mr invoice bryson article

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26 Medbig Street




GT71 29Q

seventeenth September 2005

Mr Bill Shelmerdine

671 Bloomfield Road




Dear Mister Bryson

My name is

Mr Bill Shelmerdine and I am a director with the Blackpool holiday board. We

would initially like to say that I was surprised an shocked at everything you wrote

about Blackpool. I could not believe some of the horrible language you used to

explain Blackpool. Most of00 what you composed and most with the things you

stated were simply predigest and much too judgemental and you only used 1

point of view, yours. You never bothered get out and ask the people that

were visiting each of our home town and you hardly ever even bothered to ask a single person

that occupied Blackpool the actual thought about that. To be honest We would

not say that all of document was awful, you declared Blackpool never failed

to amaze both you and you also stated that Blackpool had more visitors last

year than Greece that was all correct, but then you started to say that

people were applying doorways being a place to urinate, but I actually am a hundred

percent sure that Blackpool town council provide enough open public toilets intended for

everyone. We also thought that this point was exaggerated a bit. I would

like to know how a large number of people you saw urinating in a threshold. The only

individuals who would make use of a doorway like a toilet happen to be people with not any respect pertaining to

others and also have no value for Blackpool either.

Ben Shelmerdine

I used to be not very delighted by the way you changed back to saying that Blackpool

was effective and then adopted that up by telling everyone that Blackpool

has increased its visitor numbers by 7 percent where as anywhere else of

persons taking a traditional seaside vacation has dropped by a 5th.

After that you then start to solid aspirations in Blackpool once again by contacting

it unattractive, dirty and a long way by anywhere, after which you phone the sea in

Blackpool an open toilet, but since you had searched it you will have identified

out that it is now expending has gained awards. You also would have discovered

that it is muggy dark brown colour is because of the algae and darker sand on the sea

foundation. After all this kind of you have the nerve to call our attractions cheap

provincial and dire however they seemed to entice you after all of the good

comments info and how costly amazing eyesight. You explained in your part

that you had been hearing and reading information which naturally means that

not prejudiced individuals have enjoyed then or you would not have irritated to

our home town. The most frustrating element of your piece was to kept

criticising the illuminations, especially the section where you wrote But

in terms of a disappointment it would be hard to exceed Blackpools mild show.

And If you had hardly ever seen electricity in action, it might be pretty

wonderful, but My spouse and i am not really sure of that. as well All this just looked like

tacky and inadequate about rather a great scale, just like Blackpool by itself. I was

incredibly upset with this section. You must have thought that the illuminations

were quite good because you call these people a stage show. I finally got the

impression of what kind of man you are at the final of your content where you

state you had been looked at like some sort of southern pansy when you called for

tartar sauce, I got the impression of any spoilt little child crying and moping because

this individual cant include what this individual wants in a judgemental mans brain. I would like to

ask you a few questions before I surface finish my letter for example if Blackpool

can be as bad whenever you describe this to be why do some of us get more tourists than Greece?

And how come do 6. 5 mil people arrive to Blackpool each year? And one previous

question in the event that our illuminations are so poor why are they popular. I hope I possess

made you believe more obviously about your document and how you described

Blackpool and I can wait over a reply.

Yours Sincerely

Ben Shelmerdine.

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