major themes in european literature term paper

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Literary Theme, Antigone, Theme, Oedipus Rex

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contemplated an individual’s relationship with his or her environment. In Oedipus Rex and Antigone, Sophocles explores the relationship an individual has together with the world and society. In each of these performs, Sophocles juxtaposes divinity and humanity and investigates the role of every within Theban society and also looks into conflicts that occur when the regulations of man conflict with divine laws and regulations. Through their very own narratives, Oedipus Rex and Antigone posit man is intended to provide others, which include gods, and that they do not can be found to be self-serving.

Oedipus Rex revolves around a great eponymous anti-hero who by simply saving metropolis of Thebes from a Sphinx unintentionally and together brought forth a problem upon that. By busting the Sphinx, Oedipus guaranteed his place upon the Theban tub and as such had not been only responsible for ensuring laws were abided, but was likewise responsible for guarding Thebes’ residents. Because of the trouble that has befallen Thebes, their citizens consider Oedipus pertaining to help as they contend he could be a safe bet of the city and the gods. The residents argue, “We have not be met with suppliants to this altar/because all of us thought of you as Our god, /but somewhat judging you the first of men/in all the likelihood of this existence and when/we mortals have to do with more than man” (Sophocles, Oedipus Rex, s. 12). It can be clear the citizens of Thebes regard Oedipus as a person of great power, keen and political, and that they maintain him in charge of their general well-being. Moreover, the residents argue, inch[You] are held/with God’s assistance to have preserved our lives, inch which further emphasizes that they look upon Oedipus and consider him to be someone who is not only their very own leader, but also since someone who has recently been graced by the gods (12).

Likewise, Oedipus accepts the responsibilities of an innovator and protection of Thebes and does every thing in his capacity to restore order. In order to determine the best way to support Thebes, Oedipus dispatches his brother-in-law Creon “to Apollo/to his Pythian temple, /that he may learn there with what act or perhaps word as well as I could save this city” (13). Simply by sending Creon to Apollo’s temple, he recognizes that like all other men, he’s subservient to the gods and he trusts they will be capable to help him in his most recent quest. Whilst Oedipus does not recognize that at this point, his initial and failed try to circumvent a prophecy regarding himself fantastic father, further highlights the subservience of man to gods and demonstrates that divine power and great machinations overcome free will.

Additionally , Oedipus acknowledges that despite his past triumphs, he is not fully competent to understand Creon’s meaning, thus compelling him to seek the advice of Tiresias, who like Oedipus, has exhibited is a conduit for the gods. Oedipus implores, “My lord, in you alone we find a champion/in you alone one that can relief usWe happen to be in your hands; pains happen to be most nobly taken/to support another when you have means and power” (22, 23). Simply by pleading to Tiresias to get help in deciphering Apollo’s communication, Oedipus displays that guys are not only subservient to gods, but that they can be also subservient to different men based on status and ability.

By simply recognizing the importance and need for putting the needs of others before his own, Oedipus is become a main character. Moreover, he could be willing to sacrifice his well-being for the well-being of Thebes, and although it psychologically, psychologically, and physically pains him to correct his earlier wrongs, this individual does the right thing and leaves Thebes so that it can be restored to its past glory.

Whilst Oedipus Rex looks into the subservient romantic relationship of person and the gods, Antigone looks at the effects of overlooking this romance between guy and the gods and of placing self-interest above the interests more. In Antigone, three several power mechanics are shown. Like Oedipus Rex, Antigone explores the ability dynamic among man and gods plus the power powerful between men based on their socio-political position. Additionally , a third power energetic is introduced: the power powerful between women and men. As Antigone discusses her intentions with Ismene, her sister, Ismene attempts to dissuade her by arguing, “You must realize our company is only women/not meant in nature to fight against men, /and that we happen to be ruled, simply by those who are stronger, /to compliance in this and much more painful matters” (Sophocles, Antigone, 163). Ismene’s argument can be interesting for several reasons. As an example, Ismene states people should never do what is right, but instead holds persons should do as they are told. Additionally , Ismene’s discussion introduces the idea that women are subservient to men since it is unnatural for females and men to be equivalent and because ladies are supposed to be subservient to prospects who will be stronger than they are. The development of sex being a factor in identifying an individual’s position and situation in the world allows the reader to understand power would not only are derived from gods or perhaps rulers, but was also based on sex.

