epicurean ethics composition

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Upon understanding the brief and general viewpoint of how to have a good life from a great Epicurean’s perspective, I as well thought that his philosophy centered around the personal, how to obtain pleasure pertaining to the home, how to avoid discomfort to protect the self, all of which did appear very egoistic. However , during reading some of his ideas and concepts, analyzing them, as well as reading other philosophers’ interpretations, I was able to observe how this can be misinterpreted if certainly not given cautious thought.

This common misconception of his philosophy was broadly misunderstood since although his philosophy concentrated around increasing pleasure pertaining to the home and steering clear of pain, it also focused on not acting after greed the moment on the search of pleasure, and later satisfying demands that are all-natural and absolutely necessary for the survival of your individual, rather than on the sort of pleasure that is achieved by consuming luxurious foods, drinking fancy wines, having a high social status and indulging in materialistic things.

Aside from having pleasure as the primary aim in life, Epicurus focused very much on how to prevent pain as well.

In fact , Epicurus defines and measures pleasure not simply by how much delight it may provide the heart and soul and body system, but by absence of pain which is in order to achieve delight. He categorizes pleasure into three various parts which will be discussed later from this paper, along with how one can have a tranquil and tranquil mind. To own state of mind that Epicurus believes will bring enjoyment to an individual’s life, one particular must get rid of all fears and anxieties over the unidentified such as the power of God and exactly how much of your life is influenced by the higher getting.

To ease these types of frightening thoughts and worries, Epicurus presumed it was necessary to explain all of the unknown elements of the great such as the fact that Gods have no interest in individual affairs and live in their particular society. This individual also thought that much of the stress and anxiety came from being unsure of what happens to the entire body and the heart after fatality. Being a naturalist, he believed it to be best to explain his theory in clinical terms which can be more crystal clear and to the point rather than something which was mythological and could have already been made up.

Although he employed the atomist theory to inspire his own, selection significant becomes it outlining exactly what actuall does occur to the heart and soul and the physique and how there should be nothing to fear and be restless over. Epicurus was a naturalist and modified the concept of the atomist theory to his own beliefs. As briefly stated ahead of, he assumed that fear and anxiety comes from not knowing the not known, such as unnatural occurrences, the concept of God, and life after death.

Consequently , by describing how the work and all powerful works and advising one not to dread the Gods, as well as using the atomist theory to come up with his own theory so that a single knows precisely what will happen to the body and soul following death, this individual believes that there would be a lot less anxiety and fear in the mind of an Epicurean. In line with the atomist theory, the world is composed of just two things which can be infinite sizes and shapes of atoms, and a great infinite emptiness. The atoms of which our universe consists of are infinite in quantity, unchangeable, and are unable to always be cut or divided.

It also states which our senses result from atoms becoming cut off by simply objects Epicurus however , presumed that our detects originate from our judgments and perceptions of these atoms rather than atoms being cut off simply by objects. Though Epicurus adapted this theory, he likewise made significant changes to this in support of his teachings upon living a life of a peaceful mind. This individual emphasized it can importance to prove that persons shouldn’t have fear of lifestyle after loss of life because if death means the loss of almost all consciousness inside the mind as well as the dissolution with the body into atoms, in that case we have nothing to fear.

Our perceptions, judgments and experiences of the world shall no longer be in our mind, because loss of life is the lack of all these points, therefore once death comes there would be nothing to fear or feel such as pain because our consciousness which gives life to all these things would be totally gone. Epicurus encourages his students to live a lifestyle free from the stress and anxiety of the not known life following death, giving them a relaxing and peaceful state of mind.

This in turn contributes to his theory that to live a complete and content life of pleasures, a single must be clear of all problems and stresses, as well as keeping away from bodily discomfort. Epicurus as well believed which the source of difficulty in our mind and what can cause stress and anxiety in the mind may be the fear of the divine and everything powerful The almighty. Although Epicurus is rather than an Atheist and was like most others during his period a polytheistic believing in numerous Gods, his views on religious beliefs and the hallowed God varied greatly in the rest.

