julius caesar an expository essay

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Throughout the play, Julius Caesar, opinions more than important concerns

clash. Brutus and Cassius, both senators of The italian capital, have two completely

different methods of looking at matters. Brutus, an idealist, has a more nave

method of looking at points. He tends to see only the good in a person.

Cassius, on the other hand, is a realist. This individual sees precisely what is really presently there.

Cassius may be the lead conspirator in the play, showing that he is almost all for

home advance. Brutus is the merely one who isnt plotting to kill Caesar for

self-centered purposes. Brutus has the very good of Rome in mind, not really himself. Brutus

and Cassiuss characters turn out vividly in three individual arguments they will

have in the play. The first main argument they may have is about eliminating Marc

Antony, a close friend of Julius Caesar. Brutus doesnt and Cassius does.

The second key argument the have can be after the loss of life of Julius Caesar.

Brutus wants Antony to speak for Caesars funeral but Cassius disagrees. The

last discussion they have proves to be fatal to both Brutus and Cassius. They

dispute above battle techniques at Sardis, the Plains of Philippi. Shakespeare

was wonderful by showing the high and low parts of two different people

Brutus and Cassius.

The first main argument that develops in this enjoy happens when the

conspirators are deciding whether or not to kill Marc Antony. Antony is a

very close friend of Julius Caesar. One could say he was riding his

coattails. Cassius sees Antony being a threat to their purpose, and of course

wants him gone because he is only following his own advancement. Cassius also

sees that if Julius Caesar is definitely killed, Antony will avenge his death by virtually any

means feasible. Antony provides Caesars army pretty much in the power, and

could supply the combined troops of Brutus and Cassius a run for their money.

This individual knows that Antony is power hungry. In Cassiuss head, Antony uses

any influence he can arrive at gain electric power. He has ridden the coattails

of Caesar to get at the stage he is at present at, and that he will use

Caesars death to overthrow the conspirators and move larger up in power.

Since Cassius can be described as realist, this individual sees people for what they can be, not for what

they appear being. He sees Antony because an opportunist and very smart.

He knows that Antony covers up his intellect by being a reveler, or possibly a

playboy. Cassius believes Antony should be slain, just to make certain there

will be no complications following the murder of Julius Caesar. Brutus completely

disagrees with Cassius. Brutus cant observe past the faade Antony places up. He

thinks that Antony is definitely an unintelligent reveler. Brutus thinks Antony wont

do anything about Caesars death, that he will recognize it, since the whole of

Rome could, after staying explained. Brutus also will not want the episode to

look like a bloodbath. He will not want to unnecessarily destroy anyone. He

wants the death of Julius Caesar to be looked at as a getting rid of rather

than a murder. All things considered, Brutus considers he is conserving Rome of your dictator. This individual

would get rid of Antony as well if he thought he had any capacity to rise up against

the conspirators. Brutus as well thinks that if Antony is so attached with

Caesar which is so damage by his loss, that he will devote suicide to be in his campany

him. In my opinion, Brutus is a little too nao. He is window blind to the fact

that Antony is covering being the mask of any playboy. Cassius seems to understand

and figure out Antony better. He perceives right through the faade. In a case

so sensitive while this, I might side with Cassius to be safe. To side with

Brutus would be like diving in a pool, not being aware of how deep it is.

Brutuss judgment is definitely tainted. This individual cant seem to find poor in anyone. Cassius

will be safer to side with because he will not take any chances where his

life fantastic power are worried. Cassius ultimately ends up letting Brutus have his

way. This individual does this since it is vital that Brutus is known as a part of the

conspiracy theory. The group needs him for his speaking skills as well as his

credibility together with the masses. None of the conspirators are well loved in

The italian capital, so they need to have an individual the commoners can trust. Brutus provides a very

large standing in Ancient rome. He is recognized to have the perfect for Rome primary in

his mind. In the event Brutus gets in front of all of Rome and says it had been a good

factor to get rid of Caesar, compared to the conspirators possess a better possibility to acquire

away with cold-blooded killing. Brutus eventually ends up getting his way in the end.

Antony is definitely let to live.

The Second major dispute between Brutus and Cassius took place after

Julius Caesar was murdered. Brutus wanted to allow Antony speak at Julius

Caesars memorial, but Cassius disagreed. Brutus thinks that Antony will need to

speak because it will convince the crowds that Antony isnt mad that Caesar

was killed. In the event that he gets in front of a large group and praises Juliuss lifestyle, it

displays he does not have any hostility toward the conspirators. Brutus feels that

enabling Antony speak will confirm the conspirators intentions for the

masses. He believes in the event he gives Antony recommendations to follow in his speech

he will probably follow them. Brutus doesnt even consider the fact Antony would go

against an agreement. This individual just believes with Antonys good oratory skills, this individual

would be able to support him persuade the crowds even more. Cassius knows that if

Antony is let to speak, guidelines or not really, he will find a way to slander

the conspirators. Even if he does follow the guidelines, he will somehow

switch the tides against him. The world are fickle, and Cassius knows this. He

can surmise what to you suppose will happen if Antony speaks following Brutus. The crows will

be every for Brutus, but as quickly as Antony gets ahead of the crowd, he

will change their thoughts against the conspirators. He is aware of if they let

Antony have the body of Caesar and the audience all at one time, he may use

your body and his words against Brutus and Cassius. If that they dont allow Antony

speak, the crowds commitment will stay on the side of the conspirators.

