john keats 848 words essay

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John Keats

He started on the pacific. Every his men/looked at each additional with a wild

surmise/silent, after a peak in Darien, Beauty can be truth, fact Beauty

that may be all/ ye know on earth, and all ye need to know, The author of these

and many other lines set permanently in the shared consciousness of those whom

speak The english language, John Keats was an exceptionally unlikely prospect for poetic

immortality. Born into a working-class family two centuries ago. Orphaned in

childhood, his work was subjected to aggresive attacks simply by established literary

critics, useless in his mid-twenties from tuberculosis, he overcame all road blocks

not only to write some of the very best poems inside the language, but also to form, in

the minds of millions of people. David Keats came to be in London on October 23

1795. The first kid of Thomas Keats having been a livery-stable keeper. Great

wife Frances (Jennings) Keats was a stay at home mom. Three more sons had been born among

whom died in childhood. A child was born for the couple just before Thomass fatality

in The spring 1804 from a horses accident. With four very young children to care for.

Frances hitched a man known as William Rawlings in 1805. The marriage had not been

successful so when the couple separated in the following year she and her several

children traveled to live with her mother. Steve Keats received his first

education by a private college in Enfield run purchase the Reverend David Clarke. Amongst

his classmates was the headmasters son, Charles Cowden clarke. Who would become

his long term friend. Keatss mother died of tuberculosis in March 1810, and

in 1811 he was taken out of school and apprenticed to Thomas Hammond, a doctor

at Edmonton hospital. It had been during this time that he began to learn poetry

significantly and to write it himself. His apprenticeship ended by simply mutual permission in

1815, and Keats went to Birmingham to study remedies at the joint school of St .

Thomass and Men Hospitals. In July 1816, he passed his evaluation as a great

apothecary, and worked till April from the next year as being a medical practitioner.

Keatss first amount entitled just Poems was published in March 1817 and

did not attract very much notice past a favorable assessment from Leigh Hunt. During

that time Keats met Fanny Brawne, a new woman who also throughout what appears to

have already been for him at least. Rather tormented relationship was to be the great

love of his short life and whom he became employed some time throughout the end of

the year. By simply December 1818 when his brother Tom died of tuberculosis. In

February 3, 1820 Keats had a hacking and coughing fit that led him to hemorrhage some dark

arterial blood. With his medical training he recognized the gravity of the

situation and he advised his good friend Charles Armitage Brown, That drop of blood

is definitely my death-warrant, I must perish. After another relapse in June 1820 Keats

identified to go to Italy, from whose warmer and drier environment he wished to find

a few relief of his struggling. On September 18, this individual sailed to get Naples having a close

good friend the musician Joseph Severn. Keats never saw Great britain or fanny again. The 2

men had taken lodgings in Rome, where severn loyally cared for Keats, who stored

his mild and uncomplaining nature right up until his death on Feb 23, 1821. He was

not nearly four weeks past his twenty-fifth birthday. In addition to his poetry

Keats may be the author of some of the most interesting letters by any literary

figure. In their aesthetic theorizing, their ideas into nature of the

imaginative process and their constant screen of a adorable and admirable

personality, his letters not simply complement his poetry nevertheless shows an

intellectual understand and penetration that is not always evident in the poetry

themselves. Living of Keats to some degree mythology by biographers and other

enthusiasts has done as much as anything to trend the popular image of the

poet as a condemned and tormented soul. Scorned by a great uncaring and pouring out his

heart in spasms of unrequited like. And his job has also done very much to condition

the common view of poems as intense images stated in rhapsodic language

that, to offer his personal lines for the nightingales tune, oft-times hath/

charmed magic casements, opening on the foam/ Of perilous seas, in faery countries

forlorn. The very best of his poems, naturally , transcend these kinds of stereotypes.

Beautiful as their music may be, they do not traffic in pretty enthusiast

fantasies, yet instead face some of lifes most complicated problems and

situations, using a constant awareness of irreducible despair that is at the

heart of individual experience. My opinion I learned more of john Keats that we ever

realized about him. I actually learned what he went threw simply to become a poet person and what

hardships this individual went threw just to get presently there. And all of the sacrifices he made

just to become known as among the finest British writers that anyone has ever

lived and so i end by saying that david keats i think is one of the ideal

poets that we have examine so far. And i also give him credit for all of the diligence

and motivation that this individual has placed in peoples lives all over the world of course, if

they have not read a peace of by john then you is going out and read a few.

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