Epicurus never denied the existence of Gods but placed a opinion that Gods and people had no relation to one other. He assumed that Gods were not interested in human affairs and declined the widely held idea that Gods gave us reason to reside peace and harmony so that we can always be happy and live a good life. He also refused the idea that Gods held full control of the path of our lives and worried over us and each of our conflicts considerably and instead, believed that Gods had their particular separate lives and affairs and had been always in the very best state of happiness.

In accordance to Panichas’ essay in Epicurus upon “Theology, it can be believed that Epicurus by no means fully validated why he believes that Gods are happy yet says that his opinion in Gods came from the idea that we are all given birth to with an innate understanding of Gods lifestyle. This means that infant children shouldn’t be given the information of the living of work power, but are already delivered with that thought implanted in them.

His supporting debate for the existence of Gods is the fact since many people are born with the innate notion of their presence, and everyone currently has an founded opinion with the Gods, then they must can be found. Epicurus’ argument against the well-known belief of Gods having extreme concern of human affairs and issues was that Gods didn’t maintain human affairs because we were holding extremely happy living their own separate lives. Therefore , in the event Gods had been concerned with human being conflicts and troubles they wouldn’t always be happy but instead stressed, concerned and restless, which will then cause them to become unhappy.

Epicurus’ goal in presenting his arguments employing physics and atomism, against religion and its particular superstitious morals, was a way of assuring his students that they can shouldn’t bother the mind as a result of worries and anxieties within the belief that happiness, misery, and existence after death are completely dependent upon the Gods because this in turn is available in conflict while using primary target of your life on earth which can be happiness. Rather, he emphasized the importance of attaining courage through meditation on the purpose of life so that people can grasp the fear of death and the gods.

A lifetime of happiness and pleasure in Epicurean conditions is defined as creating a calm and peaceful mind, free of worries and problems, as well as a human body free of soreness. By educating his students the idea of atomism which slides open people from the stress and anxieties of life following death, plus the belief the fact that Gods aren’t in complete control of existence and are merely part of their own separate world, Epicurus can liberate their very own anxious and unhappy brains and permits them to live a conscious free life from disorders and challenges of the unfamiliar world.

Epicurus most likely sensed the need to fully explain the aspects of supernatural causes which usually society at the moment thought to be handled by Goodness, as well as other normal phenomena including how things came about that is known, so that persons had a clear understanding of issues they had unfamiliar before, also no longer worrying them.

Well-known belief of mass society during the Hellenistic period is that any great occurrences on the planet such as the creation of the whole world, the existence of human beings, or the globe having sufficient resources for people to be able to make it through were all Gods creations. However , Lucretius who was an Epicurean college student stated the world could not have been developed by the Gods because it is imperfect and such best beings cannot have created something so imperfect as the universe.

He proves this idea for his argument, by proclaiming that the world in itself which is full of imperfections, presenting an example of the top amount of land that is certainly completely useless to the human race but can be inhabited by simply wild animals, or perhaps death that stalks minutely of our lives, could have been the creations in the divine and powerful since if they were, then that would mean that Gods themselves are the sources of all pain and evil.

Lucretius also states that an Appetitive must accept the fact the fact that natural world is mortal, which means it might that it could be diseased with corruption, war, and avarice and follows a routine of creation and break down within itself. He elaborates on this statement saying the world must be thought of as a mortal body using a beginning, and an end.

As stated before, Appetite holds the belief that like everything else, Gods consist of atoms, but atoms that are distinct from those of people. These atoms in For the Nature in the Universe will be described as incredibly flimsy atoms that are ethereal, and can be scarcely perceived by the mind, as a result they cannot be touched. In addition, it says that they exist someplace among their individual nature, meaning they do not are present anywhere nearby the society of human beings.