Personally, I believe both Brutus and Cassius have valid points, although Brutus

beliefs the agreement too much. I believe Cassius was right on the button

predicting what could happened in the event Antony spoke at Julius Caesars funeral service.

The characteristics of realists and idealist had been represented well in

this kind of argument. Brutus, the idealist, was completely oblivious to the

thought of somebody breaking an agreement. He is held under the belief of

most people are good. Cassius, the realist, could spot what may, and most

most likely will, happen. Cassius lets Brutus include his approach again as they

needs him to help regain the crowds. The people of The italian capital trust Brutus. He

is the only one from the conspirators who may have any quality with the persons

because they will know he has only the good of Rome in mind. When Antony speaks

on the funeral, he does, indeed, turn the individuals against the conspirators.

All the conspirators, including Brutus and Cassius, flee the location to their


The third key squabble among Brutus and Cassius arises when the

soldires are at camp with their soldires in the mountain range above the Flatlands of

Philippi. They quarrel over battle tactics. Brutus thinks their best to move

down the pile and attack Antony and Octaviuss soldires. Cassius really wants to

wait within the mountain until the opposing soldires come to them. Cassius

believes if they wait on the pile, Antonys troops will be worn out and

wont be able to battle well. Brutus counters together with the fact that they will could

grab fresh troops on the way up, or end to rest inside the many cities

between them. Cassius knows in the event they 03 down, their troops would be the

ones tired and struggling to fight at their best. Once more, Brutus surfaces

with the idea of getting fresh, rested troops in the towns between

armies. Cassius knows if perhaps they combat on the Flatlands of Philippi, they will be

a disadvantage, for they will be fighting about even ground with Antonys army

in an open discipline. If they stay on their particular mountain and let the opposition

come to them, Cassius soldiers will have the main advantage of higher ground and

covered forest. Brutus thinks if each goes down to the Plains of Philippi

they are going to have the mental advantage more than Antony and Octaviuss

makes. Coming down the mountain is going to shout to the rivals, Were not

scared of you! We could make the 1st move! Brutus knows Antonys army gets

bigger each day, and if they will get much bigger, the combined pushes of

Brutus and Cassius wont be able to stand a great deal of chance against them.

Cassius, overall, feels if that they wait within the mountain to get the opponent to

arrive to them, they will nevertheless be rested, while the foe is worn out in the

hike in the mountain. They are going to still have the land benefits and the

knowledge of the area. Showing over the disagreement, I would affiliate with

Cassius again. Even though possessing a psychological benefit against the

opposition is a great issue to have, a well-rested armed service is needed in the same way

much. If they know the dimensions of the land very well, and the causes are healthier, they have a

greater chance of released victorious than if they will march right

down the hill to combat in an open battlefield. It seems as if Brutus

wasnt pondering clearly, or he was stuck on the other, minor advantages

they can gain still dropping the hill. After Cassius finds out about

Brutuss wifes death, this individual doesnt need to combat anymore. He doesnt want

to make things worse to get Brutus simply by quarreling with him additional, so he gave

in. Pathetic argument also a new role in the surrender to Brutus. His camp

had an eagle visiting every day for a few weeks. This is an excellent sign.

If the eagle couldnt come back, and scavengers just like crows and hawks got

its place, Cassius thought something was up. Much like an owls in the city

in the day time, the presence of scavengers in a camp is a negative omen. Cassius

also mentions that it was his birthday, and he just didnt include a good

perception of anything. Towards the end of the enjoy, both Cassius and Brutus

kill themselves. Cassius seems he provides betrayed his friend, and Brutus

refuses to be found by Antonys army.

I have actually found myself contemplating what mightve happened

in the event Cassius hadnt given into Brutus on one or more of the disagreements.

How would points have transformed if just one single time this individual hadnt succumbed? Would

they have had to feel the entire ordeal with the throngs if they will

have bumped off Antony at their first difference? If that they let Antony

live, however, not speak on the funeral, might they have was required to flee the city

after their very own second quarrel? If that they waited around the mountain intended for the opposition

forces to come to them, would they have received the conflict, or at least postponed

their wipe out? It all comes down to an idealist and a realist.


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