macbeth test assessment essay

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Desserts and baking

person not delivered of woman


has more need for a priest than a doctor

Lady Macbeth

secret, black, and midnight hag

The Werewolves

Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor


to be daddy of nobleman though not a king


in comparison to a young fish who will sooner or later produce poison


left exclusively with children and no safeguard

Lady Macduff

Duncan’s son whom flees to England


Duncan’s son who flees to Ireland


the Witches’ excellent



Is definitely Banquo interested in the witches’ prophecies?

father of kings

The witches foresee that Banquo will be¦


Whom truly does King Duncn name while his successor to the tub?

Woman Macbeth

Who also encourages Macbeth to eliminate Duncan?


Girl Macbeth accuses Macbeth penalized a ___when he hesitates about murdering Duncan

Malcolm and Donalbain

Who will be accused of killing Duncan?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

Who is responsible for Duncan’s tough?

Will certainly Banquo’s daughters reign in his kingdom?

Precisely what is one concern that Macbeth has that he requires the nurses about on his second trip to them?

have prophesied his accomplishment

Macbeth believes that the Witches¦

one of Macbeth’s spies

Malcolm considers that Macduff is

She usually takes her own life

What happens to Lady Macbeth?

get together with Malcolm’s army

Deserters from Macbeth’s castle.



Who eliminates Macbeth?


What ruins Lady Macbeth’s excitement from success?

executed by simply Duncan

The former Thane of Cawdor is definitely

undertaking anything to become king

Woman Macbeth believes Macbeth will need to prove himself a man simply by

amusing relief

The Porter in the play supplies

dread for their lives

Duncan’s kids flee mainly because they¦

Banquo and Fleance

Macbeth hires criminals to eliminate


During the banquet, Macbeth’s chair is filled by the ghosting of ¦

avoid Macduff, will never be defeated right up until Birman Real wood come to Dunsinane, not any man born of woman can get rid of him

The Weird Siblings predict___on Macbeth’s second time to see these people using apparitions

convert grief in to anger and seek revenge

Malcolm motivates Macduff to..

the girl sleep taking walks.

Lady Macbeth confesses her crimes when¦

allows his fate.


desperate braveness

Macbeth meets death with¦(what condition)

Malcolm will take the throne

Order is definitely restored to Scotland when ever


Refuge intended for Malcolm

Birnam Woods

Comes to Dunsinane Hill


Macbeth’s original property


At war with Scotland


Site of Duncan’s murder


castle wherever Lady Macbeth dies; Macbeth’s castle

Lady Macduff

Thane of Fife’s better half


warns Fleance to escape

Lady Macbeth

plan’s Duncan’s murder


names his son heir towards the throne


traitor who led a failed rebellion

A faulty or corrupt culture

The nurses and the traitors

A man neither entirely good nor evil, able of success but will not attain because of his tragic flaw

Just what tragic main character?

Bloodstream, borrowed dresses, water, rest, night

What are motifs?

Holinshed’s Chronicles

The source in the play

The werewolves and Banquo

Shakespeare includes these to appeal to King James I


Written by King Wayne to detect witches

Banquo, Fresh Siward

Foils for Macbeth


When the play was first performed

Work III

When is the climax?

Youthful Siward, Banquo, McDonwald, Woman MacDuff and son

Murdered by Macbeth

Thane of Cawdor

2nd most important title in Scotland; provided to Macbeth

11th 100 years Scotland

placing of enjoy

The porter addresses in


Sentirse form of the play

Bare verse

The witches speak in this


faulty or corrupt world or at least a few characters more corrupt compared to the tragic leading man

1 element of tragedy (the witches; the civil war)


tragic flaw

restoration of buy

Malcolm does this by welcoming exiles and making thanes earls and having king

tragic oversight

killing Duncan

candlestick, poor gamer, tale informed by an idiot

metaphors Macbeth purposes of the meaning of life

Banquo’s rejeton do not become king

Prediction that does not come true in the enjoy

Created C-section



Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy

Norway and Scotland

Two countries at war in the onset of play


Motif comprising guilt


Design symbolizing nasty

Banquo, Macduff, Small Siward

Foils to Macbeth

Action I, landscape i

Establishes an threatening atmosphere


Forecast events

Kings’ Men

Acting colonne under Ruler James

Thane of Cawdor

Second most important subject in Ireland

Upset about Macduff going to Great britain

Lady Macduff

Work III

Climaxing of play”Banquo escapes

Sees Banquo’s ghost

Cause of Macbeth’s peculiar behavior by banquet

Dramatic irony

Duncan’s feedback about Macbeth’s castle just before he gets into

Can turn green seas reddish

Blood about Macbeth’s hands

Take action III; Banquo’s speech: My spouse and i fear that play’st many foully pertaining to it

Reveals he understands Macbeth killed Duncan

“Oh filled with scorpions is my mind dear wife

Advises the horrors of Macbeth’s mind

Macduff’s interest and sadness

Convince Malcolm he is sincere