In explaining this theory to his followers, he did so to prove that there is no reason to live in anxiety about Gods since they are in a culture that is entirely separate and various from mine, and as explained before, they are really engaged in their particular affairs and possess no matter for the welfare of human beings. This individual stressed the value of this mainly because Epicurus believed that all fear arises from the unknown. The unknown to be what happens to the soul, body system, and existence after fatality, and the anxiety and stress over Gods’ declaration punishments or benefits towards individuals.

By outlining all the unanswered questions of life, rejecting the idea of Gods being in complete control in the affair of our lives, in simple and naturalistic terms that can be tested through metaphysics, rather than depending upon retold misguided beliefs that cannot be proven, noticed, or sensed, he is able to direct their minds toward a positive lumination in which they can achieve a mind-set that is for peace, allowing them to live their lives in pleasure and pleasure.

Epicurus’ approach to the spirit and how it changes it after death considerably varied through the Platonic and Homeric look at of the heart and soul. Unlike Avenirse who assumed that the heart and soul became component to a divine pilgrimage, as well as the Homeric look at that the spirit descends in the darkness in the kingdom of the dead, Epicurus believed the Soul simply dissolves after death, which is without experience. This means that seeing that something that dissolves upon death is free of sensing and feeling, then there is no discomfort, and therefore there is certainly nothing to fear.

Although Epicurus agreed with the Platonic and Homeric view that an individual is composed of the body as well as the soul, and that upon death, the heart and soul leaves the entire body, he disagreed on their opinions of how it changes the heart and soul after fatality. Epicurus believes that the heart is corporeal, which means that how it changes the body as well as the soul is actually a physical occurrence, and once the body starts dissipating, the heart and soul along with the human body begins undergoing a physical modification in which additionally, it dissolves, the process therefore being void of the feeling or perception of what is going on.

The heart according to Epicurus was mainly made of breath, high temperature, and atmosphere which this individual considered to be made from a materials substance. These kinds of three elements were employed by Epicureans to describe the differences in characters and moods of feeling in both human beings as well as family pets. Aetios amounts up the capabilities of these elements saying that the element of breath gives the heart and soul the power to move, the air gives it tranquility and calmness, and the heat makes the understanding of warmth in the body.

Epicurus also thought that the heart and soul was made of the unknown aspect as well, that is much more advanced in framework and its function in the soul which allows this to think in tranquility with the remaining elements and also the body. Lucretius further elaborated on this hidden fourth component by saying that it is a vital part of the heart because it provides the soul with sensation. Although the soul is definitely the major cause of sensation, this cannot feeling without the body system. This after that means that the soul cannot sense with no body, and the body simply cannot sense with no soul.

Lucretius states the soul as well as the body has to be united for a human being to obtain full usage of sensation, as a result one simply cannot survive with no other. This theory is used in support of their particular argument of what happens to the soul after it is introduced from the body system, which is that since the heart and soul which brings sensation, reason, and notion of the outside world to the body, is usually released through the body, the entire body can no longer truly feel or produce reason or perhaps judgment of what is taking place.

The heart and soul however , contains a more significant role in the producing of an individual than the body does because if a section of the body is lost, such as a leg or a great arm, the soul can remain in your body and still offer an individual feeling, whereas the part that was lost like a leg or perhaps an provide although nonetheless exists, it might no longer have the soul be a part of it or perhaps retain any kind of sensation.

Generally, the body can be viewed the home and protection with the soul, and if the body is usually destroyed, then it can no longer shield nor refuge the heart and soul, and as a result, the soul scatters into little separate creative energies. Every one of Epicurus’ teachings and doctrines can be tracked back to, and therefore are in relation to getting pleasure which can be the main goal in life. Epicurus defines delight as devoid of certain sensations of delight, but rather since the a shortage of bodily discomfort and mental disturbance.