Yet , because “[the] savage heart of a fierce, ferocious father” confirmed itself in Antigone, the girl was adamant harm to what was right regardless of power, whether bestowed by sexual intercourse or cultural status (179). Also, Antigone is unwilling to accept that strength is known as a contributing factor in determining precisely what is right and what is incorrect. She contends that precisely what is right is usually not always legitimate, yet she is willing to risk her life to make sure both her siblings are given right burials. Antigone claims, “I myself shall bury [Polynieces]. Will probably be good/to perish, so doingI shall be a criminal – but a spiritual one” (163-164). Additionally , as a result of her family’s past and what happened with her father, Oedipus, Antigone is aware the consequences of attempting to defy the gods and the damaging ramifications that is to be faced inside the afterlife in the event that certain work rights are generally not performed and therefore is possibly more ready to face the results of disobeying man’s laws than encounter the consequences of disobeying keen law. This can be further backed through her argument with Ismene since she says, “It can be not for him to keep me from my, ” which usually further asserts how Antigone views her place in the world (163). By claiming Creon does not have power to maintain her via her individual, Antigone establishes that there is a greater power that has to be obeyed.

Furthermore, when she is confronted by Creon about her disregard to get his laws, Antigone expounds her location by stating, “[It] had not been Zeus that made the proclamation; /nor did Rights, which lives with individuals below, enact/such laws because that to get mankind. Some believe/your déclaration had this kind of power to enable/one who will sooner or later die to override/God’s laws, unwritten and secure” (178). Unlike Creon, Antigone realizes that man is usually subservient for the gods most of all and it is certainly not man’s place, or in cases like this Creon’s, to try to overthrow what is regarded as holy. Antigone keeps that male’s laws just affect individuals while they may be alive, whereas divine regulations will influence an individual intended for eternity.

In Antigone, Creon, who has therefore ascended the Theban throne, is more concerned with people submitting to him and his laws than the effects of him forcing Thebes to put besides long revered divine regulations and practices. Ultimately, Creon’s manmade requires, and the pressure put on Antigone to submit to them, expense Creon every thing he features. His child Haemon does suicide after Antigone weighs herself and Queen Eurydice also kills herself after finding out Creon had the strength to prevent these kinds of tragedies but refused for this.

Through the analysis of electrical power dynamics plus the relationships between man and gods, you is able to appreciate how individuals viewed themselves within their society regarding those that governed them in addition to relation to their particular religious morals. In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus is willing to do what is right even if it costs him his life, which is likewise echoed by Antigone in Antigone; unfortunately, Creon is not willing to appear beyond his desires to totally realize that precisely what is needed is not necessarily what is wanted.

Component II

Bea Sexton’s “Where I Are in This Professional House from the Laurel Tree, ” although written in the 20th century, echoes designs found in Traditional and Intimate poetry. In “Where I Live in This Honorable Residence of the Laurel Tree, inch Sexton attempts to provide a tone of voice for Daphne, a cock hungry sluts who in attempt to get away Apollo, was transformed into a laurel shrub. Through the poem’s narrative, Sexton incorporates the concepts of Eros, fable, and metamorphosis, in addition to transcendence allowing Daphne, the poem’s deduced narrator, to voice her discontents.

The sorrow and lamentation felt by the unnamed Daphne in “Where We Live in This kind of Honorable Residence of the Lauro Tree” is a consequence to be transformed from a free running around nymph who had been relentlessly receive claims from Apollo, whom, like most of the characters in Ovid’s Mutates

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