french and russian cycles essay

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Both French and Russian cycles occurred because of two

main reasons. Both of these cycles were the direct outcomes of

awful leadership and a bad economic system. These two factors along with other

factors caused quite a few revolutions. Even though were both equally

similar, additionally they had distinctions. A difference between your two is

that the Russians had an lost pre-revolution in 1905.

One other difference between these two cycles is the fact that the

French turned towards a democracy even though the Russian government became


In 1905, Spain had a prerevolution that was put down from the

Czar. Rather than learning from this prerevolution, Czar Nicholas II

made a very big oversight by in not launching some reconstructs to correct

the down sides. So due to his actions, the situation grew worse.

In 1917, the Russians were fighting on planet War I. A good vast majority

of the Russian people were careful and uncontent with the way the conflict

was going and with the Czars rule. This uncontent along with

financial hardships caused riots and demonstrations to be able to out. The

Czar needed the military to put over the revolution because they did in

1905. Nevertheless the army joined up with the mutiny and the Czar was kicked out of

power shortly afterwards. A brief government was set up to select

what kind of presidency Russia was gonna create. Two political

parties were set up. The Bolsheviks were one of the two. The leader

of the Bolshevik party was a guy named Lenin. Lenin was obviously a firm

who trust of the hypotheses and concepts of Karl Marx. Sufficient reason for his motto

of Loaf of bread, Peace and Land, Lenin gained the support with the peasants

and gained charge of Russia and setup a communist point out.

French revolution was also caused by a bad leader and a poor

economy. During the early 1780s a big percent of total annual budget travelled

towards king Louis XVIs lavish house at Versailles. France as well had

zero central traditional bank, no paper currency, no ways of getting money, and

an out-dated tax program which only taxed the poor who had no money to

start out with. Signs of revolution first appeared if the peasants

stormed the fortress known as the Citadelle looking for firearm powder.

The Citadelle incident trigger revolts around France and Louis

was soon deposed afterwards. A democratic goverment was installation in place

of the old monarcy. A cortège called the Declaration in the Rights

of Man and citizen offered as a basis for the revolutionary french

market leaders. The French set up a federal government in which an elected

legal group met annually. It also consisted of an elected

judiciary and a great executive advancing by the ruler (The ruler had no real

electric power and only served as a number head).

Both the France and Russian revolutions acquired similar triggers but

ended up with different benefits. Both of these countries had

several internal elements which cause the results. The Russians got

Lenin and the French had the Announcement of the Privileges of Guy and

Resident. I would love to point out you more similarity between

these two revolutions that is certainly the fact that both Czar Nicholas II

and Ruler Louis XVI were executed soon after the revolutionaries required

power. The just strange to see how two identical countries with the

many comparable reasons for revolting would end up with so completely different


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