He also thought that satisfaction and soreness are the primary driving pushes of a man, saying that desire is powered by enjoyment, and prevention is driven by soreness. Although many view Epicureanism as being a form of egoism in which almost all actions happen to be taken intended for the benefit of the self, and although this is correct, Epicurus’ theory on getting pleasure and happiness is seen as something which is able to balance, and in turn, get a life of virtue. A balanced life of happiness and virtue according to

Epicurus can be gained by being sensible and creating a sense of discernment when it comes to pleasure. Therefore , someone who can do this simply by acting carefully when it came to the desires and the indulgences in life, and being virtuous for this belief isn’t necessarily set and done about his/her pursuit of pleasure, although on the right path to achieve it. Epicurus believes that without the capability to sense things such as the sight of magnificence, the taste of food, requirements of music, or the feel of an thing, true joys and pleasure cannot be obtained.

Therefore , the act of sensation features extreme importance to an Appetitive because with no sensation, the great life is not possible. Epicurus likewise states there is nothing more truthful than sensation. Therefore the act of sensing doesn’t must be proven mainly because we sense things precisely for what they may be. Sensations are usually not voluntary and are received through direct contact with a subject or thing through the five sense internal organs which are look, touch, style, sound, and smell.

These five feelings, in turn happen to be then identified in the mind and can be enlarged or lessened in the head. He then considers arguments against his theory that admit just because we all sense issues and then see them in the mind that will not always get them to true. A vintage example he gives is definitely an octagonal tower noticed from a far range is in certainty cylindrical, or maybe a tall building from a far length may seem small through the sense of sight, but also in reality house only seems to be small because it is seen by a considerably distance.

To support his discussion, Epicurus states that it is in that case up to the specific to use explanation, logic, and our past experiences to ascertain whether this observation applies or certainly not. Sensation therefore , is the simple foundation of understanding according to Epicurus. Even though sensation is of extreme importance in Libidinous philosophy, the idea of sensation nonetheless goes back towards the main concept of Epicurus’ teachings which is enjoyment and delight. According to Epicurus, enjoyment is the objective of all points. However , to dispute against individuals who say his teachings are egoistic, Epicurus emphasized for the right kind of pleasure.

For example , in Epicurus’ “Letter to Menoceus he points out that indulging in the delights and entertainment of a lot more not the actual a good life, but the alternatives we generate when in search of pleasure and avoidance of physical or mental soreness: “For it is not continuous drinkings and revellings, nor the satisfaction of lusts, neither the enjoyment of fish, and also other luxuries from the wealthy table, which create a pleasant lifestyle, but dry reason, looking, out the causes for all decision and avoidance, and banishing mere thoughts, to which will be due the highest disturbances in the spirit. This quote talks about that Epicurus is not concerned with the quality of material activities such as fine foods and other luxuries, but instead whether these matters are enough to eliminate soreness so that we can have enjoyment. Epicurus believes that the more we can limit our joys and desires, especially the kinds that are most important and all-natural such as food and water to survive and avoid bodily pain, the more were likely to achieve a happy and pleasurable lifestyle.

To further be familiar with concept of restricting pleasures and desires, Epicurus states that whenever one takes away all mental and physical pain, one example is eating to stop hunger, or overcoming anxiety and stress to be clear of mental pain, is when ever pleasure could be achieved. Nevertheless , it is up to the individual never to become involved in fulfilling “natural but unnecessary pleasures, such as eating much more than needed, or having luxurious food rather than normal food. Epicurus believes that this is definitely where we must use each of our judgment and good reason to choose and select what will greatest fulfill our needs without being overly self-indulgent.

He splits pleasures and desires in to three independent categories. The first one is organic and necessary which mentioned previously before, happen to be daily success necessities like food and water. The 2nd form of delight is normal but needless which is a enjoyment that is organic such as foodstuff, but not important such as having extravagant food rather than regular food that would eliminate hunger. Lastly, another type of satisfaction is neither natural neither necessary which refers to popularity, having a high status among peers in society, or the desire to be recognized by other folks.

