moral issues essay

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pupils who planned to cheat on their schoolwork, or have scammed, especially in senior high school. To me, this meets the criteria for a moral dilemma, especially in circumstances where I have had the opportunity to join in within this. Now, one could think that this maybe is usually not a meaningful issue because it is clearly resistant to the rules, however the reality is that true moral dilemmas, where no choice is a good choice, are harder to come by. Might be in a overcome situation or something. So this will have to do.

The text paperwork that many people are governed by way of a own moral codes, and this there might be instances when these rules are challenged. This, to me, is portion of the growth of anyone, and such scenarios help you perform define what their moral code really is. For example, I would state there are three reasonable responses for the above mentioned situation. The foremost is that you can join in. The second is that you just ignore that. The third is that you survey it. My personal values come from my parents, and a certain Kantian absolutism about things like cheating. You simply usually do not do it.

There are other ways of framing the ethical dilemma, however. Initial, you can frame it in a consequentialist method, taking the posture that it does not really damage anybody. That affects the grade, therefore you were gonna graduate anyways, and sometimes this stuff arise if you are taking a course you have to consider, but normally have no affinity for. It doesn’t connect with me, but think of the pre-med that has to take a language credit, yet otherwise does not have any earthly interest in Shakespeare. Sufferers aren’t going to die since they conned on their Othello exam. What a consequentialist take on the issue, and a lot of people who have are willing to produce such rationalizations.

Other people argue that one should not do anything that may be against the rules. The text remarks that the guidelines may be the actual rules from the school, or they might be rules based on religious views that the person retains, either way liable to a higher power, just different on how excessive. A similar perspective is that 1 shouldn’t take action because it is wrong. But one more view is the fact one should not cheat on the schoolwork since it hurts them. You analyze things to find out them, and once you defraud, you keep yourself from that chance for learning and growth. Could be the pre-med student needs to have read William shakespeare because it causes them to be a more well-rounded person, and because those takes on tackle some fundamental human being issues. For me, this was the overriding ethical code. My experience was that if I experienced cheated if the opportunity came about, I would end up being wasting an opportunity to learn some thing valuable. We can all joke about how useless some points we learn in high school graduation are, nevertheless who will be we really to say. All learning has worth – which is a philosophy I actually picked up by my parents and this guided me in my decision making. I decided that cheating will shortchange me personally, and I had not been willing to accomplish that. Thus, I had a ethical obligation to myself, and acted during my own self-interest by doing my own work and not cheating for the exam.

The text discusses the whistleblower issue. It is interesting that the meaningful thought processes are different. I may have confronted consequences from my guy students. Right now there would have been no benefit for me to be considered a whistle blower. This is consistent with the moral prospect that I possess. I decided that it was not for me personally because I would personally be cheating myself, nevertheless I have zero obligation to buy others. It is good to say no responsibility to the institution, nor to uphold any kind of universal group of values. If other people want

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