freud s psychoanalytic theory in the 21st century

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Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory can often be regarded as the most comprehensive individuality theory as well as the first in the area of study to theorise human actions but through the ages Freud has increased numerous debates on whether his theory of human being behaviour has been more questionable or influential. In this article, I will believe the Psychoanalytical Theory made a significant contribution to the psychology field by vitally evaluating just how Freudian concepts influenced subsequent theorists. Furthermore I will talk about its significance in the 21st century without neglecting to highlight the reasons why Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory is criticised as a personality theory.

In the Psychoanalytic Theory, Freud organized the persona into 3 levels of intelligence, namely the conscious, preconscious and the subconscious. Amongst these three Freud is commonly known for “discovering the unconscious and it became the core component to Freud’s theory. Freud further defined the structural elements of the psyche (the id, the ego and the superego) (Meyer, Moore & Viljoen, 2008: 52).

These components of Freud’s theory stay important because they are still to some degree used to make clear how the man psyche functions. It is evident that Freudian ideas from the unconscious placed the foundation intended for future personality theorists including Carl Jung who’s Conditional Theory as well focused on the unconscious head (Meyer, ainsi que al., 08: 95). Another personality theorist Freud motivated is Erik Erikson who had been an Ego Psychologist. Psychologists in this area of study developed on the spirit which was at first theorised simply by Freud. Erikson’s theory is certainly one of the most beneficial psychological hypotheses and several principles formulated by him just like psychosocial advancement, ego strength and identity crisis happen to be part of each of our everyday terminology today (Meyer, et al., 2008: 95). It is very clear in my previously mentioned examples that Freud did influence following theorists whose theories continue to be relevant in the field of psychology today.

Certain ideas of Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory are still relevant in the 21st century including dream research, free connection and protection mechanisms. These psychotherapy approaches are being used and expanded after in present day clinical mindset. According to Hurd (n. d. ), Freud is considered the most popular wish theorist noted today, great ideas are nonetheless drawing water a century following he had written his magnum opus: The Interpretation of Dreams. Freud stated that dreams are a result of each of our repressed desires and that they have more meaningto them than we acknowledge. This individual believed that dreams were the portal to our unconscious and that through analysing a person’s dreams a therapist can effectively deal with the patient’s illness.

With Freudian ideas on dreams in mind, several current neuroscientists are uncovering the possibility that dreams be involved in child years learning (Hurd, n. m. ). Furthermore, Freud’s relevance in the 21st century is the fact his notion of defence components is still observed in other ideas of mindset today. This really is supported by Cramer (2000) which usually states that developmental, character and social psychologists have the ability to found data for protection mechanisms. Freud saw protection mechanisms as a strategy with which a person could cope with their stress and unfulfilled desires. Probably the most common protection mechanisms that have integrated themselves into every single day speech are terms including regression, sublimation, denial and projection.

Through the ages we certainly have absorbed associated with Freudian idea than we thought, however it is not possible to avoid Freud’s shortcomings. The most controversial aspect of his theory is based on the simple fact that he placed stress on the libido being the principal motivating supply for man behaviour. Freud focused also exclusively in sexuality rather than enough in interpersonal and social conditions. He was likewise criticised for his approach to female advancement with regard to the Electra intricate in the phallic stage. Furthermore the Psychoanalytic Theory was criticised mainly because it was known as vaguely identified and weren’t getting any scientific research.

In summary, despite his shortcomings Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory has made an essential contribution to the field of psychology through being a catalyst to the thoughts of future theorists. Freud’s most valuable contribution to culture is his theory from the unconscious mind which is still becoming expanded in today. Furthermore his contribution to current day clinical mindset psychotherapy techniques cannot be overlooked. A testament to the quality of Freud’s theory is that it is even now being contested many years after his death and the controversy is not close to staying concluded. Consequently he is relevant in the 21st century seeing that his ideas have percolated through years and following personality hypotheses.


Beystehner, K. M. (n. d. ). Psychoanalysis: Freud’s Revolutionary Approach to Human Persona. Retrieved by Cramer, P. (2000). Defence systems in psychology today. Additional processes to get adaptation. American Psychologist, 55(6): 637-46 DOI: 10. 1037//0003-066X. 55. six. 637 Hurd, R. (n. d. ). Contemporary Wish Theories Beginning with Freud. Retrieved from McLeod, H. A. (2011). Bandura ” Social Learning Theory. Recovered from Meyer, Watts. F., Moore, C., &Viljoen, H, G. (2011). Personology: From the individual to ecosystem. Sandton: Heineman Publishers.

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