gender differences in incidence of term paper

Category: Social problems,
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Gender Big difference

Coronary Artery Disease, Peri menopause, Heart Attack, Male or female Discrimination

Research from Term Paper:

Most of the research stressed the need for additional exploration in their offered area of investigation, and gender differences it appears remain better described than understood.

Bottom line

The research showed that there have been some documented biological differences in the chance of cardiovascular disease among American men and women, and these distinctions were even more accentuated with a number of gender-related behaviors which may account for some of the disparity involving the incidence of heart disease amongst men and women. It is reasonable in conclusion that there are some innate natural differences between men and women that contribute to several health problems, with women being at higher risk of breast cancer by way of example than their male alternative, but there were also some essential psychological factors involved too. Perhaps the most important finding to emerge from the review of the peer-reviewed and academic literature with regards to biological and psychological dissimilarities between men and women as they damaged the chance of cardiovascular disease was the fact that some of these factors are controllable and men can reduce their risk of acquiring a few types of heart disease simply by avoiding those behaviors that, although socially sanctioned, are known to increase the risk of acquiring heart disease including smoking and drinking, and keeping a handle on stress and anger. This is simply not to say, naturally , that only males drink, smoke and get mad, nonetheless it is to declare there is a satisfactory amount of evidence to suggest that these kinds of behaviors particularly may account for much of the gender-related differences in the incidence of heart disease determined to date.

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