legume antioxidant activity rocha guzman nuria

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Biochemistry and biology, Food Marking, Nutritional Food, Culinary

Excerpt from Article Review:

Legume Antioxidant Activity

Rocha-Guzman, Nuria Elizabeth., Gonzalez-Laredo, Ruben F., Ibarra-Perez, Francisco M., Nava-Berumen, Cynthia A., and Gallegos-Infante, Jose-Alberto. (2007). Effect of pressure food preparation on the antioxidant activity of components from three common veggie (Paseolus vulgaris L. ) cultivars. Meals Chemistry, 100(1), 31-35.

Brief summary of qualifications, methods, and findings.

The above mentioned authors had been interested in understanding both the anti-nutritional and antioxidant activity of dried up beans when ever consumed. The anti-nutritional elements include enzyme inhibitors, lectins, phytates, cyanoglycosides, and polyphenols. The writers chose to give attention to polyphenols because many of these chemical substances also exhibit antioxidant activity.

Prior research has shown uncooked beans have significant degrees of polyphenols and antioxidants, however the effects of meals processing within the concentration of these compounds experienced yet being determined. The authors as a result assessed total phenol articles and antioxidant activity following commercial-style digesting of three different cultivars: Flor Sobre Mayo M38, Bayo Victoria, and Pinto Villa.

The beans were cooked in an autoclave (high temperature), permitted to cool, then seed layer separated through the cotyledon. This method allowed self-employed testing from the cooking water, seed cover, and cotyledon. The aqueous phase in the cooking normal water was taken off through lyophilization. Organic ingredients were extracted from these kinds of three distinct preparations applying 70% acetone. The extracts were then dried in a lyophylizer in a low heat. Equal pounds samples, in different dilutions, were after that tested for total phenol content by using a spectrophotometer. Free of charge radical scavenging activity was assessed employing DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydracyl).

A lot of the phenol content material in dried up beans can be contained in the seed coat and lots of of this can be lost during cooking to the water and cotyledon tissues. Overall phenol content inside the cooked beans was reduced by 90% or more. In comparison, antioxidant activity increased significantly in all of the three cultivars and the evidence supported the conclusion that the increase in cotyledon antioxidant activity originate from the seedling coat via the cooking normal water.

Section II: Critique of methods and interpretations

The authors made a decision to compare total extracted phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity from the seedling coat and cotyledon, after and before

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