that time, chose to use GSM in Indonesian digital telecommunication system. In 1994, PT. Satelit Palapa Indonesia (Satelindo) came because the initially GSM user in Philippines. In 97, the government was ready to offer ten local license to ten fresh operator which has been based GSM 1800, however the monetary crisis in 1998 made the plan failed. In spite of the monetary turmoil, the demand of cellular services was not lowered. At the end of 1999, cell phone customer in Indonesia experienced reached 3, 6 thousands people.

In 2005-2008, which is generally known as reformation time of Indonesian telecommunication, 3G was launched commercially by Telkomsel, XL, and Indosat. In this technology, number of customer of cellular services increased rapidly, and reached 37 millions customers. This technology provides video calling, streaming, and video meeting.

Today, we are in 4G time. It is brought to public commercially in 2013 by Bolt Super 4-G LTE. Basically 4G in Indonesia continues to be started by Sintra WiMAX which provides 4-G Wireless Broadband service. This kind of technology delivers HD video calling and internet streaming. In 2015, the government experienced done reframing for 1800 MHz frequency band to be accessed by 4G. However , 4G is actually not spread consistently in Indonesia.

Today, ICT remains to be evolved and having more and more advanced in every lifestyle aspect. ICT companies competitive each other as the best in this kind of field. One of these largest ICT companies is Huawei. Huawei is very concern about research and their worker development, with 180. 500 employees around the world, Huawei may be the 83rd inside the Fortune 500. This reveals us that its achievements come from the greatness in their human resources. Moreover Dalam negri has many co-operation with Huawei. It can be said that Huawei takes on an important function in Indonesia’s ICT development. So , I think that Seed for The Future software from Huawei is the gold chance for myself to motivate and boost myself to ensure that I can reach my desire and influence my environment, moreover my own country, to get better and better.

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