The ability of fully understanding these categories and rehearsing them carefully on a daily basis can direct one to a lifestyle that is free from bodily discomfort and mental disturbance. Epicurus defines the good life not really by the occurrence of pleasure yet by the a shortage of mental and physical discomfort. Once the main goal of staying away from pain and fear are achieved, the won’t be on the search for something which is absent because most pain is finished, thus, the need to eliminate it is fully gone as well giving the mind and body totally free of pain and anxiety.

Epicurus’ definition of the wise gentleman is one who is free of most problems. Although serenity of the mind is of severe importance in Epicureanism, a single cannot accomplish it without being self-sufficient. An intelligent man, in Epicurean criteria is one who does not depend on others. As a result high held positions such as having political power, or perhaps something as common as marrying and having a family members creates excessive stress your own life becomes strained with anxiety above the actions of others which are totally out of your control.

Epicurus believes the outside world creates a lot of pressure which could lead to stress because most of the things coping with the outside world happen to be outside of your control. A life of simplicity and freedom coming from anxiety and pain are a good way of the military spouse can wise man. When a single gains total control over these matters, as well as conquering the fears of the outside world, then one can live a happy and pleasurable life because there is not any desire for points which one simply cannot find him/herself.

A free existence according to Epicurus does mean not having lots of possessions because owning way too many materialistic items results in robberies which simply lead to even more consequences and trouble all of which can be averted. However , how wise gentleman should do if he is in the possession of many things is usually donating this and releasing them to those that are less fortunate and those in need. Epicurus says that gaining honor from your neighbours is more crucial than succumb to unnecessary things.

This hence proves that an Epicurean lifestyle isn’t egoistic as most experts seem to think but rather just one way of life in which an individual can live freely without worry. Although the primary idea of Epicurus’ philosophy is usually pleasure since the main objective, the word enjoyment has a different meaning than the one we could used to. The phrase “pleasure in epicurean conditions means the absence of pain which is why enough Epicurean idea discusses ways in which one can avoid pain and eliminate problems, anxieties and fears.

Enjoyment according to Epicurus is not related to being inside the possession of deluxe items since that is not what brings enjoyment to the person but rather a peaceful state of mind or being: It is better so that you can be free from fear resting upon a pallet, than to have a glowing couch and rich table and be full of trouble.  Although Epicurus does not believe in a wise gentleman having a along with advises the particular one should prevent conforming to society plus the pressures in the outside community, he focuses on the value of a very good friendship and believes it to be the second most important part of a rspectable man following wisdom.

A lot more surprising than this is the fact that Epicurus welcomed women in his university and regarded as them while potential good friends despite the time period and interpersonal standards of Ancient Greece at the time. Epicurus welcomed all types of people in to his university and failed to look at gender, wealth, grow older, or cultural class to ascertain a person’s worth of participating in. Aside from certainly not picking college student and friends based on exterior factors, Epicurus believed that all friendships occur from self-interest: “Every companionship in itself will be desired; nevertheless the first reason for friendship was a man’s requirements. However , friendships can’t regularly be seen as a romance between two people that’s influenced solely about one’s individual self-interests and benefits, they should be much more and beyond that. Throughout time, Epicurus believes that a camaraderie that when started simply as a great act of self-satisfaction to benefit the self could become much more intimate and grow beyond the desire to be good friends just to gain needs powered by only self-interest.

This individual also encouraged that friendships shouldn’t be pressed to their extreme conditions when around the pursuit of rewards and should not really be forced to the severe if it’s totally void of every benefits since then, the person would have no desire to keep the friendship surviving at all. Once two friends can defeat that stage of self-interest and gain intimacy then simply all anticipations of each different and precisely what is needed for the main advantage of the do it yourself is gone.

