importance of reflective practice essay

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A load of research has recently been done on learning and reflective practice and its efficiency on the professionals and one of the initial people to research reflective Practice was Jesse Schon in the book “The Reflective Practitioner” in 1983. Schon was an influential copy writer on reflection and had two main methods of identifying reflection and they were reflection in action and reflection on action. “The doctor allows him self to experience amaze, puzzlement, or perhaps confusion in times which this individual finds unclear or exceptional.

He indicates the sensation before him, and on the last understandings which were implicit in his behaviour. This individual carries out an experiment which in turn serves to create both a new understanding of the phenomenon and a change in the situation”. (Schon 1983)

Reflective practice have been described as ‘paying critical focus on the sensible values and theories which inform every day actions, by examining practice reflectively and reflexively. This may lead to developmental insight’. (, third Jan 2011). Reflection is an important part of the learning process and it is needed for powerful learning.

Reflection is a type of self-awareness and students that can reveal are better able to understand themselves and the learning process. Representation can help us control over our learning and achievements. Reflection leads to listening to advice from experience and descriptions strengths and weaknesses; by completing action programs to work with weaknesses can lead to ongoing learning and improvement. Rogers (1996, ) states “Reflection on encounter to action forms a big part of the learning process”. The reflection helps the doctor to assess, figure out and gain knowledge through experience leading to potential improvement and change. This really is a positive process that lets me review and examine and then evaluate so I can develop as a student and a youth worker.

The ability to think about practice will help me to consider my needs and then We plan to meet up with those requires so I can develop my innovative and learning skills. To support the learning method, reflection can be a powerful application to help recognize strengths and weaknesses. To formulate new skills being a learner I must reflect after experience to access my own activities and plan for my upcoming needs. Reece and Walker (2000, s. 7) declares “What can be not so organic but extremely important is that representation takes place to ensure learning from encounter takes place”. To reflect upon my own experiences and develop my own needs I have evaluated being a learner and as a junior worker. Initially I must discover my own desired learning design as everyone learns in different ways. There are numerous ways to create your preferred means of learning and as supported by Reece and Walker (2000, p. 9) “All students happen to be individuals and no two students learn the same way”. It is important to indicate my personal learning design in order for myself to achieve my own highest potential. To identify my personal learning design will describe my pros and cons.

Rogers (1996, p. 116) states that “Learning takes place in a number of diverse domains and various strategies these are known as into enjoy to cope with various kinds of learning”. Figuring out my pros and cons is important to ensure that I can think about the outcome then improve my skills” Kolb (1984) supplies one of the most valuable descriptive designs available of the adult learning process. He suggests that you will discover four levels in learning which in turn follow on from one another. Concrete knowledge is followed by reflection for the experience over a personal basis. This may in that case be and then the application of standard rules describing the experience, and also the application of regarded theory to it and therefore to the testing, leading consequently to the next tangible experience. All of this may happen very quickly, overnight, above days, or higher weeks and months, depending on the topic, and there may be a wheel inside wheels method at the same time. ( By critiquing my improvement and continuing to aim my objectives I am progressing through the learning cycle, which is necessary for me to boost on my self-assessing from knowledge, reflection, learning styles and development of abilities.

As I i am relatively new to this area of function it is also important to reflect being a youth worker in order for me personally to be effective and capable inside my task. It is necessary to reflect on my personal experiences so far from the yr and a half I use spent in college and it’s really important for me personally to continuously highlight areas for expansion while I was on placement. First I must identify the strengths and skills I possess acquired then to plan my expansion needs. My role needs me develop plans to accommodate the support users; Personally i think my current qualifications and experience will develop after my personal placement. I also truly feel it is essential to improve my current knowledge of youngsters and community work and monitor my own progress. I do believe the important thing to consider is that My spouse and i am highlighting for my own development.

Listening to advice from class buddies and classes has also been an essential method for change in professional practice. Current educational work in this area emphasises the need for safe learning frameworks where the voices of learners and professionals can be really heard and personally responded to. This has helped bring mutual learning and benefits for the professional and learners’ encounter. (Taylor 2009) I feel that chatting and pondering together about what is going in can make a massive difference to my experience on placement and in the learning environment. Reflection is known as a way which i can make sense of experience I have experienced, either with service users and/or colleagues. When I indicate I begin to make out the key points in detail of an experience, what it informs me about my skills, so why it happens most likely, what I did well and a plan for what I might carry out differently at a later date.

Reflective practice involves thinking of how I preformed and analyse my activities with the purpose of improving specialist practice. I reflect to recognize learning requirements; this is that people may not focus on our customers’ needs as a result of poor know-how base. Reflecting practice also helps identify fresh opportunities to get learning. Discover ways in which we learn ideal, personal development specialist development. It will help us remember not to enter into a arranged routine, for each clients case is different to the next. Develops understanding of consequences of the actions one example is what we state in response into a client could make the situation a whole lot worse. Regular reflection helps us build theory and most of it allows us to access what worked well and what doesn’t work well, and to learn from our mistakes and successes. Seriously reflective practice is important intended for the student in work practice. If a pupil did not use critical expression while on practice placement you are likely to have poor quality of practice.

Critically reflective practice looks morals and assumptions one may have that they would not know of. This is very important on practice placement since it deals with splendour. Racism, sexism, and ageism. It is also essential for students since it helps one particular become more self-aware, on the grounds of a social and political context. It is important since it ‘tunes in’ the student to issues customers face, delivers answers and solutions. (The critically reflective, 2008). Refractive practice is very important on operate placement for many reasons. The adaption of a reflective procedure helps the development of a professional. Continuous professional expansion is changing an approach in which the person uses their creativeness, and also uses a critical eyesight. (People’s expertise, 2009). Refractive practice is likewise important as trainees can use professional accountability during practice placement. This means personnel are accountable for their decisions.

They are liable. Practitioners want theory to compliment their decisions and alternatives. They make and in addition justify all of them. Professional answerability requires theory based arguments to be the cause of the practitioner’s action. Improper responses are consequences of not using reflective practice properly. Unacceptable responses may not be used applying ‘common sense’, as it may cause misinterpretations. Improper responses can also increase the chances of the practitioner to react in a manner that does not ensure that the client in any aspect. It also worsens the specific situation. Reflective practice consists of a aggressive approach, and using theory and kinds knowledge as being a framework to get effectiveness. Reflective practice is very important for trainees on practice placement for these reasons. (People’s skills, 2009).

In conclusion, I found the value of important and representation in any practice and it is a technique for professional practice that focuses on the need for practitioners to avoid standardised, formula replies to the conditions they face. Reflection is actually a window whereby the medical specialist can perspective and focus self within the context of their own lived encounter.


Thompson N. “People Skills second edition” Hampshire and a hundred seventy five Fifth Opportunity New York, Palgrave Macmillan (2002) Thompson S. & Thompson N. “The Critically Refractive Practitioner” Hampshire and a hundred seventy five Fifth Avenue New York, Palgrave Macmillan (2008) Redmond, Bairbre. (2004) Expression in Action Developing Reflective Practice in Health and Social Companies. Aldershot, England: Ashgate Reveal, P. & Lalor, T. (2009) Applied Social Treatment (2nd Ed). Dublin: Gill & Macmillan

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