India of my dreams Essay

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Words: 827 | Published: 12.26.19 | Views: 566 | Download now

Today, India is definitely characterised by simply communal violence, religious turmoil, terrorist motions, regional furor, political chaos, constant monetary hick-ups, standard corruption, Cricca raj, bomb-culture, etc . The great India of Lord Juggernaut, Mahavir, Shankaracharya, Swam Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, and Jawaharlal Nehru is definitely on the brink of break-up, unless of course, all of us put an end to these malaises which might be eating into its very fabric. The problems of decadence, hibernation, disharmony and the tired existence from the nation should be addressed to, if we want to see a glorious and a vibrant India. I desire such a wonderful and wonderful India inside the days to come.

India is a multicultural, multi religious, multilingual nation and, therefore, in order to preserve peace and harmony, because of importance has to be given to the feelings of each community. However , this secularing and pluralism have found be demure by faith based fanaticism and communalism. In the name of construction of temples and mosques do not seem to think twice even for taking the lives of our neighbours.

Today, when we should be focusing on the country’s all-round expansion, our attention is focused in untangling the mess referred to as Ayodhya tussle. ‘ This undue importance given to religion has wrecked our nationwide peace, sociable equilibrium and international standing. Mumbai bomb explosion, Gujarat violence, Godhra incident, constant Kashmir conflit, etc ., speak volumes about how exactly we have managed to turn the land of peace in a land of blood. Consequently , my desire India is usually an India where faith would no longer be in countrywide focus, in which religion will be put into the backyard supposed purely for personal practice. My spouse and i dream of each day when people in India might live and die because of their motherland than for their religion.

Today, in India, the gap involving the have’s plus the have- not’s is ever increasing. Nearly 90% of India’s wealth with the hands of 10% of individuals. The current interpersonal discrimination based on birth, famille and religion is breaking the national textile. In my long term India there would be no more ideas such as, Reservation, OBCs, Backwards classes, under-privileged, etc . These types of man-made restrictions of demarcations would be broken down 21st century India would an India in which everyone, no matter caste, creed, and religious beliefs, would have similar opportunities to live and work. In my foreseeable future India, everybody would have enough to eat and enough put on.

There would be no more deaths use to poverty and starvation. non-e would pass away due to paucity of medical facilities. You will see enough jobs for all, education would be work-oriented and everyone would have adequate possibilities for learning. Every village would be linked by streets and by net. The country’s military expenditure would be minimised and maximum would be spent for sociable improvements.

Green revolution, white revolution and IT trend, etc . will characterise each of our land. Inside my India of 21st century, this current evils characterising the Indian political approach to India just like instability, rampant corruption, political scams, misuse of general public money, louange of frontrunners, horse-trading, criminalisation of politics, manipulation of election method, etc ., would be unheard of. My own future India would have a political system, where person with dubious character or perhaps criminal background can not assume virtually any public workplace, where election would no longer be based on money power or perhaps muscle electricity but rather cost-free and fair.

My India of modern world would be a wonderful India remarkably esteemed by other countries of the world. She’d be a everlasting member of the UN Security Council and her voice would be heard loud and clear’ in the International industry. India’s position as the torchbearer of peace can be highly liked. The Kashmir problem will be a thing of the past and she would possess peace and friendship using her neighbours.

She would be described as a major Asian power at similar with Chinese suppliers and an extremely developed nation with a associated with IT professionals who are ready to venture out into the unknown frontiers. I do certainly not think that my own dream of India is too idealistic or as well unrealistic. Every day is not far off once i would be fortunate enough to see this glorious India sparkling with all the noble ideals of tranquility, high economic standards, political stability, sociable harmony, international recognition, etc . Let my country alert from its present slumber and rise up to great height of glory and abundance.

It would be a great India such as the India that the great patriot Rabindranath Tagore visualised: Where the mind is without dread and the brain is held high, exactly where knowledge is usually free, where the world is definitely not recently been broken up in fragments by simply narrow household walls.

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