levels of religious expansion essay

Category: Religion and spirituality,
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School Psychiatrist James Fowler determined six stages of religion or spiritual development. This describes all of them. Stage you: Intuitive-Projective (ages 3-7). Fantasy-filled belief imitates powerful adults in the child’s life, inspired by the moods, actions, and stories inside the nuclear relatives to provide imagination, but with no logic. The child is indoctrinated with neighborhood customs and taboos within the nuclear along with community and fact and fiction are noticed as precisely the same. Stage two: Mythic-Literal (middle/later childhood).

A kid internalizes tales, beliefs, and customs from the community which has a literal model to be used as meaning attitudes and rules about right and wrong.

This is a linear, concrete belief/reasoning that evokes narrative, crisis, and storytelling, belief in justice and quid pro quo reciprocity, anthropomorphism of puzzling power; and deficiencies in critical analysis, but solid legalism. Stage 3: Synthetic-Conventional (“Tweens and Early Adolescence). An individual encounters the classroom, work, peers/non-peers, diversity in the streets, multimedia, and religious beliefs.

Power apparently comes from the top, down and conformity is usually compelling.

Stage some: Individuative-Reflective (Adolescence ” Early Adult). The wrestles with self-identity and ponders his or her own responsibility for choices. An existential reasoning aspect overwrites mythology in the pursuit of “Truth while considering that there may can be found no absolutes. Critical pondering, evaluation, and problem solving abilities take condition to solve differences between personal identity and ideology (worldview).

71203856 David Fowler’s Periods of Religious Expansion 2 Level 5: Conjunctive Faith (Middle Adult). Here, one must consider and accept paradoxes and rival views through adaptation and integration of information within and without. One examines one’s recognized myths, ideals, and bias about interpersonal class, religion, ethnicity, and other demographics. A single accepts the failures of the belief system or becomes a withdrawn cynic that are not able to function.

Stage 6: Enlightenment or Universalizing Faith (Middle or Past due Adult). This kind of stage is definitely rarely achieved, but embraces a sense of becoming one with the universe and everything things. A person’s individual existence loses importance, as does making a living, etc . Conflicts no longer befuddle this person. Illustrations are the idea of the ancient guru around the mountaintop, Père John Paul II, and Mahatma Ghandi.


Santrock, J. T. (2007) Age of puberty. Twelfth release. (pp. 264 ” 265). New York: McGraw-Hill.


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