major contributions of karen horney essay

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Karen Horney was a German psychologist who manufactured major advantages in psychology. Some of these input include things like in feminine mindset, theory of self, and self-psychology. Upon psychology. regarding. com it is stated “Her refutation of Freud’s theories about women produced more involvement in the mindset of women.  (Cherry, 2013) Although Karen Horney did follow a lot of Sigmund Freud’s theory, she did not have the same opinion with his beliefs about female psychology. She did not accept his concept of male envy, declaring it was the two incorrect and humiliating to women.

Horney proposed, rather, the concept of womb envy, where men experience feelings of lowliness because they could not give labor and birth to children. “Is certainly not the great strength in men from the impulse to creative operate every field precisely because of their feeling of playing a relatively little part inside the creation of living beings, which frequently impels these to an over-compensation in success? 

Horney suggested. (Cherry, 2013) Karen Horney’s theory of self was a very important contribution to psychology in showing how the way a neurotic person views themselves is different than the way a healthy person views themselves. She assumed that neurosis was a continuous process, with neuroses developing commonly at irregular intervals in a person’s lifetime. The neurotic’s identity is more or perhaps less separated into a loathed self and a perfect home. Other theorists hypothesize a “looking-glass(Boeree, 2007) self, the you that you just think other folks see. In case you look around and find out, whether accurately or certainly not, others despising you, then you definitely receive that within you as the things you presume as the real you. Neurotic people create a great self away of ought to and expectations they believe they must be living up to.

The perfect self is usually not a constructive goal. It really is unrealistic and, in the end, unattainable. So , consequently, a neurotic person bounces back and forth among hating themselves and posing as perfect. (Boeree, 2007). Horney also urged self-analysis and self-help which still gets little value in the mental community. Karen supposed that individuals were able to act as their own practitioners, emphasizing the individual role every person has within their own mental health. Karen wrote among the earliest self-help books, and supposed that (with rather minor neurotic troubles) we might well become our own psychiatrists. (Boeree, 2007). One weak spot in all of her job is that hertheory is limited to neurotic folks. in addition to leaving away psychotics and also other problems, she also leaves out your healthy person. However , provided that she does put neurosis as well as well being on a single range, she truly does speak to be able to the neurotic in all humans.

It is through Karen Horney’s major advantages and operate feminine mindset, theory of self, do it yourself analysis and self support that the world of psychology is definitely the way it really is today.


Cherry, K. (2013). Karen Horney Biography. Psychology ” Complete Guide to Psychology for young students, Educators & Enthusiasts. Gathered January almost 8, 2013, coming from ofmajorthinkers/p/bio_karenhorney. Boeree, C. (2007) Karen Horney. My personal Webspace data files. Retrieved January 9, 2013, from http://webspa ce. deliver. edu/cgboer/horney. html code Langenderfer, G. (1999) Karen Horney. Psychology History. Gathered January on the lookout for, 2013, from skingum. edu/~psych/psycweb/history/horney. htm#Theory Karen Horney ” Wikipedia, the totally free encyclopedia. (n. d. ). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved January 9, 2013, from


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