English Language Learning Essay

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ADOBE FLASH BACK: – Of all the ‘languages’ in the world today, English deserved to get regarded as a world language. It is the world’s most generally spoken terminology. It is the common means of interaction between the persons of different countries.

English language learning has its own prospects. Instructing of English language as a foreign language for many of your students another language for some in our region has not however achieved the decided purpose of free conversation of believed. With the straight down of freedom, some Indians demanded that English should quit India with the English language. This with regard to the derogation of British from this nation was because of domination and exploitation from the British persons of our region. Some other persons argue that in case the study of English be killed in India, the progress of the country will be seriously afflicted.

Because of this controversy, the most important difficulty for us is usually to decide, what place should be assigned to English in free India. The instructing of British at universities and colleges should be even more practical and language oriented in order to achieve the limited objectives of learning this kind of important community language. This article and personality of British language in addition to the method of imparting have to experience a change.

It should be taught as a language of comprehension and communication. The standard knowledge of sentence structure and framework of vocabulary needs to be modified. A practical command word of the low literary and non technical practical order of the no literary ought to be acquired at the school era.

MY JUSTIFICATION: -It is usually my own statement from my personal teaching experiences after going through the problems of the students in English language Learning among the list of large numbers of pupils which can be sharply pointed out that one of the most unfortunate element about the training of The english language in the Extra and Higher Secondary College is the lack of any very clear cut and attainable aim of standard of feat in Language learning. This problem could be classified in different categories—— (1) Deficiency of Clear Cut Objectives. (2) More Emphasis on the Mother Tongue. (3) Poor base or defective Teaching in Principal Level. (4) Improper Guardianship at Home. (5) Lack of Encouraging English Speaking Environment. (6) Non Motivated and Not Interesting along with Substandard books. (7) Bad Evaluation Program. (8) Dearth of Proficient Teachers. (9) Indifferent Supervision. (10) Not any Individual Interest. (11) Not really Using Appropriate Audio-Visual Helps.

So to get rid of the problems of English language learning it must be taken several necessary actions which will prospective client the British language. These remedial procedures are the key tools from the prospective ideas in regard to the introduction of English language learning. The important measures are as follows——————— A. LAUNCH OF IMMEDIATE METHOD: – The immediate method of teaching English was oriented in France.

It is a method by which we teach The english language directly. Direct method of instructing a foreign vocabulary through chat, discussion and reading inside the language by itself without the usage of pupil’s language, translation, study regarding formal grammar. Therefore , this approach is or else known as reformal method.

N. USE OF STRUCTURAL METHOD: – In Strength Approach large priority is given to speech. The fundamental principle of strength approach is usually to develop the capacity of speaking. In this technique important is given to the child’s activity rather than the activity of the teacher.

The teacher ought to make the pupils familiar with the given set ups in 3 forms – spoken, imprinted and drafted. The main basic principle of strength Approach is drilling of recent structures, words and phrases properly by which students can understand these properly. From this method immediate meaning from the words really should not be given to the students. The instructor should provide the model sentences by using different words with proper that means and obvious idea. C. USE OF SENTENCE STRUCTURE TRANSLATION METHOD: – This approach has much value if it is used carefully.

It is the easiest method by using translation. The tutor can easily make his college students understand the that means of the The english language Word. It is best advantage lies in the sphere of vocabulary having. Through translation vagueness of meaning from the English phrase or expression is avoided and term is associated with the native word.

The child proceeds from the proven to unknown English words with abstract ideas which are conveniently explained in the mother tongue. This method has been seen in useful for a comparative examine or comprehending the difference of structures of sentences in English plus the vernacular. G. USE OF AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS: – The main purpose of the use of Music Visual Assists is to enable the tutor to make his lessons effective and interesting. Books and also other printed materials have been completely the basic equipment of teaching and perhaps they are still of great importance. But audio aesthetic aids make the situation even more exciting, interesting and understandable for the scholars.

They assistance to avoid abnormal, empty and meaningless verbalization in instructing English. They give direct sense experiences to pupils and help them to contact form clear and accurate concepts in English. E. PARTICULAR METHOD FOR EDUCATING PROSE, POEMS: – Even though the teacher makes its way into to the category to teach prose and beautifully constructed wording, his initial attempt should be to motivate the students with his desirable ideas of thought. His introductory presentation is always very important for the students motivation.

In that case teaching methods must be used; such as style reading by the teacher, reading loud by pupils, annotation of difficult phrases, structure or perhaps line, quiet reading by pupils, comprehension test and lastly application test. CLOSING REVIEW: – To summarize my recommendation is that British should not be mandatory rather it should be simple and utilitarian. When the college student finishes college it is necessary that he really should have gained during the six or seven years, a practical command over the terminology. It is possible only when we make the environment- condition friendly and future focused.

Teacher, pupil, guardian, culture, authority…everyone need to come frontward and come together.

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