job international business management composition

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Marketing and advertising


* Complete with the team (ca. 3 students) the tasks and case. Make sure you use the answer form to do so. * Please hand in your final version before the tutorial of 110 moments (T3) simply by uploading this to the sharepoint site of the course Marketing. * Never forget to take a hardcopy version of your answer to category and prepare as a team how one can15484 be delivering your answers. * N. B. This can be a group exercise. Just about every group affiliate is responsible for the work which is presented with in in the deadline.

Therefore every group member can be asked by instructor to clarify your team’s answers.

Assignment & Case guide:

Assignment # 1

(60 points: 10 per question, twenty points pertaining to questions 1 and 2)

1) Choose an industry: THAT and computers

Examples of sectors are: transport, energy, IT and personal computers, supermarkets, web publishers, garden companies, travel agencies, employment firms, etc .

1a) Please mention for your industry of choice at least 6th relevant improvements in its macro-environment. (20 points)

2) You should select a business or company which operates in your sector of choice.

The company or brand of choice must have both client ” and business consumers.

2a) Please mention for your company or perhaps brand of choice in least 6th relevant improvements in its micro-environment. (20 points)

3) From this company’s or perhaps brand’s point of view, do the developments you identified in the macro- and micro-environment, have an optimistic or negative impact pertaining to the particular firm or company?

4) Attract an efficiency chart of the company of choice. Include most sister businesses and SBU’s (Strategic Business Units).

Circumstance Week 1: Pegasus Flight companies

(40 points)

Please read the circumstance on page 36-37 and answer the following questions: Question you: Give instances of the needs, wants and demands that Pegasus clients demonstrate, differentiating these three or more concepts. What are the implications of each to get Pegasus’ techniques? (10 points) Question 2: Describe in greater detail all the areas of Pegasus’ item. What is becoming exchanged in a Pegasus deal? (10 points) Question several: Which with the 5 marketing management ideas best relates to Pegasus? (5 points) Question 4: What value will Pegasus produce for its buyers? (10 points) Question 5: Is Pegasus likely to continue being successful in building consumer relationships? For what reason or perhaps you should? (5 points) Answer FormMarketing Week 1(Total points to be earned: 100) Team #¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦.. Class IBM12 Names: Jasper Henken

Lam Le

Danny Dikker

Assignment # 1

(60 points: 10 every question, twenty points for questions one particular and 2)

1) Choose an industry: (20 points)


Market: IT and computers


1a) Please talk about for your sector of choice in least 6 relevant developments in its macro-environment.

| 1a) Developments in the macro environment| (3) + or ” impact| 1| Technological| +|

2| Economic| +|

3| Cultural| +|

4| Political| -|

5| Natural| +|

6| Demographic| +|




1 . Discover obviously been quite some enhancements regarding the technology of computer systems, which also has a great influence on sales of computers and so is a impact on the macro environment. “”””””””””””””””-

2 . The economy is more about communicating and working together. Just about every company today runs on computer software and relies on personal computers to method the data. This kind of obviously has a positive effect for IT. “”””””””””””””””-

3. There’s been developments ethnical wise, people are more hook up to each other through a computer and therefore the cultural development has a great influence within the macro environment “”””””””””””””””-

some. Governments making the effort to spy on the other person and their people by using IT technology. This essentially scares faraway from IT generally.


a few. The market nowadays minimises its effect to the environment by restricting chemicals in the processes and minimising the electrical usage of their products and programmes. “”””””””””””””””-

6. Inhabitants is raising and therefore the demand of pcs will increase as time passes. “”””””””””””””””-

2) Please decide on a company or perhaps brand which will operates in your industry of choice. The company or brand of choice should have both buyer ” and business clients. (20 points)


Company or perhaps brand: Microsoft company



2a) Please talk about for your business of choice by least 6th relevant improvements in its micro-environment.

| 2a) Developments in the micro environment| (3) & or ” impact| 1| The Company| +|

2| Suppliers| +|

3| Marketing intermediaries| +|

4| Competitors| -|

5| Publics| +|

6| Customers| +|




1 . Microsoft is a big company therefore it should be reasonable that Microsoft company has his own promoting department etc . “”””””””””””””””-

2 . Suppliers have an optimistic impact because they offer the goods that Microsoft should produce all their product. “”””””””””””””””-

a few. Microsoft provides a lot of good relationships to firms that allows them to use in their development and possibilities. “”””””””””””””””-

4. Apple, linux will be big opponents so Microsoft company can struggle which means excellent negative effects. “”””””””””””””””-

5. Microsoft company is famous around the world, everybody that considers computers think about Microsoft. “”””””””””””””””-

6. Everyone uses a computer as windows is among the biggest available in the market at the moment, Clients obviously have a positive effect. “”””””””””””””””-





3) From this provider’s or brand’s perspective, do the developments you identified in the macro- and micro-environment have a positive or perhaps negative impact for this company or brand? (See tables abover for inquiries 1a and 2a pertaining to indicating great (+) or negative (-) impact and/or type an explanation here)(2 back button 5 sama dengan 10 points)







4) Draw an organisational chart of the company of preference. Include almost all sister firms and SBU’s (Strategic Business Units). (10 points)














Case Week 1: Pegasus Airlines

(40 points)

Please look at the case on page 36-37 and answer the next questions: Problem 1: Give examples of the needs, would like and demands that Pegasus customers display, differentiating these types of 3 ideas. What are the implications of each and every for Pegasus’ practices? (10 points) “”””””””””””””””-

Needs: Affordable prices


Would like: If a hold off of more than 3 hours occur, they get a full return. “”””””””””””””””-

Demands: Innovative destination in offers.



Question two: Describe in depth all the facets of Pegasus’ merchandise. What is staying exchanged in a Pegasus purchase? (10 points) “”””””””””””””””-

On-time starting, Information support by e-mail and SMS, Credit & Loyalty credit card, Refund in case there is a 3+ hour wait, Fly Cafe, Opportunity to choose a seat, Discounts for early arranging, Various places, customer service technique lies frequently scheduled. “”””””””””””””””-


Question 3: Which in turn of the a few marketing management concepts ideal applies to Pegasus? (5 points) “”””””””””””””””-

The advertising concept.



Question 4: What value does Pegasus create because of its customers? (10 points) “”””””””””””””””-

A flight experience of high quality and low cost.



Question five: Is Pegasus likely to remain successful in building customer relationships? So why or obtain? (5 points)


Yes, if you deliver the consumers’ needs and wants, the can pick you over competition and you’ll succeed. “”””””””””””””””-



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