katherine drexel essay

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Katherine Drexel was born in 1858 into a prominent and wealthy Phila.

family. Being a young mature she handed down fifteen million dollars the moment both

her stepmother and father died.


Katherine Drexel was one of three daughters to Francis Anthony Drexel.

Katherine was the second child of Hannah Langstroth, Francis partner.

Katherine was born on November 26, 1858.

Only one brief month after Katherine was born, Hannah died.

Francis experienced later remarried to Emma Bouvier

Francis and Emma ha children, another child, Louise.

Elizabeth, Katherines old sister, Katherine herself and Louise, had been

taught to use their prosperity to help gain others.

Some days away of his busy schedule, Francis would wide open his house to the

homeless and poor.

All three women were brought up in a soft, loving and deep hope


On Her Own

Katherine set out onto her own following nursing her step-mother, Emma, for two


She got her estimated $ 12-15 million, after her father and mother died, and set it to

good employ helping other folks.

Katherine was very passionate about helping all those less fortunate after that

herself, both financially and spiritually.

The girl had an overpowering love pertaining to God. A love that ran profound within her

veins, that she dedicated her your life to Christ and implemented his term.

The Siblings of the Blessed Sacrament

In 1891, Katherine took her vows and became a jetzt.

Katherine commenced a members called The Sisters with the Blessed Sacrament

for Indians and Shaded People.

The congregation was based in Cornwell Heights, around Philadelphia, PA.

She got also instituted a last vow inside the congregation besides poverty

chastity, and obedience.

Katherine vowed, To be the mom and servant of the Of india and Desventurado

races in line with the rule in the Sisters from the Blessed Sacrament and not

to undertake any operate that would bring about the forget and desertion of the

Indian and the Shaded races.

Assisting Others

In 1894, Katherine opened a college for Indians in New Mexico.

During her amount of time in New Mexico, Katherine developed typhoid fever in 1912.

Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection that now is definitely rare in the U. S i9000

Symptoms contain unusually excessive fever, pain, loss of hunger, fatigue

and abdominal discomfort.

Unfortunately, Katherine had to put things on hold although she recuperated.

After her recovery, Katherine opened one other school in 1915. Xavier


Xavier University in New Orleans, was the first United Sates Catholic

institution for advanced schooling for blacks.

By 1942, she had a system of dark-colored Catholic colleges in 13 states, 45

mission centers, 23 country schools and 50 Of india missions.

Loss of life of Mom Katherine Drexel

Unfortunately, Katherine suffered a heart attack and was required to retire.

She spent the next nineteen many years of her your life in frequent prayer and

also fully developed in the contemplative life.

Katherine tragically perished in 03 1955 in Cornwell Altitudes.

She left out a true legacy of love and a host of dedicated sisters to

provide education and help the Shaded and American indian races.


At a jubilee mass on August 1, 2150, Mother Katherine Drexel became the

second native created citizen to get declared a saint.

With the service Pope John Paul II praised Katherine Drexel for all the work

that the lady had done throughout her life.

The Pope mentioned, Her apostolate helped lead to a growing understanding of

the need to fight all kinds of racism through education and social

services. Katherine Drexel is an excellent sort of that functional

charity and generous solidarity with the less fortunate which has for ages been

the specific mark of American Catholics.

Participating in the mass were people of the Blessed Sacrament Buy, whose 240

nuns operate more than 40 schools and ministry sites in 13 states.


When Robert Gutherman was 14 years aged he had and incurable experiencing

problem. His full restoration in mid 1970s was caused by Mother Katherine


Amy wall was also one other miracle. Amy was born deaf. After all medical

hopes and efforts experienced failed, her parents started to pray to Katherine

Drexel. Miraculously, in 1994 Amy could notice even following your doctors got

said that there is no opportunity for Amy to hear again.






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