Kraft Foods Essay

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Words: 283 | Published: 12.18.19 | Views: 503 | Download now

Energi Foods Group, which is one of the famous foodstuff and refreshment companies on the globe, has a large and significant impact on socio-economic and lives of people across the world. It was founded in 1852. It makes and provides packaged meals and refreshments including snack foods, beverages, cheese, convenient dishes and numerous packaged grocery products.

Energi Foods operates in more than 75 countries, primarily in the US and Canada. And it sells its products in more than a hundred and fifty countries. (Kraft Foods, 2009). As one of the quickest growing foodstuff manufactures in the Australian, Energi Foods is usually changed to Mondel? z Worldwide.

It utilize more than 3500 employees who also work around a range of activities trying to use the fresh name and new look to serve absolutely free themes. To ensure the eco friendly development of the company, Kraft Food takes the economic, sociable and environmental issues into account and attempts to achieve ever-changing social expectations. As an important food business, Kraft Food makes great effort to contribute to society.

It is aware about that hunger is a very serious issue among the society and keeps struggling with this. Kraft Foods expands co-operation with other company and contribute food to food financial institution and other food cravings relief centres to help give products intended for the food travel (Safeway and Kraft, 2012). Many initiatives at preventing hunger and contribution to society are available all over the world simply by Kraft Foods employees ((More than 20, 000, 2010).

However , in food safety, several remember cases in 2014 brought on detrimental influence on company’s graphic. This important essay can explicitly examine Kraft Foods’s actions and the implications upon society.

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