The mere reality of only knowing and having a friend and his or her company ought to bring enough pleasure towards the individual never to care about other stuff that would simply benefit the self. Epicurus did not assume that sexual like was of any profit to an individual and even though it can be linked to bringing pleasure, it causes much more disruptions in the brain that much outweigh the pleasures it might bring: “No pleasure is a bad thing in itself, but the means which in turn produce several pleasures take with all of them disturbances many times greater than the pleasures. Epicurus believes that fulfilling sexual desires are unnecessary intended for the endurance of an specific and can be dealt without, looking at how much mental disturbance it may bring later on. Epicurus categorizes this delight as the “natural and unnecessary which means that although the desire to have attaining sexual satisfaction may be entirely natural for the individual, it isn’t necessary for your survival, therefore it is no absolute requirement. This hence makes the action of satisfying sexual pleasure being vain and selfish, and also bringing hindrance to the brain.

The reason Epicurus advises the wise gentleman not to take part in sexual incurs is because the pleasure that comes from sex could be too intense for the to handle. The moment something so intense yet so satisfying becomes a much needed desire, it is sure to provide disturbance towards the mind. One other way sexual desire is seen as creating disturbances inside the mind can be considering how before lovemaking pleasures can be fulfilled, one particular must pursue the person from the opposite sex and develop an intimate level of friendship or perhaps relationship.

With that relationship comes fear and anxiety above losing your partner and worries of what the future might bring. After having a relationship has become developed, having kids is the next thing which produces even more disorders to the mind, because with children arrive more exterior and outside power that are out of your control which bring about fears, let-downs, hopes anxieties and discomfort all of which may be avoided in the event that one would not become involved within an intimate sexual relationship. How exactly does one steer clear of mental disruptions to achieve peace in the brain?

Epicurus believes that delight can still be attained devoid of fulfilling lovemaking desires simply by forming strong friendships and developing a level of intimacy that will allow the a friendly relationship to survive only on that level of intimacy and not self-interested benefits and desires. Once a deep enough level of intimacy have been developed, things such as trust, loyalty, and pleasure will surely occur afterwards. While a marriage driven simply by sexual joys will result in jealousy, hate, possessiveness, anger, and bittersweet recollections that could last the entire life.

Therefore , to prevent having to go through these problems in life and living a life of simplicity and freedom, Epicurus advises person to seek friendships that doesn’t need too much of their time, energy, and physical or mental strength. Living the life associated with an Epicurean means living a lifetime of simplicity, steering clear of anything that is too dangerous for your well being even if it is the norm in culture such as getting married, and getting on a prolonged pursuit to get pleasure.

Mentioned previously before, from a quick look into Epicurus’ beliefs, one can deduce that his teachings were all self centered, however , upon further more reading in to his procession, as well as just how other philosophers were able to understand and warrant some of his teachings, his true which means of a positive and very good life could be more clearly understood. His philosophies in order to be a wise man and achieve the great life demonstrate how no egoistic Appetite is. Though it does usually focus on increasing pleasure intended for the self, it does thus only to a specific extent in which one reaches enough satisfaction to eliminate the pain.

When that has been accomplished, going on a goal for more satisfaction is considered vain, and as I use discussed before, Epicurus categorizes this enjoyment as the “natural and unnecessary or perhaps “unnatural and unnecessary.  Therefore this individual advises one not to search for these kinds of joys because that could create more disturbances in the mind. His thorough explanation and option on how to achieve a tranquil brain by giving understanding on the Gods and what happens to the spirit and body system after loss of life are also a big part of his philosophy.

Total, Epicureanism was a very contemporary school of philosophy in comparison to the time period, as well as the location of where it had been originated. Epicurus’ way of not discriminating against hispanics such as girls or the lower class, rather than religiously worshiping supernatural creatures even though that were the norm in society, is certainly much like the lifestyle he preaches one should reside in which one won’t conform to the standards of the world but discover a way of his own, in which a peaceful head and a body totally free of pain is available.


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